10 research outputs found

    The Impact of TEEAL on the usage of AGORA in Academic and Research Institutions in Uganda

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    The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) and the Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) are key information support programs in learning, teaching, and research. They provide access to relevant scientific evidence, in agriculture and related sciences. While AGORA was introduced in Uganda in 2005, TEEAL was introduced earlier as a “Library in a Box” and later as LAN-TEEAL. With the recent increase in acquisition of TEEAL sets at a number of academic and research institutions in Uganda and with the TEEAL and AGORA campaigns through the training organized under the Information Training and Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA), it is not clear how TEEAL has impacted on Agricultural research and on the usage of AGORA as an online program in Uganda. The aim of his paper was to explore how TEEAL is used compared to its counterpart, AGORA. The key question to this study relates to respondents’ preference among the two programs and the underlying reasons. An online questionnaire was used to gather responses regarding preference and use of the two programs by students, academics, librarians, IT specialists, and researchers at the various institutions in Uganda. The study was informed by a review of literature from related studies. Findings from 59 respondents indicate that all (100%) the respondents had an idea of TEEAL while for AGORA it was 58 (98.3%) respondents. Of the respondents, 52.5% preferred TEEAL to AGORA because it required no internet access, although the majority believed that AGORA was more important than TEEAL, due to the coverage of more relevant online scientific literature. The most prominent challenges to TEEAL and AGORA were network failures and slow internet, respectively. TEEAL and AGORA were both acknowledged to be very vital resources for academic and research institutions in Uganda. TEEAL mainly had one advantage over AGORA and that is being an offline resource that can be used in institutions with unreliable and inadequate internet. AGORA was also found to have an advantage over TEEAL in that it had a wider content coverage. The most common strategy for improving the use of both programs, as stated by the respondents, was increasing awareness through training and marketing. It was thus recommended that the program hosts utilize the results of this study to improve the utilization of these vital agricultural databases through further training and awareness. It was also recommended that institutions be advised to strengthen their IT infrastructure to support the programs and ensure effective use, for increasing their academic and research output

    Chemical investigation of Methanolic Extract of Piper betle Linn (Leaf stalk)

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    oai:ojs2.sriopenjournals.com:article/21Natural products have been a major source of drugs for centuries. The leaf stalk of Piper betle is used traditionally known to be useful for the treatment of various diseases like bad breath, boils and abscesses, conjunctivitis, constipation, headache, itches, mastitis, mastoiditis, leucorrhoea, otorrhoea, swelling of gum, rheumatism, cuts, and injuries. The main objective of this study is to carry out a phytochemical analysis of the methanol crude extract of the leaf stalk of P. betle. Phytochemical screening on this crude extract revealed the presence of phenols, alkaloids, steroids, terpenes, saponins, and flavonoids. After silica gel column chromatography, the crude extract led to the isolation of compound- 2-[4′-(3″-methylbut-2-en-oxy)-(3′,5′-dimethoxy)phenyl]-5-hydroxy-7-methoxy-Chromone-4 (PBT-V). Characterization of this compound was achieved via spectroscopic methods (NMR, UV, mass spectroscopy, and IR)

    Entomologists’ Utilization of Electronic Information Resources at Makerere University, and National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda

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    The concept of electronic resources had tremendously been adopted by most societies due to its associated value. Technology advancement has been a major driving force for this dynamic shift of access to information. Such a technology requirement may be in the form of hardware such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones, or software. These resources help researchers and scholars to access information conveniently at any time and from any location. Insects are a major component of the ecosystem. Some insects are very destructive such as giant looper, caterpillars and locusts, while others such as bees and grasshoppers are beneficial. While agriculturalists continue to experience losses due to pests, some solutions already exist and can be accessed online. It is therefore the role of experts like entomologists who should retrieve the technical information from various sources and provide meaningful solutions to the local farmers. This paper aims to address the gap in information services provided by institutions and information personnel, for improved utilization of electronic resources by teachers, researchers, and postgraduate students, of Entomology at Makerere University and National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). The study employed a mixed-methods research paradigm. An Interview guide, questionnaire, and observation guide were used to collect data from Entomologists. Data was captured using Epidata (V. 3.1), analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS (V.21) to obtain the frequencies and relationships in response to the research questions. Data were presented in tables and graphs for appropriate interpretation. Results from the study indicated that Entomologists were aware of the availability of E-Resources at their institutions. It was also established that the internet was largely utilized in the search for information, and searches from Google Scholar and AGORA databases were more prominent. The majority of the Entomologists were found to prefer E-Resources to print resources and that they mainly depended on E-Resources under their institutional subscriptions. Entomologists were found to have a diversity of information needs, but they largely searched for information on the biology and physiology of insects. The major challenge encountered by Entomologists in the use of E-Resources was the slow internet speed resulting from limited bandwidth. This study practically and theoretically, contributes to Information services at institutions. It isolates Entomologists from other researchers and provides conclusive solutions to societal problems resulting from hindrances to information access

    Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Study of Vanadium (V) oxide using Alkoxide Precursor

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    The present study is aimed to synthesize V2O5 using V(ORi)3 precursor and study its anti-microbial activity. The V(ORi)3 was prepared by reaction of VCl3 and isopropanol alcohol. The synthesized V(ORi)3 was hydrolyzed to yield black V(OH)3 gel using concentrated HCl as gelling agent. Yellow V2O5 obtained by thermal treatment of V(OH)3 gel at110oC and 380oC. All products were characterized using FT-IR Spectroscopy method. IR spectral revealed to found V(ORi)3, V(OH)3 gel and V2O5 were formed. The V2O5 has been tested in vitro against numbers of microorganisms, to assess their antimicrobial activity using disc diffusion method, according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Guidelines. The results showed that V2O5 is active against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and partial active against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli    and Candida albicans. Antimicrobial Study of VO(OR)3 is required

    4-Dimensional Relativistic Quantum Mechanical Equilibrium in Gravitational-Electromagnetic Confinements: A Mathematical Framework in Quantum Physics for the quantization of mass, electric charge and magnetic spin

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    An important milestone in quantum physics was reached by the publication of the Relativistic Quantum Mechanical Dirac Equation in 1928. However, the Dirac equation represents a 1-Dimensional quantum mechanical equation which is unable to describe the 4-Dimensional Physical Reality. In this article, the 4-Dimensional Relativistic Quantum Mechanical Dirac Equation expressed in the vector probability functions and the complex conjugated vector probability function will be discussed. To realize this, the classical boundaries of physics has to be changed. It is necessary to go back in time more than 200 years ago before the Dirac Equation had been published. Isaac Newton who published in 1687 in the “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” a Universal Fundamental Principle in Physics was in Harmony with Science and Religion. Newton found the concept of “Universal Equilibrium” which he mentioned in his famous third equation, Action = Reaction. This article presents a New Kind of Physics based on this Universal Fundamental Concept in Physics which results in a New Approach in Quantum Physics and General Relativity. The physical concept of quantum mechanical probability waves has been originated during the famous 5th Solvay Conference in 1927. During that period there were several circumstances that came together and made it possible to create a unique idea of material waves being complex (partly real and partly imaginary) and describing the probability of the appearance of a physical object (elementary particle). The idea of complex probability waves was new in the beginning of the 20th century. Since then the New Concept has been protected carefully within the Copenhagen Interpretation.   When Schrödinger published his well-known material wave equation in 1926, he found spherical and elliptical solutions for the presence of the electron within the atom. The first idea of the material waves in Schrödinger's wave equation was the concept of confined Electromagnetic Waves. But according to Maxwell, this was impossible. According to Maxwell's equations, Electromagnetic Waves can only propagate along straight lines and it is impossible that Light (Electromagnetic Waves) could confine with the surface of a sphere or an ellipse. For that reason, these material waves in Schrödinger's wave equation could only be of a different origin than Electromagnetic Waves. Niels Bohr introduced the concept of “Probability Waves” as the origin of the material waves in Schrödinger’s wave equation. And defined the New Concept that the electron was still a particle but the physical presence of the electron in the Atom was equally divided by a spherical probability function. In the New Theory, it will be demonstrated that because of a mistake in the Maxwell Equations, in 1927 Confined Electromagnetic waves could not be considered to be the material waves expressed in Schrödinger's wave equation. The New Theory presents a new equation describing electromagnetic field configurations which are also solutions of the Schrodinger's wave equation and the relativistic quantum mechanical Dirac Equation and carry mass, electric charge, and magnetic spin at discrete values

    Phytochemical Screening and Elemental Analysis of Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Datura innoxia Seeds and Leaves

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    The present study is aimed to screen the phytochemicals analysis and elements content of Datura innoxia seeds and leaves. The aqueous and methanol extracts were carried out by using the maceration method and soxhlet apparatus, respectively. Results of the study of Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of a high concentration of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids and triterpines, and low concentration of saponin and coummarins. The elements in the leaves and seeds (K, Ca, S, Si, Cl, Fe, Al, P, Mg, Ti, Mn, Zn, Sr, Cu, V, Br, and Zr) were determined by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectroscopy. K content was the highest in seeds (5.469 ± 0.021%), Ca and S the highest in leaves (2.461 ± 0.019 %, 1.254 ± 0.022 %, respectively). The elements Ti, Mn, Sr, V, Br, and Zr were detected in the leaves with range concentration 0.062-0.002 %. The elements Si, Cl, Fe, Al, P, Mg, and Zn concentration in seeds varied from 0.002 to 0.942% and in leaves varied from 0.014 to 0.346%. The concentration of these elements did not exceed the standard of dangerous toxic levels

    Building the Capacity of African Health Sciences Librarians in the Development and Conduct of Systematic Reviews: The Initiative of African Medical Librarians

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    While African health sciences librarians’ role as expert searchers is widely recognized, they have much more to contribute to supporting the development and conduct of systematic reviews. Research evidence has indicated that the librarians rarely participate in the development and conduct of systematic reviews because they are either not called upon to be part, or do not have the skills to participate. Moreover, few librarians who have participated are from outside Africa. Keeping this in mind, the Network of African Medical Librarians (NAML) conducted a pre-AHILA Conference training workshop to introduce participants, specifically the librarians, to the systematic review process. The regional conference for health librarians took place in Ibadan, Nigeria from 14-18 October 2019. This paper evaluates the impact of training of African health sciences librarians in the conduct of systematic reviews. Participants' evaluation feedback was collected using pre and post-training surveys. A mixed-method was employed to gather and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. The results indicated that the main barriers to librarians’ participation in systematic reviews were lack of skills due to insufficient training and lack of time. This paper is expected to encourage the librarians to advocate for further skills development, in addition to their normal information searching roles. Their participation in the systematic review process would make them, not just relevant but dependable collaborators of systematic review teams, as they participate in improving systematic review reporting

    Coronavirus Pathogenesis and the Emerging Pathogen Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

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    COVID-19, the ailment brought about by SARS-CoV-2, is an exceptionally infectious illness. The World Health Organization has proclaimed the progressing episode to be a worldwide general wellbeing crisis. Right now, the exploration of SARS-CoV-2 is in its essential stages. In view of the currently distributed proof, this audit methodically sums up the study of disease transmission, clinical attributes, findings, treatment, and anticipation of COVID-19. It is trusted that this survey will assist the general population in recognizing and managing SARS-CoV-2, and it will serve as a reference for future investigations

    Evaluation of Property Management System (E-property) in Owerri Municipal Imo State, Southeast Nigeria

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    Property management system is a complete end-to-end solution to cover all aspects of Estate day to day activity and property buying and selling procedures for large and small organizations. The objective of this work is to develop and design an e-property management system that will automate all processes of property management to make information concerning properties available on demand. I was motivated by the problems associated with the manual property management such as loss of property documents, sales of the property with fake property documents, the conspiracy of fraudsters with the staff of the ministry of lands as well as the numerous litigations and other violent acts associated with manual property management. The software engineering methodology adopted is a structured system analysis and design methodology. The expected result is to develop a property management software that will guarantee the effective and efficient management of properties that can reduce illegal practices associated with property management

    Stress Response Pathways in Dairy Cattle: A Brief Review

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    Stress is an external event or condition that places a strain on a biological system. The animal response to stress involves the expenditure of energy to remove or reduce the impact of stress. This increases the maintenance requirements of the animal and results in loss of production. The biological response to stress is divided into acute and chronic phases, with the acute phase lasting hours to a few days, and the chronic phase lasting several days to weeks. The acute response is driven by homeostatic regulators of the nervous and endocrine systems and the chronic phase by homeorhetic regulators of the endocrine system. Both responses involve alterations in energy balance and metabolism. The thermal environment affects all animals and therefore represents the largest single stressor in animal production. Other types of stressors include housing conditions, overcrowding, social rank, disease, and toxic compounds. "Acclimation" to stress is a phenotypic response developed by the animal to an individual stressor within the environment. Acclimation is a homeorhetic process that takes several weeks to occur and occurs via homeorhetic, not homeostatic, mechanisms. It is a phenotypic change that disappears when the stress is removed. Milk yield and reproduction are extremely sensitive to stress because of the high energy and protein demands of lactation and the complexity of the reproductive process and multiple organs that are involved. Improvements in the protection of animals against stress require improved education of producers to recognize stress and methods for estimating the degree of stress on animals