1,928 research outputs found

    The volume of Gaussian states by information geometry

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    We formulate the problem of determining the volume of the set of Gaussian physical states in the framework of information geometry. That is, by considering phase space probability distributions parametrized by the covariances and supplying this resulting statistical manifold with the Fisher-Rao metric. We then evaluate the volume of classical, quantum and quantum entangled states for two-mode systems showing chains of strict inclusion

    Analysis of food supplement with unusual raspberry ketone content

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    In recent years food supplement market increased constantly, including slimming products and against obesity. The case of rasberry ketone (RK) is here reported. HPTLC and HPLC-DAD analyses on a marketed product containing raspberry juice evidenced an abnormal quantity of RK, not in accordance with the juice natural content. The reported data confirm the need of adequate controls on marketed food supplements and the necessity of a complete adherence between labelling and real constitution of the product. Practical Applications: Determining the natural origin and assuring the consumers' safety for raspberry-based food supplement

    J-factors of short DNA molecules

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    The propensity of short DNA sequences to convert to the circular form is studied by a mesoscopic Hamiltonian method which incorporates both the bending of the molecule axis and the intrinsic twist of the DNA strands. The base pair fluctuations with respect to the helix diameter are treated as path trajectories in the imaginary time path integral formalism. The partition function for the sub-ensemble of closed molecules is computed by imposing chain ends boundary conditions both on the radial fluctuations and on the angular degrees of freedom. The cyclization probability, the J-factor, proves to be highly sensitive to the stacking potential, mostly to its nonlinear parameters. We find that the J-factor generally decreases by reducing the sequence length ( N ) and, more significantly, below N = 100 base pairs. However, even for very small molecules, the J-factors remain sizeable in line with recent experimental indications. Large bending angles between adjacent base pairs and anharmonic stacking appear as the causes of the helix flexibility at short length scales.Comment: The Journal of Chemical Physics - May 2016 ; 9 page

    Sensitivity-bandwidth limit in a multi-mode opto-electro-mechanical transducer

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    An opto--electro--mechanical system formed by a nanomembrane capacitively coupled to an LC resonator and to an optical interferometer has been recently employed for the high--sensitive optical readout of radio frequency (RF) signals [T. Bagci, \emph{et~al.}, Nature {\bf 507}, 81 (2013)]. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate how the bandwidth of such kind of transducer can be increased by controlling the interference between two--electromechanical interaction pathways of a two--mode mechanical system. With a proof--of--principle device \new{operating at room temperature, we achieve a sensitivity of 300 nV/Hz^(1/2) over a bandwidth of 15 kHz in the presence of radiofrequency noise, and an optimal shot-noise limited sensitivity of 10 nV/Hz^(1/2) over a bandwidth of 5 kHz. We discuss strategies for improving the performance of the device, showing that, for the same given sensitivity, a mechanical multi--mode transducer can achieve a bandwidth} significantly larger than that of a single-mode one

    Retrieval-induced forgetting as motivated cognition

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    Recalling information from a particular category can reduce one's memory capability for related, non-retrieved information. This is known as the retrieval-induced forgetting effect (RIF; Anderson et al., 1994). The present paper reviews studies that show that the RIF effect is motivated. More specifically, we describe research showing that the need for closure (NFC; the motivation to attain epistemic certainty; Kruglanski and Webster, 1996) generally enhances the RIF, because this prevents uncertainty and confusion from the intrusion of unwanted memories during selective-retrieval. However, when the content of the to-be-forgotten information serves the retriever's goals, NFC reduces RIF. Overall, the present findings are consistent with the view that motivation can affect the magnitude of RIF effects which, in turn, can serve as a mechanism for reaching preferred conclusion

    On the spectrum of the transfer operators of a one-parameter family with intermittency transition

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    We study the transfer operators for a family Fr:[0,1]→[0,1]F_r:[0,1] \to [0,1] depending on the parameter r∈[0,1]r\in [0,1], which interpolates between the tent map and the Farey map. In particular, considering the action of the transfer operator on a suitable Hilbert space, we can define a family of infinite matrices associated to the operators and study their spectrum by numerical methods.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bone computed tomography mineral content evaluation in chickens: Effects of substances in homeopathic concentration

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    Ninety-six cobb race chickens were equally divided in 4 groups and randomly assigned to receive a standard treatment feed + homeopathic concentrations of Symphytum (S.) officinalis (9CH), or standard treatment feed + homeopathic concentrations of Tricalcarea (4CH), or standard treatment feed + homeopathic concentrations of Calcarea (C.) carbonica (30CH) or a placebo (the same feed but without any homeopathic compound) in order to assess the ability of the homeopathic compounds to increase the concentration of calcium hydroxyapatite in the sternal spongy bone tissue. We measured the concentration of calciumhydroxyapatite in the sternal spongy bone tissue of all chickens by means of a computed tomography (CT). Results: 30%, 36% and 63% increase of sternum spongy-bone mineralization was observed after a 2 years period in the treatment groups with S. officinalis (9CH), Tricalcarea (4CH) (*P < 0.05) and C. carbonica (30CH) (***P < 0.001) respectively. Conclusion: Bone mineralization is usually low in battery chickens reared in commercial poultry-sheds, creating a weakness of the whole animal supporting apparatus. Homeopathic preparations with bone-tissue tropism may improve their health quality

    Heat, temperature and Clausius inequality in a model for active brownian particles

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    Methods of stochastic thermodynamics and hydrodynamics are applied to the a recently introduced model of active particles. The model consists of an overdamped particle subject to Gaussian coloured noise. Inspired by stochastic thermodynamics, we derive from the system's Fokker-Planck equation the average exchanges of heat and work with the active bath and the associated entropy production. We show that a Clausius inequality holds, with the local (non-uniform) temperature of the active bath replacing the uniform temperature usually encountered in equilibrium systems. Furthermore, by restricting the dynamical space to the first velocity moments of the local distribution function we derive a hydrodynamic description where local pressure, kinetic temperature and internal heat fluxes appear and are consistent with the previous thermodynamic analysis. The procedure also shows under which conditions one obtains the unified coloured noise approximation (UCNA): such an approximation neglects the fast relaxation to the active bath and therefore yields detailed balance and zero entropy production. In the last part, by using multiple time-scale analysis, we provide a constructive method (alternative to UCNA) to determine the solution of the Kramers equation and go beyond the detailed balance condition determining negative entropy production.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Major changes in the text. 1 figure has been replace

    Algorithmic complexity of quantum capacity

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    Recently the theory of communication developed by Shannon has been extended to the quantum realm by exploiting the rules of quantum theory. This latter stems on complex vector spaces. However complex (as well as real) numbers are just idealizations and they are not available in practice where we can only deal with rational numbers. This fact naturally leads to the question of whether the developed notions of capacities for quantum channels truly catch their ability to transmit information. Here we answer this question for the quantum capacity. To this end we resort to the notion of semi-computability in order to approximately (by rational numbers) describe quantum states and quantum channel maps. Then we introduce algorithmic entropies (like algorithmic quantum coherent information) and derive relevant properties for them. Finally we define algorithmic quantum capacity and prove that it equals the standard one

    Multiscale Bone Remodelling with Spatial P Systems

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    Many biological phenomena are inherently multiscale, i.e. they are characterized by interactions involving different spatial and temporal scales simultaneously. Though several approaches have been proposed to provide "multilayer" models, only Complex Automata, derived from Cellular Automata, naturally embed spatial information and realize multiscaling with well-established inter-scale integration schemas. Spatial P systems, a variant of P systems in which a more geometric concept of space has been added, have several characteristics in common with Cellular Automata. We propose such a formalism as a basis to rephrase the Complex Automata multiscaling approach and, in this perspective, provide a 2-scale Spatial P system describing bone remodelling. The proposed model not only results to be highly faithful and expressive in a multiscale scenario, but also highlights the need of a deep and formal expressiveness study involving Complex Automata, Spatial P systems and other promising multiscale approaches, such as our shape-based one already resulted to be highly faithful.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005
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