198,442 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Jaringan Local Area Network Menggunakan Sistem Operasi Linux Redhat 9 (Studi Kasus Pada Laboratorium Komputer SMA Negeri 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang)

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    Development Network Local Area Network Use PC Router Operating System Linux Redhat 9 At Laboratory Computer SMAN 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang. This research aim to to develop Local Area Network network by using PC Router use system operate for Linux Redhat 9 at Laboratory Computer SMAN 1 Ujan Mas. With the existence of making of PC router use system operate for Linux Redhat 9, hence expense can be depressed by as cheap as possible, because such as those which we know costly marketing router price enough. With the existence of functioning router to continue data package and division of IP for the laboratory of very organizational other space and easy so that do not happened random in division of IP at SMA N laboratory 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang

    Media Transmission in Local Area Network Di PT. Telkom Kandatel East Jakarta

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    LAN network in the East Jakarta Kandatel to send its data he uses communication techniques broandband ethernet, using CSMA / CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection with) and the topology used is the bus topology used in the building. While the tree topology t o connect between buildings OPMC, Datel and Sentel through optical fiber media. While for the LAN network in a single building using UTP cable. In Kandatel to connect between buildings with each other using fiber optic media, it is because this type of cab le is not easily disrupted by interference from outside. While for the LAN network in a building using UTP cable

    Analisa Keandalan Jaringan Local Area Network (LAN) PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia- Duri Menggunakan Distribusi Weibull

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    Reliability is the ability of a system or component performs all the functions needed specific time period. Reliability Networking Local Area Network (LAN) is determined from the failure rate. This journal discusses Reliability Networking LAN analysis based on the value of the MTTF. This failure occurs on a physical disorder that includes transmission side include electric, ups, switches, transmission (fiber optic), converters, patch cords, connectors and others. The method that used in analyzing reliability is Distribusi Weibull. The calculation method of the Weibull distribution parameters using LSM. From the calculation, the shape parameter value is 1.9664 and scale parameter value is 3.4039. MTTF value of 0.9936 months, the uptime value of 11.0664 month, reliability value of 0.9222

    Optical fibre local area networks

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    Implementation of Local Area Network for Optimization of Data Processing (Study at Bank of East Java Small Medium Enterprise in Surabaya)

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    The objectives in this research are to describe implementation of LAN (Local Area Network) for optimization of data processing and To know the LAN (Local Area Network) be used optimally in data processing. The research used descriptive qualitative research approach to the analysis developed by Miles and Huberman data collection, data reduction, and conclusion. Collecting data using observation, interview employee Bank UMKM Jatim Surabaya. The results of this research are according to sources, the use of LAN in the processing of customer data is said to be optimal. However, the observation that researchers do, there are some shortcomings and problems that led to the conclusion that the use of the LAN for the processing of customer data Bank of East Java Small Medium Enterprise in Surabaya used LAN with IP and router in each computer, used of LAN is optimal, but still has some problem that occur, and the weakness is data leakage often occurs. Keywoard: computer network, local area network, optimization, data processing

    Simulasi Jaringan Virtual Local Area Network (Vlan) Menggunakan Pox Controller

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    Keterbatasan LAN melahirkan sebuah teknologi VLAN yang memungkinkan adanya konfigurasi dari suatu jaringan komputer secara virtual (virtualisasi). Proses mencocokkan fleksibilitas virtualisasi server sulit dilakukan dengan switch tradisional, sebab logika kontrol untuk setiap switch terletak dalam logika switching yang sama. Software Defined Network (SDN) memisahkan control plane dari forwarding hardware. Migrasi logic control yang digunakan pada perangkat yang terintegrasi (misalnya switch ethernet) menjadi mudah diakses dan secara logis jaringan menjadi terpusat dalam hal pengendalian. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi jaringan VLAN menggunakan Pox controller sehingga dapat mengetahui hasil evaluasi jaringan VLAN menggunakan pox controller. Berdasarkan fase simulation, konfigurasi jaringan VLAN lebih ditekankan pada controller. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian nilai ratarata jitter, pada jaringan VLAN menggunakan 2 buah switch nilai rata-rata Jitter sebesar 0,009 ms. Nilai rata-rata jitter tersebut lebih kecil dari nilai rata-rata jitter pada jaringan VLAN yang menggunakan 3 buah switch yaitu sebesar 0,027 ms. Sedangkan hasil pengujian nilai rata-rata packet loss memiliki nilai yang sama, yaitu 0%. Nilai rata-rata packet loss tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kedua skenario tersebut tidak terjadi kehilangan paket

    Safety System for Local Area Network System Using Network Operations Novell Netware V3.12 on Global Solusindo Computer

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    With a network security system implemented at Global Solusindo Computer, the security of files and data stored on the server more secure from the ravages of use by the user, besides other positive impacts that supports teaching and learning activities so that the user poses a bias network using time available in an effective and efficient.Use a file or data contained on the server depending on the rights granted by the supervisor to the user. By granting rights to the directories related applications provided with teaching materials other than the security aspects of the user data and files in a server network

    The Switched Local Area Networks’ Delay Problem: Issues and a Deterministic Solution Approach

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    A large number of installed local area networks are sluggish in terms of speed of uploading and down- loading of information. Researchers have, therefore, proposed the need for such networks to be designed with specified maximum end-to-end delay. This is because, if the maximum packet delay between any two nodes of a network is not known, it is impossible to provide a deterministic guarantee of worst case response times of packets’ flows. Therefore, the need for analytic and formal basis for designing such networks becomes very imperative. In this regard, this chapter has discussed the switched local area networks’ delay problem and related issues. It compared the two principal approaches for determining the end-to-end response times of flows in communication networks – stochastic approach and determin- istic approach. The chapter goes on to demonstrate the superiority of the latter approach by using it to develop and validate the goodness of a general maximum delay packet switch model

    LOCAL AREA NETWORK MANAGEMENT (Case Study at Assessment and Development Information Technology Units Brawijaya University Malang)

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    The purpose of this study was to know the management local area network at Assessment and Development Information Technology units, furthermore this study focusing on network management functions that applied by Assessment and Development Information Technology Units. This study will explain about the implementation of network management functions in the local area network management. The research method employ in this research is by using descriptive qualitative method by study case approach. The results of this study was in the implementation of network management functions Assessment and Development Information Technology units already applied all five network management functions in the local area network management. Each functions represented as a network management components in managing Assessment and Development Information Technology units local area network. Since the network management functions represented as a network management components it needed improvement in each network management functions policies and measurements
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