2,447 research outputs found

    The Correlation Between Prior Knowledge and Skimming Ability in Reading Comprehension of Second Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department at STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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    Prior knowledge is believed to be one of the factors related to students\u27 reading comprehension. In reading, a student brings their experience about the topic to the act of reading to ease them comprehend the text. In this case, selection of reading techniques is very crucial. Among reading technique which depends on prior knowledge is skimming. When students are to skim the text, their prior knowledge will help them catch the gist of the text easily because they are familiar with the topic of the text.Therefore, this research tried to investigate the correlation between prior knowledge and skimming ability in reading comprehension

    Genre-based Course Book for Hospitality Departmentn in Surakarta

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    This research is aimed at designing ESP Course book at SMK Sahid Surakarta that mainly focus: To investigate the quality of existing learning book used in English teaching and learning at SMK especially in hospitality department and to describe the design of Genre-based ESP course book for hospitality department of SMK.This research and development was carried out in SMK Sahid Surakarta in the academic year of 2015/2016. The number of population was three classes (that consisted of the eighth grade of APH1,APH2, APH3. The samples were 30 students of APH1.The product of this study is the genre-based course book for hospitality department with integrated skills, syllabus and course grid as the models for lesson plan. The course book consists of standard competence, topics, basic competence (core material), general aims or indicators, teaching and learning activities, methods and media, assessment, the allotted time and sources of the materials. The role and design of instructional materials are a key to help teacher and students being bale to use language in specific context. The proposed course book consists of 2 units and each unit has a topic which is developed to 19 activities. The teaching activities included in the course book are starting point, modeling, joint construction, and independent construction. Such features are added as vocabulary notes, grammar point, useful expression, and for your information to support the fourth stages of activities

    Understanding the Use of Cohesion Devices and Coherence in Writing

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    To make sense of the writing, the writer needs to understand the use of cohesion devices and coherence. It is important that writing be coherent as well as cohesive. A text is cohesive if its elements are linked together, and a text is coherent if it makes sense. This paper titled “Understnding the use of Cohesion Devices and Coherence in Writing”. This study is aimed to know and understand the using of cohsion devices and coherence in students‟ writing. To make sense of the writing, the writer needs to understand the use of cohesion devices and coherence. It is important that writing be coherent as well as cohesive. This article discuss the concept of writing, cohesion devices, and coherence. The last, this article describe the importance of understanding the use of cohesion device and coherence in writing

    The Study of the Students\u27 Collocation Performance in Argumentative Writing

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    Collocation is used by most of the native speaker in both writing and speaking authentic English. This paper focused on knowing the students\u27 collocation knowledge by examining their lexical and grammatical collocation performance in their argumentative writing. This research, therefore, conducted by analyzing deeply 10 argumentative writings of the third semester students of PBI STAIN JuraiSiwo Metro in academic year 2013/2014. The result of this research showed that there were 41 % errors found in both lexical collocation  (25%) and grammatical collocation (16 %) in the students\u27 argumentative writing. It clearly means that students\u27 collocation knowledge still need to be improved.  Hence, teachers have an important role to play down the error in applying collocation

    Problem Solving of Non-equivalence Problems in English Into Indonesian Text

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    In the process of transferring one message of Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL) in a translation must be careful by a translator, because one word may have more than one meaning. By knowing the possible meanings of a word, the meanings appropriately should be translated by a translator, and the readers will get the meaning and information of the target text. The equal meaning of source language to the target language is equivalnce, but non-equivalence occurs when the meaning in source language is not translated into the target language. There are many strategies to solve the problems of non-equivalence in Indonesian into English. A translator has a strategy to solve it. These strategies, that is, cultural, loan word, pharaphase, omission, semantically, hyponyms, etc

    The Effect of Educational Background on Politeness Among the Students of Stain Jurai Siwo Metro

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    Humans are social creatures who need other humans to fullfil their needs, communication and interaction have a crucial role to fullfil those needs. In order  to the communication process can proceed smoothly, then at least human need to speak in polite in the communication. Religious norms and the community shows that politeness is necessary to properly maximized. Politeness in the relating of  the Holy Qur\u27an about pronunciation, gestures and vocabulary was polite and adapted to the circumstances (environment). In social life, politeness is usually used to show respect for older people, but it would be better also if used against a fellow or a younger person. Politeness will minimize conflict and hostility. Because of it, the institution is one way of language education. STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro is an Islamic institution, that   students have many educational backgrounds and is so different each other.  Based on the mapping carried out showed that students of English Department Program, the majority coming from Senior High School (SMA).  This study aims to determine the reality of politeness and influence of the educational background to the student politeness in English Study Program STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, where interviews, observation and documentation used by researchers in collecting and obtaining data. From the data obtained show that the reality of politeness students have to realize elements of politeness. Furthermore, based on analysis of the data also showed that educational background gives affect student in politeness

    Melawan Mitos Paradigma Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Dengan Pendekatan Lingkungan Profetik Fathoni Universitas Lampung

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    Globalization with its liberalism-capitalistic concept promotes us about materialism that everything has to count as matter. Including how is their perspective about the relation between the human and environment. It is inevitable that environment just as object to emerge the benefit for human being and their life. This paradigm emerges the concept of sustainable development to emphasize and strengthen the link between the conservation of natural ecosystems and human development. The concept of sustainable development as such has been on the scene since at least 1987 when the World Commission on Environment and Development published the Brundtland Report. The substance of "development" becomes more dominant than the substance "sustainable" of "environment" it self, so that we need a concept of Prophetical Environmental Approach, which esteems the environment on sight of development as God's legacy for being kept its eternality. Method: This protocol outlines the methodology for a systematic mapping exercise to identify the research studies measuring the sustainable development approach and comparing it with prophetical environmental approach. Our primary research questions are: what is the rationale of sustainable concept? Why does the environment become worse? Is the Prophetic Environmental Approach worth to be new alternative on environmental paradigm? Based on that research questions, this research will search and compile the primary literature (journals), both International and national related to the topic of sustainable development

    Konsep Marketing Dalam Inovasi Produk Perbankan Syariah

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    Business and banking competition getting tougher and dynamic with the flow of modernity, in which the bank is now not only save space but also as a place for investment and financial consulting making banking products in Indonesia increasingly varied to meet those needs. Product innovation is a keystone to the method of product development. Product innovation can deliver the product to be repackaged or new products. Product innovation is also done through the improvement or refinement of existing products, adding features, specifications and the resulting benefits. Islamic banking should be careful in product innovation so that the demand for the product remains high. This means not only product innovation but rather product oriented to customer oriented. In other words, the development of innovative Islamic banking products is consistent with the requirements (needs) and desires (wants) or taste currentcustomers. Which is more important in marketing and product innovation in Islamic banking is how the product and the product innovation is not contrary to Islamic law or contrary to the Qur\u27an and Sunnah. Product innovation must be done when the positionof the PLC is in decline sales

    Implementasi Pendekatan Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    Pendidikan selalu berkaitan dengan teori-teori pembelajaran yang menjadi landasanberpikir pendidik untuk mengimplementasikan berbagai konsep pendidikan. Begitu jugadalam pendidikan anak usia dini, perlu dipahami adanya berbagai macam pendekatanyang dapat dijadikan landasan berpikir para pendidik dalam menyelenggarakan programpembelajaran yang appropriate dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Penyelenggaraanpembelajaran tersebut dapat dikaji dari berbagai aspek seperti pendekatan psikoanalisis,behaviorisme, humanisme, dan konstruktivisme. Keempat pendekatan tersebut perludipahami, mengingat subjek kajiannya ialah anak usia dini yang semua aspekperkembangannya perlu diperhatikan secara seksama. Seluruh potensi anak usia dini dariaspek perkembangan moral agama, fisik motorik, sosial emosional, kognitif, dan bahasaakan berkembang dengan sangat optimal apabila para pendidik memahami pendekatanpendidikan yang mampu mengakomodasi seluruh kebutuhan anak usia dini tersebut
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