59 research outputs found

    Utilization of the Alumni Site of SMA Negeri 1 Kelam Permai

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    One who has an important role in school development is alumni, but regarding alumni, many schools have not utilized alumni in school contributions, one of which is SMA Negeri 1 Kelam Permai. So far, the alumni data collection at SMA Negeri 1 Kelam Permai has not been carried out in a structured and online manner. In collecting data on alumni, it is still done by recording in written documents which results in data management cannot be done quickly and errors often occur, and it is difficult to update information about alumni. In carrying out this service, the author uses the lecture method and direct system demonstration to participants. The lecture method is used because it is efficient to interact directly with the participants. While the demonstration method is used to teach participants how to use the system. The purpose of this service is to teach participants how to use a website that can help schools quickly and accurately in the process of collecting data and managing alumni data in obtaining information about alumni

    The Pictures in Enhancing Students English Learning

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    Writing is one of the four language learning skills which must be well-educated by the language learners. And it is as the most difficult skill to be executed which comes across by the students of the Vocational School of SMKN 4 Pontianak. The writing obstacles such as they do not know what should be written, what topics to be described, limited vocabularies, incorrectly grammar, and the coherency. Educators are desired to lend a hand the students with their learning complication, especially their writing skill. The Picture-Cued Technique is the practice to be carried out to the workshop of Community Engagement at the Vocational School of SMKN 4, which located on Komodor Yos Soedarso Street, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. The aim of this community engagement workshop to familiarize and to assist the learners of the Vocational School of SMKN 4 Pontianak with the procedure of the Picture-Cued Technique to facilitate their writing hindrances. The students of the Vocational School of SMKN 4, eleventh grade, consisted of 32 students who become the participants in this community engagement study. The outcome of this community engagement is students are familiarized to the Picture-Cued Practice then assist them in overcoming writing hindrances in learning writing competence

    Utilization of GeoGebra Application to Increase Students’ Interest and Result

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    This community service workshop aims to develop students' interest in learning mathematics, especially linear programming using GeoGebra Apllication in order to increase their study results. The teaching and learning process are still used conventional method and have not utilized information and communication technology so far. Mathematics learning tends to be considered abstract and difficult to understand. Therefore, many students become less interested in learning it and it affects low study results. The use of information and communication technology-based learning media can be an alternative to improve the quality of the learning process by providing interesting and effective learning. One of them is by utilizing the GeoGebra application in learning process. The workshop was attended by 32 students using a collaborative approach including lecturing, discussion, question and answer, and demonstration methods. The results of the workshop revealed that students showed high interest during the learning process and their scores increased after learning process using the GeoGebra application. Based on the results of the workshop, it can be concluded that the GeoGebra application can be used as learning media in learning mathematics, especially in understanding linear programming because it can develop students’ interest in learning and improve their study results

    Statistical Distribution As Predictive Tool

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    Statistics is an important aspect in data presentation and usage. This community engagement activity was held with the cooperation of SMA Negeri IV and STMIK Pontianak. The purpose of the activity was to enrich students in basic statistics understanding, usage of normal distribution for prediction, and implementation of normal distribution in daily setting. The community engagement activity was held with seminar and discussion method. Software utilised are Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point with hardwares such as LCD projector, whiteboard, and loudspeaker. The seminar are participated by 34 students from xi grade. The result of the seminar was as expected, with participants understood the statistic tools usage and was able to implement normal distribution for prediction purpose

    Build a Perfume Shop Sales Web in Pontianak City

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    This research is motivated by the increasing number of trade shops and services that are starting to use the E-Commerce system as an online sales medium. By using E-Commerce store information can be conveyed more quickly to customers and a wider marketing reach, so it is expected to increase product sales at perfume shops. This study uses the Visual Studio Code application as a medium for making E-Commerce websites because it has complete features and many modules. which is available for free. Here a website-based online promotion and sales media will be designed, this design and manufacture is intended to facilitate processing, sales and promotion and buyers. So that it is easier for consumers to choose the scent of perfume, without consumers having to come to the store. Promoting a product must be accompanied by an easy and attractive concept to attract consumers and the public.

    Penanganan Dampak Sosial Psikologis Korban Bencana Merapi Gunung Sinabung

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    Tidak ada manusia yang bisa menolak bencana, bahkan takdir pun tetap harus diterima dengan lapang dada. Ketika terjadi bencana maka akan mucul berbagai dampak yang dirasakan oleh pengungsi. Hidup di tempat pengungsian yang penuh dengan keterbatasan sering menimbulkan ketidakpastian sampai kapan mereka akan tinggal. Hal ini berkaitan pada kemampuan pemerintah dalam menyediakan pengganti tempat tinggal yang permanen, di samping kemampuan dari korban bencana itu sendiri.Lokasi pengungsian kurang memadai ditinjau dari kepadatan hunian, asupan gizi, sarana MCK, sanitasil ingkungan, fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan pengungsi terutama anakanakdan lansia rawan terhadap penyakit. Ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan, obat-obatan seringkali tidakseimbang dengan jumlah korban bencana yang membutuhkan penanganan kesehatan. Penanganannyaharus dilakukan secara terkoordinir dan terpadu dengan melibatkan seluruh lapisan masyarakat, LSM,dunia usaha dan pemerintah terkait. Pada intinya dari hasil wawancara dan observasi pada informan dapat disimpulkan bahwa para pengungsi telah ditangani secara fisik, psikis dan sosial. Pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik meliputi pemenuhan kebutuhan makan, pakaian, tempat tinggal, pelayanan kesehatan, airbersih dan sarana MCK. Pemenuhan kebutuhan psikis dengan menghilangkan trauma (trauma healing) seperti menghibur, memberikan pembinaan mental psikologis agar tidak jenuh, pelayanan penguatanmental keagamaan, pendidikan dan informasi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial dengan menerima kunjungan tamu, dan fasilitasi kegiatan sangat dibutuhkan,adanya kunjungan relawan untuk membantu, adanya kegiatan yang diberikan dari berbagai fihak seperti LSM atau para ilmuan psikologi serta psikolog dalam  memberikan kebutuhan psikologis mereka, mendengarkan keluhan mereka dan memberi kegiatan yang bersifat menambah pendapatan mereka seperti belajar buat kue, meronce gelang dan kalung yang smuanya bisa di berdayakan hasilnya, kemudian mengadakan kegiatan mendongeng, membaca buku-buku cerita yang semua buku diabwa oleh relawan. Melakukan acara cerdas cermat pada anak-anak di lokasi serta mewarwai dan bermain yang bersifat  penuh edukasi. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial psikologis di pengungsian dapat dikatakan terpenuhi meskipun serba terbatas. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pemerintah khususnya Kementerian Sosial dan lembaga terkait, dalam memberikan bantuan kepada korban perlu melakukan analisis kebutuhan agar tepat sasaran. Kepada masyarakat di daerah rawan bencana perlu peningkatan kesadaran tentang risiko bencana melalui sosialisasi dan simulasi siaga bencana, agar masyarakat berdaya menghadapi bencana dan risikonya

    Education Transformation in the Era of Digital Disruption 4.0

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    In the digital era of disruption 4.0, featured automatization and connectivitation movement of transformation on education and work competencies were not linear anymore, where every graduate student must master the skills of digital literature, technology, and human resource. The social community service seminar was followed by 66 candidates consist of students, teachers, and structural officials on SMK Negeri 2 Singkawang. The seminar was an open lecturer discussion, question, and answer methods. The seminar emphasized the necessity to build virtual classrooms for teachers and students to collaborate internally or between schools by exchanging information, knowledge, and learning together in increasing their competencies

    Learning Media Implementation Training At SDN No.101763 Klumpang Kampung

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    Learning media at this time are very much needed in the world of education both in schools and lectures, such as macromedia flash applications that are implemented in various types of animation, for example motion animation, sound, video and so on. The research discussed is using motion tweening animation, animation that changes shape and shifts objects. The implemented learning media provides benefits for teachers and students who take part in the training, where there are still many teachers and students who do not understand about making animation using Macromedia Flash. From the results of the training, the benefits of this service activity include improving the skills of teachers and students in being creative in making animations and being able to implement them in schools. The learning method is carried out in students' classrooms using an introduction to animation making tutorial with slides and presentations in front, accompanied by computers related to animation making training material

    Optimization of the Alumni Site of SMK Muhammadiyah Sintang

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    Alumni have an important role in the development of educational institutions in the public sphere, but regarding alumni, many schools have not used alumni in school contributions, one of which is SMK Muhammadiyah Sintang. Regarding information, SMK Muhammadiyah alumni have not implemented an online alumni data collection and management system. So far, data collection on alumni is still carried out by recording in written documents which results in data management that cannot be done quickly, and errors often occur, and it is difficult to update information about alumni. In conducting research, the authors use existing literature and literature study materials to build alumni websites using the WSDM (Website Development Design Method) research method, website development methods using Extreme Programming (XP), and the development of alumni information systems using a bootstrap framework, providing designs responsive web that gives the appearance of the website will automatically adjust the screen size of the browser used. The purpose of this research is to design or create a website that can help schools quickly and accurately in the process of data collection and data management of alumni in obtaining information about alumni

    Menumbuhkan Kemandirian dan Minat Berwirausaha Pada Wanita Tuna Susila di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Wanita Tuna Susila dan Tuna Laras Brastagi

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    Permasalahan wanita tuna susila kerap kali didapati dalam lingkungan  masyarakat dengan berbagai macam penyebabnya yang sebagian besar adalah disebabkan faktor ekonomi. Hal ini juga terungkap dalam hasil wawancara yang dilakukan terhadap para wanita susila tersebut dimana sebagian besar dari mereka mengungkapkan bahwa penyebab mereka melakukan perbuatan asusila tersebut adalah karena suami yang menelantarkan dan tidak menafkahi mereka, sehingga mereka harus mencari cara untuk menghidupi diri mereka sendiri beserta anak mereka. Mereka juga mengatakan bahwa mereka terpaksa melakukan hal tersebut dikarenakan kebutuhan anak mereka yang sangat penting untuk dicukupi yaitu untuk membeli makanan dan susu. Sehingga hal inilah yang membuat mereka mencari jalan pintas yaitu dengan melakukan perbuatan asusila tersebut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, yaitu dengan memberikan sebuah pembinaan mental/psikologi yang dapat menumbuhkan kemandirian serta minat berwirausaha. Hal ini diharapkan akan dapat menjadi bekal bagi mereka untuk dapat menafkahi hidup mereka sendiri sehingga mereka dapat mempunyai penghasilan dan tidak lagi terjerat dalam perbuatan asusila
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