1,136 research outputs found


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    Batuan terbentuk disebabkan oleh kandungan mineral yang membeku, sehingga jenis batuan dapat dibedakan berdasarkan pembentukan kandungan mineral nya yang biasa disebut dengan rock forming minerals. Dengan bantuan alat mikroskop, para ahli geologi dapat mengklasifikasi jenis batuan berdasarkan karakteristik yang berasal dari jumlah mineral. Batu akan di sayat menjadi sayatan tipis, lalu diletakan dibawah lensa yang terdapat di alat mikroskop. Hasil dari penglihatan dengan mata manusia yang dibantu oleh mikroskop dapat di analisis dan dibuat persentase kandungan mineral yang ada di dalam batu tersebut. Namun hasil yang didapat akan bergantung pada tingkat ketelitian manusia dalam meneliti dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Kelemahan tersebut dapat di minimalisir dengan menggunakan proses pengolahan citra digital. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, penulis merancang sebuah simulasi pengolahan citra digital berbasis MATLAB. Simulasi tersebut dapat menganalisa dan mengklasifikasi jenis-jenis bebatuan secara lebih cepat, lebih akurat, dan lebih objektif. Citra objek yang dipakai untuk penelitian adalah batuan beku dengan mineralogi optic cross nikol dan parallel nikol. Sistem ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu identifikasi batuan beku berdasarkan texture, dan identifikasi batuan beku berdasarkan warna. Identifikasi batuan beku berdasarkan texture menggunakan metoda ekstraksi ciri Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan klasifikasi citra Decision Tree. Akurasi identifikasi berdasarkan texture yang didapat untuk mineralogi optic cross nikol adalah 82,6% dengan ukuran image 1024 x 684 piksel, dengan parameter GLCM jarak 1 piksel, sudut 45 derajat, level kuantisasi 32, menempuh waktu komputasi 45,65 detik. Sedangkan untuk mineralogi optic paralel nikol 80,37% dengan ukuran image 512 x 342 piksel, dengan parameter GLCM jarak 4 piksel, sudut 0 derajat, level kuantisasi 32, menempuh waktu komputasi 57,08 detik. Identifikasi batuan beku berdasarkan warna menggunakan segmentasi warna, dimana penentuan jumlah warna ditentukan oleh ahli petrologi dengan algoritma K-Means Clustering, output dapat menghitung jumlah mineral dan nama batuan beku berdasarkan ternary diagram QAP Petrologi. Kata Kunci: Mikroskop, Citra Digital, GLCM, Decision Tree, Cross Nikol, Paralel Niko

    Klasifikasi Kanker Usus besar menggunakan Ekstrasi Ciri Statistik Grey Level Co-occurance Matrix dengan metode Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm

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    ABSTRAKSI: Kanker usus besar merupakan penyakit kanker yang dapat di derita manusia dikarenakan bertambahnya umur setiap manusia dan pengolahan yang tidak seharusnya, seperti makan tidak teratur serta tidak membuang air besar untuk waktu yang lama. Tetapi tidak munutup kemungkinan kanker usus besar dapat menyerang secara dini. Saat ini untuk pengecekan sebuah kanker usus besar masih menggunakan cara yang manual dengan melihat langsung sel di mikroskop dan dibandingkan dengan sel usus besar yang normal. Tuntutan paramedic untuk mediagnosa cepat kanker ususbesar dengan akurat sangat diharapkan banyak orang Pada tugas akhir ini, akan dibangun sebuah system pengklasifikasian menggunakan Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dengan metode trainingnya Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA). Pada Tugas akhir ini, diteliti terkait dengan LMA, yang meliputi jumlah masukan, epoch, learning rate, dan jumlah hidden neuron. Klasifikasi kanker usus besar sendiri dalam hal preprocessing untuk mencirikan tekstur dari sel di usus besar. Yang diambil menggunakan kamera digital, yang dihadapkan langsung pada lesa okuler dari mikroskop di RU Hasan Sadikin bandung. Menggunakan ekstrasi ciri stattistik Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), yang akan dilanjutkan pemrosesan training menggunakan Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA). Yang didapat hasil 83% untuk gambar jaringan utuh kanker usus besar dan nilai akurasi 90% untuk citra yang sudah di crop persel.Kata Kunci : klasifikasi kanker usus besar, artificial neural network, Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix, levenberg marquardt algorithm.ABSTRACT: Colon Cancer is Cancer can be affects humans. Because Increasing age every human being and processing should not be. for example, irregular eating and do not defecate for a long time. But did not rule out colon cancer can strike early. Now check a colon cancer are still using manual. By looking directly at the microscope and cells compared with normal colon cells. Demands paramedics to quickly diagnose colon cancer with highly accurate expected a lot of people. This final assignment, will be constructed a classification system using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with methods Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA). This final assignment, observed associated with the LMA, which includes the number of inputs, epochs, learning rate, and the number of hidden neurons. classification of colon cancer itself in terms of preprocessing to characterize the texture of cells in colon. Were taken using a digital camera, that directly confronted the ocular lens of the microscope In Hasan Sadikin bandung hospital. Using characteristic extraction stattistik Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), which will continue processing training using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA). obtained results of 83% for intact tissue images colon cancer and 90% accuracy values for the image that already in the crop each cell.Keyword: colon cancer classification, artificial neural network, Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Levenberg Marquardt algorithm

    Automated segmentation and quantification of airway mucus with endobronchial optical coherence tomography

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    We propose a novel suite of algorithms for automatically segmenting the airway lumen and mucus in endobronchial optical coherence tomography (OCT) data sets, as well as a novel approach for quantifying the contents of the mucus. Mucus and lumen were segmented using a robust, multi-stage algorithm that requires only minimal input regarding sheath geometry. The algorithm performance was highly accurate in a wide range of airway and noise conditions. Mucus was classified using mean backscattering intensity and grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) statistics. We evaluated our techniques in vivo in asthmatic and non-asthmatic volunteers

    Texture recognition by using GLCM and various aggregation functions

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    We discuss the problem of texture recognition based on the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). We performed a number of numerical experiments to establish whether the accuracy of classification is optimal when GLCM entries are aggregated into standard metrics like contrast, dissimilarity, homogeneity, entropy, etc., and compared these metrics to several alternative aggregation methods.We conclude that k nearest neighbors classification based on raw GLCM entries typically works better than classification based on the standard metrics for noiseless data, that metrics based on principal component analysis inprove classification, and that a simple change from the arithmetic to quadratic mean in calculating the standard metrics also improves classification. <br /

    Deteksi Gangguan Organ Tubuh Manusia Melalui Citra Iris dengan Metode Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix

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    ABSTRAKSI: Iridologi merupakan suatu alternatif teknik pengobatan yang meyakini bahwa pola, warna, dan karakteristik lain dari iris dapat diperiksa untuk diketahui informasi tentang kesehatan pasien. Gangguan terhadap organ-organ tertentu dapat dikenali dengan melihat ciri khusus yang terdapat pada iris seseorang. Namun, pengamatan tersebut hanya bisa dilakukan oleh para ahli, sehingga masyarakat umum menjadi sulit untuk melakukannya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu dalam mengenali kelainan organ secara dini, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai tindakan preventifDalam Tugas Akhir ini, dibangun suatu sistem yang membantu untuk mendeteksi dan menentukan bagian tubuh mana yang mengalami gangguan. Citra iris mata bagian kiri dan kanan digunakan sebagai inputan dari sistem. Kemudian, dari citra iris tersebut, bisa didapatkan ciri tertentu dengan menggunakan metode Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Ciri tekstur yang dapat dimunculkan oleh GLCM antara lain, mean, standar deviasi, kontras, homogenitas, energi, entropi, korelasi. Ciri tekstur yang didapat kemudian dijadikan dasar perhitungan metode klasifikasi dengan menggunakan KNN.Pada penelitian ini, pendeteksian kondisi organ didesain melalui tahapan akuisisi citra, grayscale, segmentasi, ekstraksi ciri, dan klasifikasi. Masukan berupa iris mata kiri dan kanan yang telah teridentifikasi keadaannya. Sedangkan organ yang mampu dideteksi dalam sistem ini hanya meliputi organ pankreas, ginjal kiri, dan ginjal kanan. Tingkat prediksi kondisi organ terbaik sistem untuk organ pankreas adalah sebesar 57,69%, untuk ginjal kanan sebesar 92,31% dan untuk ginjal kiri sebesar 83,33%Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Iridology, Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), K-NearestABSTRACT: Iridologi is an alternative treatment technique that believe that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined for known information about the health of patients. Disruption of certain organs can be recognized by looking at the special features contained on a person\u27s iris. However, these observations can only be done by experts, so that people can be difficult to do so. Therefore, we need a system that can help the general public in identifying early abnormalities organism, so it can be used as a preventative measure.In this Final Project, built a system that helps to detect and determine which body part impaired. Iris image to the left and right are used as input of the system. Then, from the iris image, certain characteristics can be obtained by using the Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Characteristic texture that can be raised by the GLCM, among others, the mean, standard deviation, contrast, homogeneity, energy, entropy, correlation. Texture characteristics obtained and then used as the basis of the calculation method of classification using KNN.In this study, the detection of the condition of the organ was designed through the stages of image acquisition, grayscale, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Input system is left and right of iris that has been identified. While an organ that can be detected in this system covers only organ pancreas, left kidney and right kidney. The best recognition rate system for organ pancreas amounted to 57.69%, to 92.31% for right kidney and left kidney at 83.33%Keyword: Iridology, Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), KNeares

    In vivo skin capacitive imaging analysis by using grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).

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    We present our latest work on in vivo skin capacitive imaging analysis by using grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The in vivo skin capacitive images were taken by a capacitance based fingerprint sensor, the skin capacitive images were then analysed by GLCM. Four different GLCM feature vectors, angular second moment (ASM), entropy (ENT), contrast (CON) and correlation (COR), are selected to describe the skin texture. The results show that angular second moment increases as age increases, and entropy decreases as age increases. The results also suggest that the angular second moment values and the entropy values reflect more about the skin texture, whilst the contrast values and the correlation values reflect more about the topically applied solvents. The overall results shows that the GLCM is an effective way to extract and analyse the skin texture information, which can potentially be a valuable reference for evaluating effects of medical and cosmetic treatments

    Classification of color textures with random field models and neural networks

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    A number of texture classification approaches have been developed in the past but most of these studies target graylevel textures. In this work, novel results are presented on Neural Network based classification of color textures in a very large heterogeneous database. Several different Multispectral Random Field models are used to characterize the textures. The classifying features are based on the estimated parameters of these model and functions defined on them. The approach is tested on a database of 73 different color textures classes. The advantage of utilizing color information is demonstrated by converting color textures to gray-level ones and classifying them using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) based features.Facultad de Informátic
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