5 research outputs found

    A Multidimensional poverty analysis: evidence from Italian data

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    Conventional poverty measures, showing that poverty and inequality have increased in Italy over the past fifteen years, are based on household income. The main drawback of this method is that it does not include other non-monetary variables relevant for defining households’ necessities. It is now widely agreed that poverty should be conceptualised as a multidimensional phenomenon, more related to the standard of living of the person or household than to the simple inability of satisfying basic subsistence needs. In this paper we propose to measure poverty in Italy by complementing income information with non-monetary indicators. To this end a multidimensional poverty analysis is performed by using a representative sample based on the first wave (2004) of the Italian component of the European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). Starting from the concept of deprivation, a non linear principal component analysis is applied to selected items in order to reveal underlying latent dimensions to be interpreted as deprivation indicators. We then examine how such measures can be combined with income measures in order to obtain a better identification of the poor. Finally we examine the overlapping between the income poor and the deprived and provide an analysis of deprivation profiles. Our results show that a more comprehensive poverty measure, combining deprivation criteria and income poverty, leads to a different identification of poor people, compared to analyses based only on income measures

    Predictive Analytics Supporting Labor Market Success: A Career Explorer for Job Seekers and Workforce Professionals in Michigan

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    Career Explorer provides customized career exploration tools for workforce development staff and job seekers in Michigan. There are separate Career Explorer modules for mediated staff services and self-service by job seekers. The system was developed by the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics in collaboration with the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research and Michigan Works! Southwest. It was funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Workforce Investment and the Schmidt Futures foundation’s Data for the American Dream (D4AD) project. In this paper, we describe specifications of the models behind the frontline-staff-mediated version of Career Explorer, which are based on program administrative data, applying data-science methods for predictive analytics. We also describe the self-service Career Explorer, which provides customized labor market information based on published Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Career Explorer became an active feature of Michigan’s online reemployment-services system in June 2021

    Implantación en un cliente EDI para trabajar con el Suministro Inmediato de Información de la Agencia Tributaria Española

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    [ES] Gracias al gran avance de la tecnología en los últimos años, se ha hecho posible una nueva implantación por parte de la Agencia Tributaria Española en la declaración actual del IVA, ya funcionando hasta entonces desde hace unos 30 años. Así es como nace el 1 de Julio de 2017 el Suministro Inmediato de Información (SII). Con este nuevo modelo, se pretende mejorar la asistencia al contribuyente y el control tributario a través de la Sede Electrónica de la AEAT. El objetivo del presente TFG consiste en estudiar qué es y cómo funciona este nuevo cambio instaurado por Hacienda, las ventajas que conlleva y qué opciones tienen los clientes a la hora de implantarlo en sus casas. Para ello, se analizará un ejemplo de instalación y configuración en casa del cliente, utilizando las infraestructuras y servicios internos con los que cuenta la empresa Edicom.[CA] Donat el gran avanç de la tecnologia en els últims anys, ha sigut possible una nova implantació per part de la Agència Tributaria Espanyola en la declaració actual del IVA, la qual venia ja funcionant des de fa uns 30 anys. Així es com surgeix el 1 de Juliol del 2017 el Subministrament Inmediat d’Informació de l’IVA (SII). Amb aquest nou model, es vol aconseguir millorar l’assistència al contribuent i el control tributari a través de la Seu Electrònica de AEAT. El objectiu del present TFG consisteix en estudiar què és i com funciona aquest nou canvi instaurat per Hisenda, els avantatges que porta, així com quines opcions tenen els clients a l’hora d’implantar-lo a les seues cases. Per a això, s’analitzarà un exemple d’instalació i configuració a casa del client, utilitzant les infrastructures i servicis interns els quals disposa Edicom[EN] Thanks to the great progress of technology in the recent years, a new technology has become possible through an implementation by the Spanish Tax Agency in the current VAT declaration, which has been already working for the last 30 years. This is how the Immediate Information Supply (SII) was launched on 1st of July 2017. With this new model, the goal is to improve the taxpayer assistance and tax control through the electronic office of the AEAT. The objective of this TFG is to study what this new change is and how it works. Established by the Treasury, the advantages that it entails and what options customers have at the time of implant it in their “home”. To achieve this, we will study an example of an installation and configuration at the client’s house, by using the infrastructures and internal services that the company Edicom hasSánchez Martínez, A. (2019). Implantación en un cliente EDI para trabajar con el Suministro Inmediato de Información de la Agencia Tributaria Española. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125394TFG