12,294 research outputs found

    Electrode design for electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping

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    An electrohydrodynamic conduction liquid pumping system includes a vessel configured to contain a liquid or a liquid/vapor therein. This vessel can be of a elongate conduit configuration, an elongate channel configuration or a liquid enclosure configuration. At least a single pair of electrodes are disposed in a spaced apart relation to each other on the vessel and configured to be oriented in the liquid. A power supply is coupled to the electrodes and operable to generate electric fields in between the pair of electrodes, the electric forces inducing a net liquid movement relative to the vessel. Various electrode designs are embraced within the concept of this invention

    Proceedings of the XLIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics

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    This Proceedings of the XLIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2013) contains summaries of some of the outstanding research presented at the 2013 meeting. The 2013 Symposium was held at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, Illinois over September 15–20. The Symposium was jointly organized by the IIT College of Science and the High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory. More than 100 participants from nearly 20 countries participated in the Symposium to review progress and discuss upcoming issues in the fields of high-energy physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics. The International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD) is a major international high-energy conference which attracts participants with a common interest in reactions involving a large number of particles. From the beginning, the goal was to bring experimentalists and theorists together to discuss all aspects multiparticle dynamics, from new analysis techniques to the latest discoveries.Sponsorship: IIT College of Science, High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laborator

    A Soccer Stadium for the Community of Phoenix

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    This project is a Major League Soccer stadium in Phoenix, AZ. It is built with the intention to provide both a place for sports entertainment and a landmark unique to a neighborhood of Pheonix. It incoporates local architectural practices, cultural references, and Olympic stadium design standards in order to create a site-specific architecture for sport

    Buffalo Food Path

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    Rehabilitation of "Kumbharwada", Dharavi Slums, Mumbai

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    Within the slums of India small and unventilated dwellings serve as multipurpose spaces where a families live as well as manufactures pottery products. In terms of production mechanisms, potter’s depend on conventional kilns which are shared between families. They use cotton dust, rags /wastes and diesel & oil soaked cotton as firing fuel which is serious cause of population & health hazards

    IIT's Workshops for Integrating Ethics into Technical Courses : Some Lessons Learned

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    In 1990, IIT's Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions received a grant of more than 210,000fromtheNationalScienceFoundationtotryacampus−wideapproachtointegratingprofessionalethicsintoitstechnicalcurriculum;in1996,theCenterreceivedanother210,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum; in 1996, the Center received another 100,000 to continue the project, with the emphasis on passing along to other institutions what was learned at IIT; and, in 2000, the Center received a third grant for three years, with the same emphasis, for $244,000. Between 1990 and 2004, more than 160 faculty “graduated” from the workshop and another dozen or so attended as unofficial volunteers. I was the principal investigator under all three grants, but shared the work with three co-PIs, the “we” in what follows. Though I generally prefer to emphasize what we did right, emphasizing what I now think we should have done differently should be more helpful here. There are at least three reasons why that should be so. First, I have already made many presentations, including several in Japan, arguing the (very real) merits of what we did. While repetition can help to make a point, sooner or later, though usually sooner, the effect of repetition ceases to repay the effort. I fear I may have reached that point. Second, I have nowhere before said much about what now seem mistakes —or, at least, lost opportunities. Discussing them here should add to what is known about ethics workshops. Adding to that knowledge seems worthy in itself. Third, you are already committed to ethics across the curriculum. The question before you now is how to carry out that commitment. I believe there is much to learn from our mistakes. We certainly learned much from the mistakes of those whose workshops we studied before undertaking our own. Running that workshop included the following activities: recruiting, scheduling, content, and research. For each activity, I will first briefly explain what we did and then what I now think we should have done.Teaching Ethics, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 1-1

    Eat Local Cleveland

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    PD-L1 is expressed on human platelets and is affected by immune checkpoint therapy

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    Cancer immunotherapy has been revolutionised by drugs that enhance the ability of the immune system to detect and fight tumors. Immune checkpoint therapies that target the programmed death-1 receptor (PD-1), or its ligand (PD-L1) have shown unprecedented rates of durable clinical responses in patients with various cancer types. However, there is still a large fraction of patients that do not respond to checkpoint inhibitors, and the challenge remains to find cellular and molecular cues that could predict which patients would benefit from these therapies. Using a series of qualitative and quantitative methods we show here that PBMCs and platelets from smokers and patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) or lung cancer express and up-regulate PD-L1 independently of tumor stage. Furthermore, treatment with Atezolizumab, a fully humanised monoclonal antibody against PD-L1, in 4 patients with lung cancer caused a decrease in PD-L1 expression in platelets, which was restored over 20 days. Altogether, our findings reveal the expression of the main therapeutic target in current checkpoint therapies in human platelets and highlight their potential as biomarkers to predict successful therapeutic outcomes
