212 research outputs found

    Academic Audit and Quality Assurance in Higher Education

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    The role of higher education institutions is reflected in its learning outcomes. The learning outcomes contribute to develop quality professionals by enhancing competency in subject knowledge and intellectual capability, grooming professionalism and employability skills. Still further it contributes to emotional and social maturity, sound character, sharp business acumen, strong scientific temper and strategic thinking among the learners. This could be materialized only through imparting comprehensive, continually enhanced and global quality professional education supported by a sound quality management system. Quality policy contributes to institutionalizing the quality assurance processes. Commitment to providing quality teaching and learning through well designed and systematic curriculum delivery using multitude of learning experiences is at the core of this policy. A variety of quality assurance processes are institutionalized focusing around teacher quality, curriculum delivery and pedagogy, research and training, skill development of students, orientation programmes for overall personality development and broad range of activities which equip the students to face challenges and take up risks with courage. Academic Audit gives feed-back on its efficiency. The observations from the audit are utilised for institutional improvement

    Cloud Computing Security Issues - Challenges and Opportunities

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    Cloud computing services enabled through information communication technology delivered to a customer as services over the Internet on a leased basis have the capability to extend up or down their service requirements or needs. In this model, the infrastructure is owned by a third party vendor and the cloud computing services are delivered to the requested customers. Cloud computing model has many advantages including scalability, flexibility, elasticity, efficiency, and supports outsourcing non-core activities of an organization. Cloud computing offers an innovative business concept for organizations to adopt IT enabled services without advance investment. This model enables convenient, on-request network accessibility to a shared pool of IT computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services. Cloud computing can be quickly provisioned and released with negligible management exertion or service provider interaction. Even though organizations get many benefits of cloud computing services, many organizations are slow in accepting cloud computing service model because of security concerns and challenges associated with management of this technology. Security, being the major issues which hinder the growth of cloud computing service model due to the provision of handling confidential data by the third party is risky such that the consumers need to be more attentive in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. In this paper, we have discussed the security issues, the challenges and the opportunities in the adoption and management of cloud computing services model in an organization

    Child Welfare – Measures to Combat Violation, Exploitation, & Abuse

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    Biologically, Child falls within the state of human development in between the stages of birth and puberty below the age of 14 years of age. Child is a gift of almighty which need to be nurtured, cared, respected, loved and protected. The children during their tender age require abundant care, love and affection from their parents, relatives and friends

    A Study on Fingerprint Hash Code Generation Using Euclidean Distance for Identifying a User

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    Biometrics innovation has ended up being a precise and proficient response to the security issue. Biometrics is a developing field of research as of late and has been dedicated to the distinguishing proof or authentication of people utilizing one or multiple inherent physical or behavioural characteristics. The unique fingerprint traits of a man are exceptionally exact and are special to a person. Authentication frameworks in light of unique fingerprints have demonstrated to create low false acceptance rate and false rejection rate, alongside other favourable circumstances like simple and easy usage strategy. But the modern study reveals that fingerprint is not so secured like secured passwords which consist of alphanumeric characters, number and special characters. Fingerprints are left at crime places, on materials or at the door which is usually class of latent fingerprints. We cannot keep fingerprint as secure like rigid passwords. In this paper, we discuss fingerprint image Hash code generation based on the Euclidean distance calculated on the binary image. Euclidean distance on a binary image is the distance from every pixel to the nearest neighbour pixel which is having bit value one. Hashcode alone not sufficient for Verification or Authentication purpose, but can work along with Multifactor security model or it is half secured. To implement Hash code generation we use MATLAB2015a. This study shows how fingerprints Hash code uniquely identifies a user or acts as index-key or identity-key

    ABCD Analysis as Research Methodology in Company Case Studies

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    Company analysis is a type of Case Study method among many types of Case study based Research Methods. While developing a Company Case study based on various issues in Management, the researcher can choose any company of any industry to study an issue or to solve a problem. Usually, a case analysis ends up with the observation of new performance pattern, interpretation of issues in the form of new information, or development of new suggestions to improve the system or to solve the problems optimally. Company analysis is considered to be a most powerful method to study new lessons required to identify, understand, and solve the problems in the process of managing and leading the organizations. Analysing business issues related to a company provides an opportunity to researchers to identify the kinds of situations, decisions, and dilemmas managers facing every day. Company analysis is a powerful tool in developing both research case study and teaching case study in business management subject. In this paper, we have discussed how ABCD Analysis as Research Methodology in company case analysis procedures in order to help the budding researchers while developing and analysing Company analysis as a Case study. In this paper, we have checked whether ABCD (Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages) analysis framework can be used while analysing a company, how to consider various determinant issues of a company, selecting various affecting factors under these issues and identifying constituent critical elements for each construct using its elemental analysis technique, and the reasons to recommend the ABCD analysis framework in any kind of company analysis


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    By definition, Authentication is using one or multiple mechanisms to show that you are who you claim to be. As soon as the identity of the human or machine is demonstrated, then human or machine is authorized to grant some services. The modern research study reveals that fingerprint is not so secured like secured a password which consists of alphanumeric characters, number and special characters. Fingerprints are left at crime places, on materials or at the door which is usually class of latent fingerprints. We cannot keep fingerprint as secure like rigid passwords. Using some modern technology with copper and graphite spray it's easy to mimic fingerprint image. Fingerprints are a half-secret if passwords are leaked or hacked, it easily revocable using another password. But in a biometric security system, which uses only biometric features, is not easy to change fingerprint key or fingerprint are static biometric, which never change much throughout the lifespan. Fingerprints are left at car, door or anyplace where every person goes and places his finger. Fingerprint Hash code is not used for full security or authentication purpose but it can be combined with other security elements like password or OTP in order to enhance security. In this paper, a novel method for Authentication is proposed by making use of Fingerprint Hash Code, Password, and OTP. In this study, we make use of Euclidean Distance to generate fingerprint Hash Code. Fingerprint Hash code is generated using MD5 Hash Function. The Model is implemented using MATLAB2015a. This paper also analyzes novel Authentication model used in this study with the aid of ABCD analysis

    Quantitative ABCD Analysis of IEDRA Model of Placement Determination

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    The current technological and digital era has always directed campus recruitment process towards eruption of paradigm shifts matching new systems of industrial workforce engagements. The dilemma of job seeking graduates today in campus has ever more convoluted towards the rapid changes in industry and employment market. IEDRA Model of Student Campus Placement Realization was a more comprehensive study undertaken by Shenoy & Aithal (2017) to resolve such a dilemma of students. Therefore here, a brief study is undertaken to discover practical viabilities, understand the usefulness, resourcefulness and universal applications of IEDRA Model of campus placement determination towards concerned stakeholders. A new model of framework analysis named ABCD analysis developed by Aithal et al. (2015) is adopted here for arriving at appropriate theory, hypothesis or postulate constructs regarding the ubiquitous appeal of the IEDRA Framework

    Infatuation, Romantic Relationship and Learning Behaviour among School Going Adolescents

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    The adolescence is an important period in which one's character, behaviour, habits, and future lifestyles are developed. Influence of peer is more than the influence of adults, parents, and teachers in this period. Therefore, this research paper aims to explore the potential impact of infatuation and romantic relation to learning behaviour of school-going adolescents. Total of 108 adolescent students were surveyed using the questionnaire method. Both the primary and secondary data are used in this study and it is descriptive in nature. Result highlights that a majority of the respondents have experienced distraction, stress, and low academic performance due to infatuation and romantic relationship. It has a negative impact on learning behaviour among adolescents undergoing infatuation or romantic relation. It is recommended that creation of awareness among teachers and parents in the school and home to provide appropriate support and care to the adolescents is essential. A flexible environment in the school and home must be created to make the adolescents develop positive behaviour towards learning

    Interconnecting Theory A and ABC Model of Organizational Performance

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    The higher education and research institutions have an objective of creating new knowledge continuously using their people as resources and success of the organizations depend on how much new knowledge they have created during a given period of time. A simple measurement system for calculating annual research index of organizations namely ABC model has been developed by Aithal P. S. and Suresh Kumar during 2016. As per this model, the annual research performance can be determined by knowing the research index of the institution/ individuals and is calculated by considering the total number of research publications during that period. Application of the theory of organizational performance namely ‘Theory A’ can improve research productivity of educational institutions. This is a management strategy which believes in delivering target as responsibility, feeling of creativity and contribution for motivation, identifying with the organization as commitment and accountability as a hallmark of efficiency. In this paper, we have interconnected Theory A of organization performance with ABC model of research productivity in order to enhance research productivity of the organizations

    ABCD Analysis of Task Shifting – An optimum Alternative Solution to Professional Healthcare Personnel Shortage

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    Task shifting is an optimum alternate solution in the healthcare system to address the acute shortage of professionally qualified healthcare workers in developing countries. This will temporarily help in solving the big problem of providing quality and timely health services to the needy people. Despite many trained health care professionals, our health care system is struggling to provide optimum services to the patients due to many reasons including the high burden of infectious diseases, emigration of trained professionals, difficult working conditions, and low motivation by country governments. Even though, the permanent solution to this problem is to create more professional doctors by increasing training courses, training facilities through modifying government policies and enhancing resources to do so, such actions and resultant solutions take a long time to realize in practice. Hence a quick optimum solution is needed to address the critical shortage of trained healthcare professionals. It is logically argued and in many places practically proven that out of many alternatives, the best alternative for healthcare executives in any hospital of primary health centres is the strategic decision of thinking and implementing the so called strategy of task-shifting. In this paper, we have analysed the process of task-shifting by considering its advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages using an analysing technique called ABCD analysing framework. As per the ABCD framework, the various determinant issues of related to the task shifting for organizational health service performance are identified using focus group method are : (1) Organizational Issue, (2) Alternative Acceptors Issue, (3) Donor Physicians Issue, (4) Patients and Relatives Issue (5) Societal Issue, and (6) Country Issue. Each determinant issue has sub-issues called key attributes used for analyzing the advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages which are the four major constructs of the framework. The factors affecting the various determinant issues of for task shifting for each key issues under four constructs are derived and 172 critical constituent elements (CCE) of these factors are listed under the ABCD constructs
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