49,874 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja brinze

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    Kod nas je pod nazivom "liptauer" poznat garnirani sir, tj. sitan ili u kriškama bijeli sir kojem se dodaju razni dodaci. Njegov okus je različit prema upotrebljenoj osnovnoj masi i dodacima, a često i prazan u pogledu okusa samog sira, kada se izrađuje iz svježe gruševine ili sitnog posnog sira s dodatkom rnaslaca. Kako nije prirodno provrio, a dodani su mu neki začini, naročito luk, njegova je trajnost vrlo ograničena

    Proizvodnja kiselog kazeina

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    S obzirom na povećanu potrošnju kiselog kazeina u našoj industriji, neophodno je da se tom artiklu obrati veća pažnja kod proizvodnje, da se ujednači tehnološki proces i standardizira ovaj proizvod. Ovime bi se uklonila šteta i poteškoće s kojima se dnevno, susreću tehnolozi u industriji za preradu ovog artikla. Dugogodišnjim naučno-istraživačkim radom u zemljama koje su među prvima započele proizvodnju kazeina postignuti su veoma lijepi rezultati na jednoličnosti i kvaliteti kazeina. Uslijed toga i naša industrija daje veliku prednost uvezenom kazeinu iz stranih zemalja

    Proizvodnja domaće mljekarske opreme

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    Prije II. Svjetskog rata tadašnje mljekare u Hrvatskoj bile su opskrbljene samo uvoznom opremom, počam od najsitnije pa do većih mljekarskih strojeva. U našoj zemlji proizvodile su se tada samo mljekarske kante (današnja tvornica emajliranog posuđa Celje), no i dobar dio kanta uvozio se iz inozemstva

    Proizvodnja sladoleda u prahu

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    Proizvodnja sladoleda u prahu, uslijed povećane proizvodnje i podizanja novih kapaciteta za industrijsku proizvodnju sladoleda, odigrat će važnu ulogu u industriji dehidriranih proizvoda. Sama činjenica da ie sladoled sastavljen iz niza komponenata koje sadržava mlijeko, ali u raznim omjerima, nameće potrebu proizvodnje takove sušine koja bi uz dodatak vode odgovarala za daljnju proizvodnju standardnog sladoleda

    Životna proizvodnja visokomlečnih krava

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    Lifetime milk production is a key success factor in fulfilling the production potential of high-yielding cows. Lifetime milk production traits are pronouncedly variable. The life expectancy and the length of productive life of dairy cows are repeatedly limiting factors for improving lifetime milk production. Lifetime milk production is greatly depended on age at first calving and the number of lactations during productive life. Previous researches have implied there are real chances for improving the lifetime milk production of high-yielding cows. The goal of this research was to investigate the significance of key systematic factors on the lifetime production of high-yielding Black-and-White cows. The animals included in the sample had different share of Holstein genes. The researchers determined systematic factors that caused some significant phenotypic variations of the investigated trait. The average lifetime milk production was 25,002.66±7,755.39 kg. When observed by cow genotypes, the mean values of the lifetime milk production varied from 27,061.37 kg ( (lt) 58% HF) and 24,761.26 kg (58-73% HF) to 23,185.36 kg (>73% HF). The differences in lifetime milk production determined among the animals were due to a highly significant (p≤0.01) impact of the bulls - the sires of the cows and the year of culling; the impact of the class of HF genes was significant (p≤0.05), whereas the impact of the reason for culling was non-significant (p>0.05).Osobine životne proizvodnje visokomlečnih krava imaju veliki ekonomski značaj. Crno-bela goveda imaju značajan genetski potencijal za proizvodnju mleka. Visokoproizvodne krave crno-bele rase izložene su tokom produktivnog veka velikom broju složenih uticaja koji intenzivno deluju na nivo relizacije njihovog genetskog potencijala. Uslovi sredine često nisu u saglasnosti sa potrebama ove visokomlečne rase goveda. Povećanjem učešća gena holštajn-frizijske rase, tokom procesa oplemenjivanja evropskog tipa crno-belih goveda, došlo je do povećanja prinosa mleka. Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost za značajnije povećanje životne produktivnosti crno-belih krava. Poznavanje broja i nivoa uticaja faktora sredine, na životnu proizvodnju visokomlečnih krava, važno je zbog njihovog uključivanja u model. U skladu sa značajem pojedinih sistematskih faktora u okviru istraživanja je obavljena njihova objektivna procena. Cilj rada je bio da se primenom odgovarajuće metodologije ispita značajnost razlika, u ostvarenoj životnoj proizvodnji mleka kod visokoproizvodnih crno-belih krava, preko najvažnijih sistematskih uticaja. Prosečna životna proizvodnja mleka iznosila je 25002.66±7755.39 kg litara. Posmatrano po genotipovima krava prosečne vrednosti životne proizvodnje mleka iznosile su 27061.37 kg ( (lt) 58% HF), 24761.26 kg (58-73% HF) i 23185.36 kg (> 73% HF). Utvrđene razlike između grla u pogledu ostvarenog nivoa životne proizvodnje mleka nastale su kao posledica visoko značajnog uticaja (P≤0.01) bikova-očeva krava i godine izlučenja krava, klasa HF gena krava imala je značajan uticaj (p≤0.05), dok razlog izlučenja nije imao značajan uticaj (P>0.05)

    Proizvodnja hrane i zoonotski virusi

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    Procesi globalizacije zahvacaju sve sfere današnjeg društva. Rezultat je gotovo neometana trgovinska razmjena roba. S toga su uspostavljeni novi sustavi koji bi trebali osigurati proizvodnju sigurne hrane pri cemu odgovornost za proizvodnju snose subjekti u poslovanju s hranom (SPH). Sve više dolazi do izražaja potreba da se sudionici u lancu proizvodnje i potrošnje hrane upoznaju i s manje poznatim opasnostima i rizicima koji dolaze od nekih virusa uzrocnika zoonoza (“zoonotski virusi”). To je svojevrsno upozorenje da se uzgoj životinja, proizvodnja hrane životinjskog podrijetla te konacno i njena potrošnja obavljaju na nacine koji ne bi imali posljedice za samu proizvodnju ili zdravlje potrošaca

    Postrna proizvodnja kupusa u Srbiji

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    Cabbage is an important vegetable crop that is grown at 20,891 ha in Serbia. Growing cabbage as a double crop intensifies land use and increases the profitability of crop production. Double cropping of cabbage is a well-established practice in Serbia. Domestic cultivars and populations of cabbage predominate in the commercial production and this choice of assortment dictates the subsequent use of the harvested cabbage crop. The two main types of use are fresh consumption and pickling. Under Serbian growing conditions, the optimum time for late cabbage transplanting is the first half of July, a period characterized by high temperatures and insufficient and unevenly distributed rainfall. Growing cabbages during this period without the help of irrigation is a fairly risky proposition. Late cabbage cultivars and hybrids must be harvested before temperatures drops below -5°C. Cabbage can survive temperatures of -4°C to -5°C for only a limited period of time and prolonged exposure to such conditions will result in the plant being winterkilled and the head losing its market value.Kupus je značajna povrtarska kultura koja se u Srbiji proizvodi na 20.891 ha. Gajenje kupusa kao druge kulture (tj. postrno) omogućuje intenzivno korišćenje zemljišta i rentabilniju prizvodnju. Kasna ili postrna proizvodnja kupusa u Srbiji ima svoju tradiciju. Relativno često se gaje domaće sorte i populacije kupusa koje definišu i način potrošnje, što je pre svega sveža upotreba, ali i sve prisutnije kišeljenje kupusa. Optimalni rok za rasađivanje kasnog kupusa u agroklimatskim uslovima Srbije je prva polovina jula. Ovaj period karakterišu visoke temperature i nedovoljna količina padavina neravnomernog rasporeda, tako da je proizvodnja kupusa bez navodnjavanja nesigurna. Kod kasnih sorti i hibrida kupusa berba se mora organizovati pre nego što temperatura padne ispod -5°C. Na -4°C i -5°C kupus može da bude samo privremeno, jer posle dužeg vremena dolazi do izmrzavanja i gubljenja tržišne vrednosti glavica kupusa

    Regionalni klasteri i novo zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj

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    The findings of the first part of the research study illustrate that during transition period in Croatia huge differences in economic development level of single regions has been noticed. This could also be seen in movements of labour market. Increasing problem of aggregate unemployment from year to year points to existence of regional structural unemployment. In the context of this larger discrepancy, regional differences have special position, that have emerge at the unemployment level and employment composition, but also in the context of new employment. Such situation is present in old and new EU members, as well as in Croatia. The analysis of latest trends in employment and unemployment movements illustrate that Croatia has the lowest employment rate between old and new EU members, and that only Slovakia and Poland have higher unemployment rates than Croatia. In circumstances of steady and increasing unemployment higher importance is aimed at labour market institution and policy development which role is particularly elaborated in third and forth part of this research. The institutional system of the labour market consist of social system of protection, flexibility of lay off security, implementation of active labour market policies and level of regional labour force mobility. All institutional forms in transitional countries have become more important in the moment of conversion to market economic conditions. The forth part of the research shows that with unemployment rate increase, duration and amount of unemployment compensation significantly decrease. The main goal was to stimulate job seekers to start look for a job and to reduce unemployment duration. Therefore in transition countries labour market policies moves from passive to active one. Mainly it can be concluded that use of passive labour market policies stimulates unemployed to stay inactive for a longer period, while active ones try to make process of employment or re-employment easier. The majority of transition countries spent less than 1% of GDP on passive and active labour market policies. The last part of the first part of the research study is directed to establishing regional differences at the Croatian labour market and the influence of the Free Business Zone Varaždin (place of biggest greenfield investment in Croatia) on job creation. The average registered yearly unemployment rate in Croatia slightly decreased from 18,0% in 2004 to 17,9% in 2005, but regional unemployment differences still remains. The number of registered vacancies at the Employment Office decreased during 2005 and regional employment in Croatia has been influenced by seasonal employment in tourism again. Setting up of Free Business Zones has more and more considerable influence on job creation in Croatia. The main goal for its foundation, besides the economic development reasons, is in attracting FDI, the new technologies development, export growth according to the export orientation of the total production in the zone, employment growth, GDP growth and increase of citizen's standard in each county. It is expected that in the Free Business Zone Varaždin from 2005 to 2008 export will exceed 500 millions Euro and that around 3500 new jobs will be created. In the absolute quantity that is maybe a small number, but if it is planned that in such way the number of new employment in Varaždinska county will increase for approximately 18% yearly, the importance of Free Business Zone in Varaždin is not questionable. It is expected that unemployment in Varaždinska county will decrease below European average in 2008. Second part of the research study emphasizes a role of regional clusters in increasing regional competitiveness. Regional clusters, which can be defined as geographically bound concentrations of interdependent firms and knowledge/technology suppliers, are seen as an important instrument for promoting competitiveness and new employment growth. In many regions, clusters are enabling firms to overcome internal limitations by joining efforts and resources with other firms, R&D institutions and universities, and public sector organisations. Clusters established at the regional level can form the perfect environment to enhance innovation by allowing firms to take advantage of specialised suppliers, local know-how, information, skills and education. The proximity of customers, competitors, suppliers, universities, and research/innovation organisations favours the growth, the employment, and the attractiveness of the regions. Theoretical foundations of the cluster concept could be found in the different approaches, such as agglomeration, or district theories, but it is mostly based on Porter,s diamond analysis. Regional clusters became the strategic development tool in achieving the Lisbon agenda in Europe. The same is the case in most post-transition economies. The situation in Croatia is different, because the institutional prerequisites for the cluster development are not completely developed. Croatia is still not divided into the regions, according to the EU standards and regional statistical accounts are not realised yet and there is no relevant basis to comparative regional statistics. There is a low level of communication and coordination between national, counties and local authorities. Adequate microeconomic policies that support cluster development are missing, such as educational policy and incentive policy to foreign direct investment. On the national level the Regional development strategy is built up, the same as the regional operational plans in most counties. Regional development agencies also exist in most counties and they are mostly engaged on the SMEs projects and other actions dealing with competitiveness building. In different counties, the various types of business integrations are created, such as districts, business zones etc. Regional clusters are foreseen as the future goals in many documents, but only one internationally recognised cluster in Croatia exists. It is BIOS cluster, in publishing and printing sector.regionalni klasteri, regionalne razlike, kreiranje novih radnih mjesta, slobodne zone