9,590 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Imitation Learning from Unstructured Demonstrations using Generative Adversarial Nets

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    Imitation learning has traditionally been applied to learn a single task from demonstrations thereof. The requirement of structured and isolated demonstrations limits the scalability of imitation learning approaches as they are difficult to apply to real-world scenarios, where robots have to be able to execute a multitude of tasks. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal imitation learning framework that is able to segment and imitate skills from unlabelled and unstructured demonstrations by learning skill segmentation and imitation learning jointly. The extensive simulation results indicate that our method can efficiently separate the demonstrations into individual skills and learn to imitate them using a single multi-modal policy. The video of our experiments is available at http://sites.google.com/view/nips17intentionganComment: Paper accepted to NIPS 201

    Agile Autonomous Driving using End-to-End Deep Imitation Learning

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    We present an end-to-end imitation learning system for agile, off-road autonomous driving using only low-cost sensors. By imitating a model predictive controller equipped with advanced sensors, we train a deep neural network control policy to map raw, high-dimensional observations to continuous steering and throttle commands. Compared with recent approaches to similar tasks, our method requires neither state estimation nor on-the-fly planning to navigate the vehicle. Our approach relies on, and experimentally validates, recent imitation learning theory. Empirically, we show that policies trained with online imitation learning overcome well-known challenges related to covariate shift and generalize better than policies trained with batch imitation learning. Built on these insights, our autonomous driving system demonstrates successful high-speed off-road driving, matching the state-of-the-art performance.Comment: 13 pages, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 201

    Imitation from Observation: Learning to Imitate Behaviors from Raw Video via Context Translation

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    Imitation learning is an effective approach for autonomous systems to acquire control policies when an explicit reward function is unavailable, using supervision provided as demonstrations from an expert, typically a human operator. However, standard imitation learning methods assume that the agent receives examples of observation-action tuples that could be provided, for instance, to a supervised learning algorithm. This stands in contrast to how humans and animals imitate: we observe another person performing some behavior and then figure out which actions will realize that behavior, compensating for changes in viewpoint, surroundings, object positions and types, and other factors. We term this kind of imitation learning "imitation-from-observation," and propose an imitation learning method based on video prediction with context translation and deep reinforcement learning. This lifts the assumption in imitation learning that the demonstration should consist of observations in the same environment configuration, and enables a variety of interesting applications, including learning robotic skills that involve tool use simply by observing videos of human tool use. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach in learning a wide range of real-world robotic tasks modeled after common household chores from videos of a human demonstrator, including sweeping, ladling almonds, pushing objects as well as a number of tasks in simulation.Comment: Accepted at ICRA 2018, Brisbane. YuXuan Liu and Abhishek Gupta had equal contributio
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