38,926 research outputs found

    Mladi, vjera, duhovnost, crkvenost

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    Understanding and interpreting the religiosity, ecclesiality and spirituality of the youth today is essential if we are to adequately address their religious and spiritual questions, as well as needs. The first part of this paper examines the situation young people are in today. It seeks to answer the complex question of who young people are today and what are their basic characteristics in the contemporary world. The second part reflects on the relationship between the youth and faith. Considering that the youth religiosity is going through profound and lasting changes, the second part outlines the religiosity of the youth today based on relevant work and research, particularly those dealing with the religiosity of adolescents in Zagreb. The third part contemplates the relationship between the youth and the Church. The relationship between the youth and the Church is always a burning issue, especially nowadays, when research indicates young people increasingly moving away from the Church. The Church constantly finds itself at a new crossroads when it comes to its relationship with the youth. With each new generation, we need to look for a new rapport, a new way of communicating, and at present, it is necessary to do so in a notably sensitive and complex way. Incentives to reflect on the relationship between the Church and the youth come from the Synod on Young People, which has dealt with their issues, religiosity, relationship to the Church and the like. The fourth part deals with the problem of young people’s spirituality and presents the basic characteristics of the so‑called traditional and secular spirituality.Razumjeti i interpretirati religioznost, crkvenost i duhovnost današnjih mladih nužno je želimo li na primjeren način odgovoriti na njihova religiozna i duhovna pitanja i potrebe. U prvom dijelu ovog rada razmatra se situacija mladih danas. Nastoji se dati odgovor na složeno pitanje kakvi su mladi danas i koje su temeljne karakteristike mladih u suvremenom svijetu. U drugom dijelu promišlja se o odnosu mladih i vjere. Budući da religioznost mladih doživljava duboke i trajne promjene, na temelju relevantnih radova i istraživanja daje se obris religioznosti mladih danas, s posebnim osvrtom na istraživanje o religioznosti zagrebačkih adolescenata. U trećem dijelu promišlja se o odnosu mladih i Crkve. Odnos mladih i Crkve uvijek je aktualna tema, a na osobit način je to danas kad istraživanja ukazuju na porast broja mladih ljudi koji se udaljavaju od Crkve. Crkva je u odnosu prema mladima uvijek na novom raskršću. Sa svakom novom generacijom potrebno je tražiti novi odnos, novi način sporazumijevanja. Danas je to potrebno činiti na osobito osjetljiv i složen način. Poticaji za promišljanje o odnosu Crkve i mladih dolaze nam i iz održane Sinode o mladima, koja se bavila problematikom mladih, njihovom religioznosti, njihovim odnosom prema Crkvi i slično. U četvrtom dijelu obrađuje se problematika duhovnosti mladih te se predstavljaju temeljne karakteristike tzv. tradicionalne duhovnosti te svjetovne duhovnosti

    Mladi i izgradnja mira: analiza aktivnosti izgradnje mira u udrugama mladih i za mlade

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    Uvodni dio knjige Mladi i izgradnja mira konceptualizira pojam izgradnje mira kao i suodnos strukturalne, odnosne i individualne razine u njegovom postizanju. Slijedi istraživački dio temeljen na analizi provedenih projekata s temom izgradnje mira financiranih od strane državnih institucija kao i prakse financiranja u razdoblju 2006. i 2007.godine. Također, predstavljene su studije slučaja primjera dobre prakse provedenih projekata


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    Nowadays, children and young adults have embraced new information technologies in large numbers. These younger age groups use Internet for many of their daily activities and they do it more than any other age group. Information and communication technologies (ICT) affect people’s everyday lives in so many ways. Mobile phones, tablets, netbooks, laptops and computers are just some of the devices used frequently, often daily, by a large proportion of the population and particularly by young people. So, in this article we will address the issue of young adult\u27s (ages 18 - 25) dependence on gadgets, how do they spend their time online and what their preferences are. The objectives of this paper are: to examine the time spend by the young adults with their tech-devices, to analyze the purpose of following certain sites, to examine what tech-devices they are preferring. The research was conducted to evaluate and to compare the time spend by the young adults with their tech- devices between two countries, Romania and Croatia, in the period from 10 May to 15 May by online survey questionnaire on 136 students from Romania and Croatia.Mlađa populacija ljudi (djeca i adolescenti) danas su prigrlili nove informacijske tehnologije u velikom broju. Navedena populacija koristi Internet za svoje mnogobrojne dnevne aktivnosti te to rade više od svih drugih dobnih skupina. Informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije utječu na živote ljudi na mnogo različitih načina. Mobiteli, tableti, netbook, prijenosna računala i sl. samo su neki od uređaja koje veliki dio populacije svakodnevno koristi, a pogotovo mladi ljudi. Stoga se ovaj rad bavi problematikom vezanom za mlade ljude (u dobnoj skupini od 18 do 25 godina) i njihovom povezanošću sa informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama, odnosno kako provode svoje vrijeme online te koje su im preferencije posebice u pogledu informacijskih uređaja koje koriste. Ciljevi rada su: istražiti koliko vremena provode na svojih uređajima, razloge zbog kojih prate određene stranice te koje tehnološke uređaje preferiraju. U tu svrhu provedeno je istraživanje kako bi se usporedile dvije skupine mladih ljudi, jednu skupinu čine mladi ljudi iz Rumunjske dok drugu skupinu čine mladi ljudi iz Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno u period od 10. do 15. svibnja putem online anketnog upitnika na uzorku od 136 studenata

    The frontiers of diplomacy

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    Mladi u vremenu krize: prvo istraživanje IDIZ-a i Zaklade Friedrich Ebert o mladima

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    Sociološki profil današnje mlade generacije u Hrvatskoj moguće je skicirati na osnovi rezultata dobivenih u istraživanju čiji je cilj bio ustanoviti i analizirati stavove i obrasce ponašanja mladih u hrvatskom društvu koje prolazi kroz razdoblje krize i značajnih promjena. Uz nova saznanja o mladima, rezultati istraživanja omogućuju uvid u neke fenomene i procese u suvremenom društvu, aktualne kako na lokalnoj tako i na globalnoj razini. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku mladih u Hrvatskoj (N=1500)

    Physical exercise and cardiac death due to pneumonia in male teenagers [Iznenadna smrt zbog upalće pluća za vrijeme tjelovježbe u trojice mladića]

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    From 1998 to 2008 we noticed 3 cardiac deaths in male teenagers aged 18-19 during or after physical exercise. The first was working at the site recreatively, the second was engaged in soccer recreatively and the third was professional soccer player. One felt general tiredness and was exhausted of a heavily physical effort, the other after physical exercise became septic and the third was without symptoms. One died suddenly during physical exercise at the field and two died in the hospital. At the forensic autopsy the first had bilateral bacterial pneumonia, possible high-altitude non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema and cerebral edema. The second had bilateral bacterial pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation, suprarenal bleeding, cerebral edema, hypoplastic right coronary artery and myocardial fibrosis. The third had bilateral bacterial pneumonia, fibrinous pericarditis, cerebral contusion with edema, thickenning of the left ventricle 20 mm and hypoplastic ascending aorta. In Croatia the death rate among athletes reached 0.15/ 100,000, in athletes suffered of acute pneumonia 0.28/ 100,000, in others who practice exercise recreatively 0.57/ 100,000 (p = 0.0068), in all males who practice exercise recreatively 0.75/ 100,000 (p = 0.0014). Physical exercise is contraindicated in acute respiratory tract infections. Every such case has to be treated by physician. When to start with physical training after bacterial pneumonia depends on disappearing of clinical and X-ray signs of pneumonia, normalization of erythrocite sedimentation rate and of white cell count

    Mladi etnografi

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