186,169 research outputs found

    Spin Glass Field Theory with Replica Fourier Transforms

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    We develop a field theory for spin glasses using Replica Fourier Transforms (RFT). We present the formalism for the case of replica symmetry and the case of replica symmetry breaking on an ultrametric tree, with the number of replicas nn and the number of replica symmetry breaking steps RR generic integers. We show how the RFT applied to the two-replica fields allows to construct a new basis which block-diagonalizes the four-replica mass-matrix, into the replicon, anomalous and longitudinal modes. The eigenvalues are given in terms of the mass RFT and the propagators in the RFT space are obtained by inversion of the block-diagonal matrix. The formalism allows to express any ii-replica vertex in the new RFT basis and hence enables to perform a standard perturbation expansion. We apply the formalism to calculate the contribution of the Gaussian fluctuations around the Parisi solution for the free-energy of an Ising spin glass.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space II: RSB solutions and the n\to0 limit

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    Replica symmetry breaking solutions for the new replica anzats, related to general ultrametric spaces, are investigated. A variant of analysis on trees is developed and applied to the computation of the n\to0 limit in the new replica anzats.Comment: 22 page

    Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space III: the case of general measure

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    Family of replica matrices, related to general ultrametric spaces with general measures, is introduced. These matrices generalize the known Parisi matrices. Some functionals of replica approach are computed. Replica symmetry breaking solution is found.Comment: 21 page

    Finite size corrections to the Parisi overlap function in the GREM

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    We investigate the effects of finite size corrections on the overlap probabilities in the Generalized Random Energy Model (GREM) in two situations where replica symmetry is broken in the thermodynamic limit. Our calculations do not use replicas, but shed some light on what the replica method should give for finite size corrections. In the gradual freezing situation, which is known to exhibit full replica symmetry breaking, we show that the finite size corrections lead to a modification of the simple relations between the sample averages of the overlaps Yk Y_k between k k configurations predicted by replica theory. This can be interpreted as fluctuations in the replica block size with a \emph{negative} variance. The mechanism is similar to the one we found recently in the random energy model [1]. We also consider a simultaneous freezing situation, which is known to exhibit one step replica symmetry breaking. We show that finite size corrections lead to full replica symmetry breaking and give a more complete derivation of the results presented in [2] for the directed polymer on a tree.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Spontaneous versus explicit replica symmetry breaking in the theory of disordered systems

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    We investigate the relation between spontaneous and explicit replica symmetry breaking in the theory of disordered systems. On general ground, we prove the equivalence between the replicon operator associated with the stability of the replica symmetric solution in the standard replica scheme and the operator signaling a breakdown of the solution with analytic field dependence in a scheme in which replica symmetry is explicitly broken by applied sources. This opens the possibility to study, via the recently developed functional renormalization group, unresolved questions related to spontaneous replica symmetry breaking and spin-glass behavior in finite-dimensional disordered systems.Comment: 16 page

    Thermodynamic Construction of an One-Step Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Solution in Finite Connectivity Spin Glasses

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    An one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solution for finite connectivity spin-glass models with K body interaction is constructed at finite temperature using the replica method and thermodynamic constraints. In the absence of external fields, this construction provides a general extension of replica symmetric solution at finite replica number to one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solution. It is found that this result is formally equivalent to that of the one-step replica-symmetry-breaking cavity method. To confirm the validity of the obtained solution, Monte Carlo simulations are performed for K = 2 and 3. The thermodynamic quantities of the Monte Carlo results extrapolated to a large-size limit are consistent with those estimated by our solution for K = 2 at all simulated temperatures and for K = 3 except near the transition temperature.Comment: 11pages, 19 figures. Added content and references. Accepted to Phys. Rev.
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