5 research outputs found


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    psort \ue8 stato il pi\uf9 veloce software di ordinamento per macchine di classe PC dal 2008 al 2011 (benchmark Pennysort, http://sortbenchmark.org) e un suo adattamento per cluster ha migliorato il record per il benchmark datamation di quasi un ordine di grandezza nel 2011. Il rapporto tecnico ufficiale si trova sul sito sortbenchmark.org (che cataloga i pi\uf9 efficienti software di ordinamento per varie categorie di task/hardware - originariamente mantenuto dal premio Turing Jim Gray) all'URL http://sortbenchmark.org/psort_2011.pdf -- Ulteriori dettagli si possono trovare nelle pubblicazioni: P. Bertasi, M. Bressan, E. Peserico. psort, yet another fast stable sorting software, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, vol. 16, 2011 -- P. Bertasi, M. Bonazza, M. Bressan, E. Peserico. Datamation: a quarter of a century and four orders of magnitude later. Proc. of IEEE CLUSTER 201

    psort, yet another fast stable sorting software

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    psort was the fastest sorting software in 2008 according to the Pennysort benchmark, sorting 181GB of data for 0.01$ of computer time. This paper details its internals, and the careful fitting of its architecture to the structure of modern PCs-class platforms, allowing it to outperform state-of-the-art sorting software such as GNUsort or STXXL

    psort, yet another fast stable sorting software

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    psort is the fastest sorting software according to the PennySort benchmark, sorting 181GB of data in 2008 and 224GB in 2009 for $0.01 of computer time. This article details its internals, and the careful fitting of its architecture to the structure of modern PC-class platforms, allowing it to outperform state-of-the-art sorting software such as STXXL sort

    psort, yet another fast stable sorting software

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    psort was the fastest sorting software in 2008 according to the Pennysort benchmark, sorting 181GB of data for 0.01 of computer time. This paper details its internals, and the careful fitting of its architecture to the structure of modern PCs-class platforms, allowing it to outperform state-of-the-art sorting software such as GNUsort or STXXL

    Psort, yet another fast stable sorting software

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    psort is the fastest sorting software according to the PennySort benchmark, sorting 181GB of data in 2008 and 224GB in 2009 for $0.01 of computer time. This article details its internals, and the careful fitting of its architecture to the structure of modern PC-class platforms, allowing it to outperform state-of-the-art sorting software such as STXXL sort. © 2011 ACM 1084-6654/2011/08-ART1.6