13,753 research outputs found

    From double Lie groupoids to local Lie 2-groupoids

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    We apply the bar construction to the nerve of a double Lie groupoid to obtain a local Lie 2-groupoid. As an application, we recover Haefliger's fundamental groupoid from the fundamental double groupoid of a Lie groupoid. In the case of a symplectic double groupoid, we study the induced closed 2-form on the associated local Lie 2-groupoid, which leads us to propose a definition of a symplectic 2-groupoid.Comment: 23 pages, a few minor changes, including a correction to Lemma 6.

    Differentiable stratified groupoids and a de Rham theorem for inertia spaces

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    We introduce the notions of a differentiable groupoid and a differentiable stratified groupoid, generalizations of Lie groupoids in which the spaces of objects and arrows have the structures of differentiable spaces, respectively differentiable stratified spaces, compatible with the groupoid structure. After studying basic properties of these groupoids including Morita equivalence, we prove a de Rham theorem for locally contractible differentiable stratified groupoids. We then focus on the study of the inertia groupoid associated to a proper Lie groupoid. We show that the loop and the inertia space of a proper Lie groupoid can be endowed with a natural Whitney B stratification, which we call the orbit Cartan type stratification. Endowed with this stratification, the inertia groupoid of a proper Lie groupoid becomes a locally contractible differentiable stratified groupoid

    The H-Covariant Strong Picard Groupoid

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    The notion of H-covariant strong Morita equivalence is introduced for *-algebras over C = R(i) with an ordered ring R which are equipped with a *-action of a Hopf *-algebra H. This defines a corresponding H-covariant strong Picard groupoid which encodes the entire Morita theory. Dropping the positivity conditions one obtains H-covariant *-Morita equivalence with its H-covariant *-Picard groupoid. We discuss various groupoid morphisms between the corresponding notions of the Picard groupoids. Moreover, we realize several Morita invariants in this context as arising from actions of the H-covariant strong Picard groupoid. Crossed products and their Morita theory are investigated using a groupoid morphism from the H-covariant strong Picard groupoid into the strong Picard groupoid of the crossed products.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 50 pages. Revised version with additional examples and references. To appear in JPA
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