3,635 research outputs found

    The Asian Values in Singapore`s Context of Use. The Curbsides of the Singapore`s Model of Democracy

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    Out of a sense of nationhood or out of mere circumstantial and specific relatings to a national context, it is altogether visible that anti-universalist debate is making headway in international relations, in cultural studies and in the political science, if we are to classify a broader consultation of events.This article is aimed at presenting how the Western ideas can be seen, in examination, as artificial structures, in the national context of Asia. The Asian Values are a very interesting evaluative specimen of the anti-universalist orations. In the case of many Asian states, they created settled forms of government, having an especial adaptation with the originating incidents that were their birthplace. With the inward of these units of contextualization, we will turn to the conferral of the Singapore democracy model and to its germane bloc and bond with the Asian Values. We will interrelate a personal conspectus regarding the correctness of the seal of fastening between the Asian Values and Singapore`s democracy model

    Sustainable Strategies for Destination Management

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    Sustainability becomes a primary concern for international destinations. The aim of this research is to analyse the development of a destination and its sustainability in terms of economic sustainability. For the purpose of this research, initially the knowledge and research on sustainability in the context of tourism with a focus on economical dimension is discussed. Further, the importance of sustainability for destinations is explained. This is followed by a discussion on Turkey in terms of economic sustainability. As such a SWOT analysis is conducted for Turkey. Therefore, it is intended to draw a roadmap for tourism planners operating in this country for a better understanding of the concept of sustainability for their success. Finally, recommendations are drawn on the wellbeing and sustainability of the destinations in the conclusion

    The Integrated Educational System. The Impact of Information Technology on the Educational Process

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    SEI (computerized educational system) governmental program, initiated in 2001, is a national approach whose objective is to computerize the education system by giving schools the necessary equipment, by designing a large number of software for the interaction student-contents of subjects taught, by offering psycho-pedagogical training to teachers in order to ensure the placing of the student at the centre of the teaching-learning process and by setting the premises of a computerized network as support of a modern management (Ilia F., 2003, p. 34). As a generic term, the "impact" envisaged in this paper is noticed in the analysis of the beneficiaries' opinions - managers, teachers, and students - about the usefulness and need of using the information technology in the education process. Probably the most significant answer obtained in this respect is the general opinion of students concerning the legitimacy of using the new technology in order to avoid socio-professional cast out.Most students consider that those who do not have access to a computer will be in a disadvantaged position later (90,4%), while only 8,7% think this issue is not important. The impact plans of the new technology on the educational process and system are countless, and determining them is a difficult and complex process. Anyway, a few incidence points have been found during the evaluation and they concern aspects of institutional development of schools, some implications for the professional training of teachers, as well as perceptions of beneficiaries regarding the effects of TIC (Information and Communication Technology) on students' proficiency and the development of digital skills

    The Implication of Capital Market Development on Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria Within the Framework of ARDL – Bound Testing Approach

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    This study examined the short run and long run effect of capital market on manufacturing output in Nigeria using Bound Test and Autoregressive Distributed Lag. The results of the unit root test revealed that manufacturing output, market capitalization, volume of transactions and all share price index were integrated at first difference. The study found evidence of long run relationship between manufacturing output, market capitalization, volume of transactions and all share price index as indicated by Bound Test. The result of the ARDL revealed that market capitalization had significant and positive effect on manufacturing output both in the long run and short run. Also, volume of transactions had positive effect on manufacturing sector output in the short run but negative in the long run while all share price index had negative and insignificant effect on manufacturing output both in the short run and long run. The result of the granger causality test showed that both market capitalization and all shared price index did not granger caused manufacturing sector output while volume of transaction granger cause manufacturing sector output.       The study thus concluded that, capital market has been partly ineffective in funding the activities of the manufacturing sector especially in the long run in Nigeria. The study recommended that there is need for relaxation and elimination of stringent rules and requirement for entering into the market by small, medium and large manufacturing companies in order to increase the rate of market capitalization in the market which attracts investable funds from idle sector of the economy. Finally, regulatory authorities should focused more on long term stability of the capital market through the formulation of stable macroeconomic policies in the economy.  &nbsp

    Convergence or Divergence between National and International View on Tangible Assets

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    A controversial subject at the present time is the issue of harmonization of accounting both at European level and globally. Although much has been made in bringing the accounting at a uniform level, this request it has not reached yet. A comparative study between the accounting treatment of fixed assets amounted to Romanian national regulations and in accordance with international rules, will bring out the best in show the similarities and differences between the regulations. The rules used for comparison will be OMFP 3055/2009, International Accounting Standard 16 – Tangible Assets and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 360

    Developing and managing product development for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa

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    This article examines new product development (NPD) in South African Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa.  The main aim of the research was to establish SMEs’ approach to developing and marketing new products. Problem investigated The high failure rate of SMEs originate from intense competitive and sustainable. One way for the SMEs to be competitive is by constantly developing new and unique products.  The problem is that it is not easy for SMEs to develop new products because they lack marketing skills to develop these new products.  Limited research was conducted on the marketing factors affecting new product development by SMEs in South Africa, which create a gap for this article.  Methodology Quantitative method was used to collect the data in the form of a survey.  The sample size for this study was 100 respondents. Purposive sampling was used as the researcher needed to reach a target sample quickly and the sampling for proportionality is not the main concern. The owners of SMEs were selected using the database to invite them to participate in the workshop therefore; the sample frame was readily available which minimized the selection bias.  The Cronbach alpha for the scale used was 0.872, indicating the satisfactory internal consistency reliability. Research Findings The researcher found that SME’s produce high quality products while the research also confirms that they offer a broad range of products. The research further finds that 71% of the SME have innovative ability to bring new products in the market, including improvement. Although SMEs appear to be doing good on factors like product quality, packaging and innovative ability, their products are not distinctive and unique while they also produce products that are not necessarily different from those of competitors. Significance of the research for South African SMEs of the research SMEs play a vital role in the economy of South Africa, therefore their sustainability is crucial. This study will contribute to the SMEs owners on factors to consider when developing a new product.  Since there is limited research on marketing factors affecting new product development, this study also shed light on how each factor can be incorporated and implemented during new product development process. Conclusion This study found that SMEs in South Africa are doing well in terms of implementing the marketing factors for new product development. Despite the outcomes indicating that the SMEs in South Africa seem to be doing well in terms of new product development and the marketing factors, it is worth noting that SMEs have different needs at different stages of development and they still need intense support from the government

    Psychotherapeutic Approach in Oncological Somatizations

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    Treating, with predilection, the problem of the oncological diseases, which take over boththe physical and the psychological side, in a marked way, meant to cause significant dislocations in thehuman existence, the proposed article thoroughly clarifies the sufferings of the mind, transposedthrough a wide process, in physiological form, the somatic pathology being in a continuous process ofintertwining with the psychological pathology, resulting in a broad clinical polymorphism, translatedinto oncological conditions. In this way, a psychotherapeutic approach, with a regulatory role, isnecessary, gradually pursuing the causes of a psychosomatic nature, which gradually establishes thedisease, the intervention of psycho-oncology having an indispensable character, adopting a series ofprocedures at different stages. of the condition, the importance of collaboration with the treatingphysician, the confrontation with the grim diagnosis, the role of the family in the psychologicalapproach and the compliance with the treatment completing the clinical picture

    Study on the School Inclusion of the Rhuman Ethnic Students

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    Inclusive education involves a permanent process of improving the school institution, withthe purpose of exploiting the existing resources, especially of human resources, to support theparticipation in the education process of all the students within a community. Inclusive education refersto eliminating all barriers to education and ensuring the participation of the vulnerable in terms ofexclusion and marginalization. Inclusive education or school involves the idea of reforming the schooland society as a whole, in order to respond to the wish, a society for all, that better responds to theneeds, potential and aspirations of all children, including those with special educational needs
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