199 research outputs found

    Elektrodekolorisasi Zat Warna Remazol Violet 5r Menggunakan Elektroda Grafit

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    Research of decolorization technique development with electrolysis method used graphite electrodes and Na2SO4 as the electrolyte solution has been done. This study was conducted to assess the capabilities of graphite electrodes in electrodecolorizer cell and the adding effect of Na2SO4 in remazol violet 5R dyes decolorization. the assessment on electrodecolorizer cell performance had been done by electrolyzing 50 ml solution of remazol violet 5R, at 5 V of voltage in the Na2SO4 electrolyte solution. The electrolysis had been done based on the variation of the contact time, up to 120 minutes. On the other hand, study on the adding effect of the Na2SO4 salt solution had been done by the absorbance measuring of the remazol violet 5R dye remained in the solution, as the result of electrolysis process in the various concentrations of Na2SO4: 0.025 ; 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 M. The result shows that electrolysis using graphite electrode on the elektrodecolorization process of the remazol violet 5R dye, has dye digression capability up to 83% for 90 minutes without precipitate forming. The elektrodecolorization kinetics reaction of the violet Remazol-5R dye, appropriate to the first order reaction kinetics equation with a coefficient of reaction rate 0.017 ppm/minute. While the variation of the salt concentration in electrolysis process, showing that the percentage of the remazol violet 5R dye degraded increased along with the amount of Na2SO4 concentrations used. Based on UV-Vis spectrophotometry analysis, there is no absorption spectra observed at a wavelength of 200-700 nm in the violet Remazol-5R dye solution after electrolysis process. It means that the chromophore group of the remazol violet 5R, had been degraded

    Sistem Terintegrasi Portal Web Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Menggunakan Metode Grabbing

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    Website is one of the tools used State Islamic University to facilitate and share information - their current information. However, with so many websites makes the user (users) difficult to obtain such information at a time. Users are required to open the website one by one which takes quite a long time.This study uses web grabbing technique or what is often referred to as web scrapping / web fetching, the technique of taking content from a server or website and display it in the system. In its implementation, the system uses the PHP cURL library which is used to retrieve the content of the website. Integrated web portal system is able to retrieve contents the latest information of website and be able to display it back on the system without need to enter or change the data. This system is very useful for users who need the latest informations

    Application of Cutting Stock Problem in Minimizing the Waste of Al-Quran Cover

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    Cutting stock problem is the problem of cutting standard-sized pieces of stock material, such as vinyl rolls (synthetic leather) into pieces of specified sizes while minimizing material wasted. The study of cutting stock problem is expected to provide an alternative solution to publishing industrial. This study examines the cutting stock problem based on illustrative example of Quran Publisher using the integer programming. The problem is transformed into optimization model so that it can be solved using solver menu in Microsoft Excel. The results provide decision that meets the consumer demand and has a minimum waste of raw material that used for Al-Quran cover

    Upaya Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses, Sikap Ilmiah, Dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Materi Sifat Koligatif Larutan Melalui Metoeksper Pada Peserta Didik SMA Negeri 4 Sampit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) apakah metoeksper dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses kimia materi sifat koligatif larutan pada peserta didik kelas XII IPA SMA Negeri 4 Sampit, (2) apakah metoeksper dapat meningkatkan sikap ilmiah kimia materi sifat koligatif larutan pada peserta didik kelas XII IPA SMA Negeri 4 Sampit, dan (3) apakah metoeksper dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kimia materi sifat koligatif larutan pada peserta didik kelas XII IPA SMA Negeri 4 Sampit. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas atau PTK yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif. Penelitian berlangsung dalam 3 (tiga) siklus yang masing-masing terdiri atas 2 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, serta refleksi dan evaluasi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, ujian, dan wawancara. Analisis data keterampilan proses dan sikap ilmiah peserta didik dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menghitung rerata skor ideal dan simpangan baku skor ideal yang diperoleh, serta membandingkan skor empiris dengan skor ideal. Analisis hasil belajar dilakukan dengan cara menghitung jawaban yang benar dan salah, setiap jawaban benar diberi skor satu dan jawaban salah diberi skor nol. Kriteria keberhasilan yang ditetapkan untuk masing-masing indikator keterampilan proses mencapai kategori Baik total skor 27,6 – 33,9; sikap ilmiah mencapai kategori Baik total skor 47,6-58,7, dan kriteria keberhasilan hasil belajar adalah kategori Baik 76-99. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah diterapkan metoeksper dengan pendekatan keterampilan proses dan sikap ilmiah, terjadi peningkatan rerata hasil belajar dari siklus I hingga ke siklus III. (1) keterampilan proses kimia peserta didik mengalami peningkatan rerata dari 26,3; 27,2; 32,8 pada skala Sedang s.d. Baik (2) sikap ilmiah peserta didik mengalami peningkatan rerata dari 45,3; 47,7; 56,2 pada skala Baik s.d Baik dan (3) hasil belajar kimia peserta didik mengalami peningkatan bila dilihat dari rerata persentase antara pre-test dengan post-test siklus I yaitu dari 60,4% menjadi 63,9% ; rerata persentase antara pre-test dengan post-test siklus II yaitu dari 71,3% menjadi 75,7%; dan rerata persentase antara pre-test dengan post-test siklus III yaitu dari 78,8% menjadi 80,2

    Pengaruh Pemberian Legin, Pupuk Npk (15:15:15) Dan Urea Pada Tanah Gambut Terhadap Kandungan N, P Total Pucuk Dan Bintil Akar Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.)

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    The aim of this study was to know the effects of legin application, NPK(15;15:15) and urea fertilizer on peat soils on the shoot total N, P content and nodule development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replications were used in this experiment. The first factor was three levels of Rhizobium inoculation (legin), i.e. L0 : without inoculation, L1: 5 g and L2 : 10 g/seed, respectively. The second factor was three levels of NPK fertilizer, i.e. N0 : without NPK, N1 : 0,75 g and N2 : 1,75 g/polybag, respectively. The third factor was three levels of urea fertilizer, i.e. U0 :without urea, U1 : 0,5 g and U2 : urea 1,5 g/polybag, respectively. Plants were grown on 500 g of sterile peat soils added by dolomite and harvested at six weeks after planting. The measured parameters including effective nodule number and nodule dry weight, shoot total P content and shoot total N content. Collected data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (Anova), followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5 % level of significant. The result of this experiment showed that legin, NPK and urea fertilizer application could increase effective nodule number, nodule dry weight, shoot total N content and shoot total P content. However, increased fertilizer concertation would decrease effective nodule number, nodule dry weight and shoot total N content but not shoot total P content. Lower NPK or urea fertilizer application was needed for early growth of soybean. NPK fertilizer application gave better growth than urea fertilizer

    Pengendalian Persediaan Menggunakan Simulasi Berbasis Spreadsheet (Studi Kasus: Jaringan Toko Sepatu Olahraga)

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    A sports shoe store retail business whose sales are closely related to the ongoing trend when it. On the other hand, intense market competition and meet the market\u27s appetite to add complexity and uncertainty that led to inventory planning are probabilistic. Demand variability, lead time is uncertain, and suppliers who require the purchase of serially into the challenges faced by retail sports shoes. To make decisions in situations such supplies can be used simulation approach. This study presents a spreadsheet-based simulation approach to resolve montecarlo inventory decisions. Spreadsheet application aids chosen because commonly used in a variety of companies. Simulation model was built by using Visual Basic for Application to perform computational mode. Simulation aims to (1) determine the time and the number of reservations that a minimum total inventory cost, (2) to decrease inventory costs against corporation existing condition. Computational results are executed to achieve steady state is able to provide a reduction in total inventory costs significantly

    Pengembangan Modul IPA Terpadu Berbasis Sains-lingkungan-teknologi-masyarakat (Salingtemas) Dengan Tema Teknologi Biogas

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    This study aims to develop the module based Integrated science environment technology society (SETS), knowing the quality of modules according to matter experts, media specialists and science teachers SMP / MTs, as well as the response of students to the module. Integrated Science is the study or the development of Research and Development (R & D) procedural models, the model is descriptive, showing the steps to be followed to produce the product. The procedure follows the development of Borg and Gall procedures that can be done more simply by involving five major steps: 1) to analyze the product to be developed; 2) develop the initial product, 3) validation of the expert and revision, 4) small-scale field trials and revision of the product; 5) large- scale field trials and the final product. The results of the module-based Integrated Science (SETS) with the theme of biogas technology. Based on an assessment matter experts, media specialists and science teachers SMP/MTs module Integrated IPA has developed a very good quality with score of 87.69 of the ideal of matter experts, 76.78 of the ideal score of media expert, and 77.75 of the ideal score of teacher SMP/MTs. As for the students\u27 responses on a small scale field trials and large-scale field trials get very good response with score of 78.75 of the ideal in small-scale field trials and 81.17 of the ideal score on a scale field trials great
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