49,384 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Kecukupan Gizi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Konsentrasi Tata Boga

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    This study aimed to describe the nutritional knowledge, nutritional adequacy and analyzing their relationship with the knowledge of nutritional adequacy. This study is correlational with a population of 182 people and a sample of 28 people who is taken amid proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques for knowledge of nutrition using a questionnaire enclosed in the form of multiple choice, while for nutritional adequacy using open questionnaire form of food recall. The results showed that the nutrition knowledge of students included into the category is as high as (25%) and (17.8%) students have the knowledge of the high category. In the variable nutritional adequacy indicates that the highest energy intake of students (3999.4kcal) and the lowest intake of (421.2kcal). Correlation test results showed that the correlation is positive and significant correlation between knowledge with nutritional adequacy with thitung 6,961 students at the significance level of 0.000. Contributions knowledge of nutrition on the nutritional adequacy of students amounted to 24.1

    Relationship between Nutrition Adequacy Level and Nutritional Status of Elementary School-aged Children in Nusalaut District

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    Nutritional status is one of the factors that determine human resources and quality of life. For this reason, there is a nutrition improvement program in order to improve the nutritional quality of food consumption, so that there is an improvement in the nutritional status of the community. This study aims to analyze the relationship between energy and protein adequacy levels with the nutritional status of elementary school-age children. This study uses a descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional approach. The variables in this study consisted of independent variables in the form of Energy Adequacy Level (TKE) and Protein Adequacy Level (TKP), while the dependent variable was the nutritional status of the respondents. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between nutritional status and energy adequacy level (X², p = 0.000.), as well as a significant relationship between nutritional status and protein adequacy level (X², p = 0.002). This shows that the nutritional status of elementary school-age children is influenced by household food consumption so if household food consumption is good (varied, nutritious, and balanced), the child's nutritional status will also be good

    Public Policy and Diet Quality: Impact of Prices on Nutrient Adequacy using French Expenditure Data from 1996 to 2005

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    This paper aims at simulating optimal prices satisfying public health recommendations in terms of nutrient adequacy. This implies to estimate a complete food demand system in order to compute price elasticities. Food consumption behaviors are described by an AI functional form [Deaton and Muellbauer(1980)] augmented to control for habit persistence. The demand system is estimated using the Iterated Least Square Estimator developed by Blundell and Robin (1999). We use French household expenditure data drawn from TNS Worldpanel covering 130 periods of 4 weeks from 1996 to 2005. Given the nature of our data, households are split into 8 cohorts based on two socio-demographic variables: date of birth and social status. A revised aggregation into 27 food groups is proposed in this paper. More precisely, commodities are grouped into homogeneous categories in terms of nutritional content and consumer preferences. Nutrient adequacy is defined using the MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio), a nutrient only-based indicator. We calculate nutrient adequacy for 12 essential nutrients. Optimal prices are derived following Ramsey's approach to optimal taxation; Maximizing social welfare under nutritional constraints results in 27 optimal price variations or tax rates, each defined as a nonlinear function of all direct and cross price elasticities and the above mentioned indicator for all food groups.Household survey data, cohort, AI demand system, nutrient adequacy, diet quality, fat tax policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, D12, C33,


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    Abstrak Konsumsi pangan sangat mempengaruhi status gizi seseorang, dimana status gizi baik apabila tubuh memperoleh asupan zat gizi yang cukup, sehingga memungkinkan pertumbuhan fisik, perkembangan otak, kemampuan kerja dan kesehatan secara optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kecukupan gizi dengan status gizi. Dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar sumbangan tingkat kecukupan gizi dengan status gizi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimen dan desain yang digunakan adalah korelasional, dimana yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan olahraga angkatan 2014 dan diambil sampel melalui simple random sampling sebanyak 31 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa formulir food recall 24 jam untuk mengukur tingkat kecukupan gizi dan pengukuran antropometri untuk mengukur status gizi. Analisis data  yang digunakan adalah koefesien gamma. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan sampel sebanyak 31 mahasiswa, rata-rata status gizi mahasiswa adalah normal sebanyak 26 mahasiwa (83,87%). Rata-rata tingkat kecukupan gizi mahasiswa yaitu, untuk kecukupan energi adalah cukup sebanyak 16 mahasiwa (51,61%),  kecukupan karbohidrat adalah cukup sebanyak 15 mahasiswa (48,39%), kecukupan lemak adalah cukup sebanyak 19 mahasiswa (61,29%) dan kecukupan protein adalah baik sebanyak 30 mahasiswa (96,77%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis koefesien gamma tingkat kecukupan energi dengan status gizi memiliki nilai sig. 0,163 > α 0,05, tingkat kecukupan karbohidrat dengan status gizi memiliki nilai sig 0,615 > α 0,05, tingkat kecukupan lemak dengan status gizi memiliki nilai sig 0,293 > α 0,05, dan tingkat kecukupan protein dengan status gizi memiliki nilai sig 0,931 > α 0,05 maka H0 diterima dan Ha ditolak. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecukupan gizi dengan status gizi mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan olahraga angkatan 2014. Kata kunci: Tingkat Kecukupan Gizi, Status Gizi. Abstract Food consumption greatly affects the human nutritional status where good nutrition can be acquired from sufficient nutrients. Thereby, physical growth, brain development, employ ability and health work optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between level of nutritional status. Moreover, the other aim is to determine the contribution of the level of nutritional adequacy and nutrional status. This research belongs non-experimental which uses correlational research design. The population of the study were all students in physical education major class of 2014 and sampled by simple random sampling as many as 31 students. The research instrument used in this study is in the form of a 24-hour food recall form to measure the adequacy of nutrition and anthropometric method to measure nutritional status. Analysis of the data is the coefficient gamma. Based on the results of the study, within a sample of 31 students, average students nutritional status is in normal status as many as 26 students (83.87%). The average level of nutritional adequacy of energy as well as 16 students is (51.61%), the adequacy of carbohydrates as well as 15 students is (46.39%), the adequacy of fat as well as 19 students is (61.29%) and protein adequacy as many as 30 students is (96.77%). Based on the analysis coefficient gamma energy sufficiency level and nutritional status sig. 0.163>α 0.05, the result shows; the adequacy of carbohydrates with nutritional status has sig. 0.615>α 0.05, fat suffiency level with nutritional status has sig. 0.293>α 0.05, and the adequacy of protein and nutritional status has sig. 0.931>α 0.05. therefore, the result shows that H0 is accepted while Ha is rejected. It can be concluded that there is no significant correlation between the level of nutritional adequacy and nutritional status of students majoring in physical education class of 2014. Keywords: Nutritional Adequacy, Nutritional Status

    Nutritional adequacy comparison of Paleo and healthy U.S. dietary patterns followed by athletic adults

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    The Paleo diet has become popular for promoting good health, but there is little available research on its nutritional adequacy or its long-term effects. The present literature review explores the strengths and limitations of the research on health-related outcomes and nutritional adequacy derived from following a Paleo dietary pattern. An original pilot study is also presented which uses survey and diet journal data to qualitatively explore the nutritional adequacy of the Paleo diet and the Healthy U.S.-style Pattern (HUS) recommended within the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as followed through self-adherence in an American population. Analysis of week-long diet journals of six healthy, physically active, young adults (HUS, n = 4; Paleo, n = 2) showed similar dietary quality between the groups with sub-optimal intake of several micronutrients. Nutritional adequacy for the Paleo participants could be improved with increased vegetable and fruit intake, daily inclusion of calcium fortified nut-milks, and leaner protein source

    Pengaruh Buku Saku Terhadap Tingkat Kecukupan Gizi Pada Remaja (Studi Di SMA Teuku Umar Semarang Tahun 2016)

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    Nutrition education through the pocketbook is one solution to convert knowledge of nutrition and nutritional adequacy levels in adolescents. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in nutrition knowledge and nutritional adequacy levels before and after nutrition education between the two groups. The study design quasy experiment with the design of non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The sample was 70 subjects (35 treatment group and 35 control group) with a purposive sampling techniques. Before being given booklets, each group was given exposure on the prevention of malnutrition and measurement of knowledge and level of initial nutritional adequacy. In the treatment group was given a pocket book and quiz whereas the control group did not. After that, each group performed measurements of knowledge and level of nutritional adequacy of the final. In this study using the paired t test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann Whitney test, and independent t test. The results showed the treatment group increased nutritional knowledge level of 39.6%, while the control group decreased nutritional knowledge level of 17.1%. The treatment group decreased energy sufficiency level of 5.7%; protein sufficiency rate increased by 5.7%; sufficient levels of fat decreased by 5.7%. The control group increased energy sufficiency level of 5.7%; protein sufficiency rate increased by 5.9%; fat sufficiency level increased by 34.3%. There is a difference of knowledge between the two groups (p = 0.001). There is a difference in energy sufficiency level (p = 0.019), protein (p = 0.002), and fat (p = 0.001) between the two groups. It is concluded that there are differences in knowledge of nutrition and nutritional adequacy level (energy, protein, fat) between the two groups (p <0.05)

    Hubungan Kepuasan Pelayanan Makanan Rumah Sakit Dan Asupan Makanan Dengan Perubahan Status Gizi Pasien ( Studi Di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak )

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    Background: Several studies have shown that hospital patients tend to have a decrease in their nutritional status during their hospitalization period. Patient satisfactions to the food service in the hospital will influence the food intake and this food intake will have an effect on the nutritional status. Objectives: To analyze the correlation between patients satisfaction to the hospital food service, food intake, and the change in the nutritional status of patients in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital, Demak. Method: This study was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was done on 85 subjects of inpatients in the first, second, and third classess of Sunan Kalijaga Hospital. The dependent variable was the change in nutritional status. The independent variables were the patient satisfactions to the hospital food service and food intake. Data on patient satisfactions to the hospital food service were collected by interviews using structured questionnaires. Data on food intake of the hospital food were collected by Comstock method of the food remains after the consumption, while on food intake from of hospital were collected by 3 x 24 hour recall. The changes in nutritional status were measured by the change in BMI. Data were analyzed by correlation tests. Result: Most of subjects (97,3%) satisfied to the foodservice in the hospital. The average energy adequacy level of the hospital was 76,5 ± 9,4% and protein adequacy level was76,1± 10,3%. The average energy adequacy of out hospital food was 6,5± 6,7% and protein adequacy level was 6,7± 6,9%. The average BMI at first day were 20,0 ± 3,4 kg/m2 and at the end of hospitalization were 19,7± 3,4 kg/m2. The average decreased in this study was 0,3 ± 0,2 kg/m2. There was correlation between foodservice satisfaction and the energy (p =0,009) and protein adequacy level (p=0,015). There were correlation between food intake and energy (p= 0,0001) and protein adequacy level(p= 0,038) to the change in subjects nutritional status. There was a correlation between hospital foodservice satisfaction and the change in nutritional satisfaction (p = 0,003). Conclusion: The higher level of hospiotal foodservice satisfaction, the higher of food intake and result in smaller decrease of the nutritional statu

    Dietary counseling in the management of moderate malnourishment in children.

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary counseling is an integral part of treating malnutrition. A first step toward improving the management of moderate malnutrition is to evaluate dietary messages in current programs and assess their adequacy and effectiveness. OBJECTIVES: To ascertain current recommendations regarding family foods for the treatment of moderate malnutrition and assess whether these are likely to meet nutritional requirements for rehabilitation; to review the effectiveness of dietary counseling in the management of moderate malnutrition. METHODS: Information was requested from 10 United Nations agencies or donors, 20 international nongovernmental organizations, 3 pediatric associations, and 6 national programs about the dietary advice they give to caregivers of moderately malnourished children. Adequacy was assessed by comparing dietary recommendations with nutritional requirements. Linear programming was used to identify problem nutrients. A literature search was conducted of studies using family foods for rehabilitating malnourished children. RESULTS: There was a greater emphasis on providing food supplements for rehabilitation than on utilizing family foods. Dietary recommendations were mostly vague and unlikely to be effective. Those developed by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization for well-nourished children may meet nutritional requirements in moderate malnutrition if the recommendations are made more prescriptive. Zinc and vitamin E emerged as possible problem nutrients. Intervention studies in wasted children suggest that counseling caregivers about family foods can achieve good rates of weight gain. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary counseling can be effective in managing malnutrition, but it is often weak or absent and should be strengthened. More attention will need to be given to formulating the messages and improving counseling skills