246,793 research outputs found

    First-Order Provenance Games

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    We propose a new model of provenance, based on a game-theoretic approach to query evaluation. First, we study games G in their own right, and ask how to explain that a position x in G is won, lost, or drawn. The resulting notion of game provenance is closely related to winning strategies, and excludes from provenance all "bad moves", i.e., those which unnecessarily allow the opponent to improve the outcome of a play. In this way, the value of a position is determined by its game provenance. We then define provenance games by viewing the evaluation of a first-order query as a game between two players who argue whether a tuple is in the query answer. For RA+ queries, we show that game provenance is equivalent to the most general semiring of provenance polynomials N[X]. Variants of our game yield other known semirings. However, unlike semiring provenance, game provenance also provides a "built-in" way to handle negation and thus to answer why-not questions: In (provenance) games, the reason why x is not won, is the same as why x is lost or drawn (the latter is possible for games with draws). Since first-order provenance games are draw-free, they yield a new provenance model that combines how- and why-not provenance

    Requirements for Provenance on the Web

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    From where did this tweet originate? Was this quote from the New York Times modified? Daily, we rely on data from the Web but often it is difficult or impossible to determine where it came from or how it was produced. This lack of provenance is particularly evident when people and systems deal with Web information or with any environment where information comes from sources of varying quality. Provenance is not captured pervasively in information systems. There are major technical, social, and economic impediments that stand in the way of using provenance effectively. This paper synthesizes requirements for provenance on the Web for a number of dimensions focusing on three key aspects of provenance: the content of provenance, the management of provenance records, and the uses of provenance information. To illustrate these requirements, we use three synthesized scenarios that encompass provenance problems faced by Web users toda

    Provenance Threat Modeling

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    Provenance systems are used to capture history metadata, applications include ownership attribution and determining the quality of a particular data set. Provenance systems are also used for debugging, process improvement, understanding data proof of ownership, certification of validity, etc. The provenance of data includes information about the processes and source data that leads to the current representation. In this paper we study the security risks provenance systems might be exposed to and recommend security solutions to better protect the provenance information.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, conferenc

    Security Issues in a SOA-based Provenance System

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    Recent work has begun exploring the characterization and utilization of provenance in systems based on the Service Oriented Architecture (such as Web Services and Grid based environments). One of the salient issues related to provenance use within any given system is its security. Provenance presents some unique security requirements of its own, which are additionally dependent on the architectural and environmental context that a provenance system operates in. We discuss the security considerations pertaining to a Service Oriented Architecture based provenance system. Concurrently, we outline possible approaches to address them

    Towards Automatic Capturing of Manual Data Processing Provenance

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    Often data processing is not implemented by a work ow system or an integration application but is performed manually by humans along the lines of a more or less specified procedure. Collecting provenance information during manual data processing can not be automated. Further, manual collection of provenance information is error prone and time consuming. Therefore, we propose to infer provenance information based on the read and write access of users. The derived provenance information is complete, but has a low precision. Therefore, we propose further to introducing organizational guidelines in order to improve the precision of the inferred provenance information

    Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances (Extended Version)

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    Query evaluation in monadic second-order logic (MSO) is tractable on trees and treelike instances, even though it is hard for arbitrary instances. This tractability result has been extended to several tasks related to query evaluation, such as counting query results [3] or performing query evaluation on probabilistic trees [10]. These are two examples of the more general problem of computing augmented query output, that is referred to as provenance. This article presents a provenance framework for trees and treelike instances, by describing a linear-time construction of a circuit provenance representation for MSO queries. We show how this provenance can be connected to the usual definitions of semiring provenance on relational instances [20], even though we compute it in an unusual way, using tree automata; we do so via intrinsic definitions of provenance for general semirings, independent of the operational details of query evaluation. We show applications of this provenance to capture existing counting and probabilistic results on trees and treelike instances, and give novel consequences for probability evaluation.Comment: 48 pages. Presented at ICALP'1