11,294 research outputs found

    Analysis of Facts and Dilemmas of Globalization Activities

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    This paper critically analyzes the key elements (world trends, national identity, human resources, market) of the effects of globalization on the market, as well as the role of our country in the entire process, listing practical examples. Through comparison and analysis of the available literature and experience, it was concluded that there is a dual impact of globalization in the economic sphere and the need for including management into world trends is increasing. The turbulent environment demands increasingly rapid adaptation of outdated management methods towards more progressive and modern methods, for that which was new yesterday may already be old today.globalization, economy, management, market

    (In)Visible Hand(s)

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    In this paper, the author discusses the regulatory role of the state and legal norms, in market economy, especially in so-called transition countries. Legal policy, and other questions of the state and free market economy are here closely connected, because the state must ensure with legal norms that economic processes are not interrupted: only the state can establish the legal basis for a market economy. The free marketā€™s invisible hand is acting in questions such as: what is to be produced, how much is to be produced, for whom it is to be produced, how it is to be produced. During the transition period but also in the establishnig EU, the role of legal norms is much more important then it (is) would be expected: problems of transition are more connected with ethics and psychology, then with legislation.Law and economics, legal norms, (de)regulation, State

    Ethical challenges of the globalization process

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    Whereas roots of globalization are far reaching, it is primarily a modern age phenomenon. Modern business operation and the world economy are characterized by domination of multinational corporations, strong presence of the government in economy and the long-term tendency towards globalization in manufacturing, trading and consumption in the world. Containing both risks and opportunities, globalization is a problem of manifold nature. For some it means regression and falling into Ć¢ā‚¬Å“neocolonialismĆ¢ā‚¬, the others glorify it. It is logical to ask the following questions: What are the consequences of globalization for governments, nations, companies and individuals? What are the business, social and ethical issues it causes? In one word, is it possible to be ethical, to avoid and correct Ć¢ā‚¬Å“badĆ¢ā‚¬ and keep Ć¢ā‚¬Å“goodĆ¢ā‚¬ consequences of total phenomena as the globalization, and whether it is rewarding in the increasing market competition?Globalization, ethics, strategy of business ethic, corporative responsibility, behavior., Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, A13, F23, M14,


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    The Bologna declaration opened and offered education reform, formalized with the Bologna declaration in 1999, and which was to a large extent initiated by employers. Their request was, on the unique European market, the future candidates for the job to be educated in a standard way so the big European companies would apply the same systems of recruitment, selection and employment in different countries. Their request also was directed towards the reform of the curriculum in a manner of greater applicability. The education system was required during the education to convey to the students no only academic knowledge, but practical skills as well and to develop their abilities during education so they can from the first day of their employment to start with the performance of some tasks. The idea itself, although declaratively broadly accepted, met series of different resistances. In the adaptation of the curricula, the establishments often manifested the following failures: the formal approach, procrastination, partial application of some of the principles, declarative acceptance. The adaptation to the needs of the employers caused maybe the greatest resistances. And what was the most important for the employers, the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical concepts, the universities have often accepted only formally.Bolonjska deklaracija otvorila je i ponudila reformu obrazovanja, Å”to je formalizirano Bolonjskom deklaracijom 1999, koja je u velikoj mjeri pokrenuta od strane poslodavaca. Njihov zahtjev bio je da na jedinstvenom europskom tržiÅ”tu, budući kandidati za posao budu obrazovani na standardni način, kako bi velike europske kompanije primjenjivale isti sustav zapoÅ”ljavanja u različitim zemljama. Njihov zahtjev je bio usmjeren na reformu nastavnog plana i programa na način veće primjenjivosti. Od obrazovnog sustava se traži da tijekom obrazovanja prenese studentima ne samo akademsko znanje, već praktične vjeÅ”tine, kao i da razvijaju svoje sposobnosti tijekom Å”kolovanja tako da se mogu od prvog dana svog radnog vijeka započeti s obavljanjem nekih zadatke. Sama ideja, iako je deklarativno Å”iroko prihvaćena, naiÅ”la je na mnoÅ”tvo različitih otpora. U prilagodbi nastavnih planova i programa, često se očituju sljedeće problemi: formalni pristup, otezanje, djelomična primjena nekih od principa, deklarativno prihvaćanje. Prilagodba potrebama poslodavaca izazvala je možda najveći otpor. I Å”to je najvažnije za poslodavce, integraciju teorijskih znanja i praktičnih koncepata, sveučiliÅ”ta često prihvaćaju samo formalno

    The Globalization Debate: The Sceptics

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    A devastating criticism of a hard core argumentation, stemming from skeptical authors, has strongly challenged an enthusiasm noticeable in most theoretical analyses of globalization, bringing to light many darker sides of the globalization phenomena. A detailed critical re-examination of their often unrealistic assumptions has presented a very serious challenge to globalists and has made room for the arising of the so called great globalization debate, which has started over time to shape the mainstream of the contemporary social philosophy. In this paper we are closely looking into the way in which sceptics realize their devastating criticism of globalists? argumentation.Globalization, The great globalization debate, Sceptics

    Globalization Under the Influence of Development of Information and Communication Tehnology (ICT)

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    This paper deals with development of information and communication technology, which is also one of the causes and consequences of globalization. With the development of information and communication technology world is becoming much smaller, so that connection between two subjects in different parts of the world is established within a few seconds. Digitalization shall undoubtedly be confi rmed as one of all-present generic trends, which to a large extent brought forth appearance of the rest of them. In this paper telecom market and some of the specifi c info-phenomena of the modern society shall also be considered, such as the Internet, which greatly influence contemporary culture.globalization, information and communication technology, ICT market.

    Engleski jezik i globalizacija

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    Dominance of one language as a prime means of communication worldwide and too frequent usage of its words loan in many offi cial languages has been causing disputes among linguists and mother tongue experts especially in European countries. The process of globalisation through which one language has evolved into a global or world language has lasted for decades. In the paper the authors have tried to state their opinion regarding the topic of English as a lingua franca and its acquired label of being a language killer. The authors will also provide the comment on the infl uence of English on Croatian. English has been a widely taught and learnt foreign language in Croatia for decades. It is being taught in kindergartens, primary, secondary schools, in a large number of private schools for foreign languages and at faculties. Globalisation in the economic domain enabled many foreign companies the expansion of their business in Croatia. All of these companies require from their employees a good command of English. A fair knowledge of English has become a prerequisite for a professional and social promotion in Croatia. The fact that English has become a global language is not the only effect of globalisation when the language issue is analysed. Globalisation has fostered the promotion of some regional or minority languages in Europe as well as the promotion of some official languages in European countries. Therefore, it seems that there are not enough arguments to support the fear of English as a language killer or as a global threat.Uzrok mnogih rasprava među lingvistima i stručnjacima za materinje jezike, osobito u Europi, bio je prevelik utjecaj jednog jezika kao glavnog sredstva komuniciranja diljem svijeta kao i prečesto koriÅ”tenje posuđenica iz tog jezika. Autori ovog rada će dati i svoj doprinos ovim raspravama s osvrtom na utjecaj koji engleski ima i na hrvatski jezik. U Hrvatskoj se engleski već desetljećima podučava u vrtićima, Å”kolama, privatnim Å”kolama za strane jezike i na visokim učiliÅ”tima. U području gospodarstva, globalizacija je dovela do toga da su mnoge inozemne tvrtke proÅ”irile svoje poslovanje i na Hrvatsku. To je dovelo do toga da je engleski danas u Hrvatskoj jedan od važnijih preduvjeta profesionalnog i druÅ”tvenog uspjeha. Činjenica da je engleski postao globalni jezik ili lingua franca nije jedini učinak globalizacije. Globalizacija je potpomogla promoviranje mnogih regionalnih i manjinskih jezika u Europi, ali isto tako i nekih službenih europskih jezika. Čini se da nema dovoljno argumenata koji bi opravdali strah od engleskog kao jezika ubojice drugih jezika ili kao globalne prijetnje

    On the Theory of Human Decisions in the Age of "beneficial globalization"

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    The globalisation is a complex phenomenon with many advantageous and disadvantageous consequences. In this paper we investigate the linkage between globalised market economy and the happiness through the ethical implications of the greatest happiness principle in a system approach. We also investigate the terms of the beneficial globalisation. Our proposition is that: the main condition of the good globalisation should be Bentham's principle: the greatest happiness for the greatest number and the United States Declaration of Independence's famous phrase pursuit of happiness. We face the following problem: the globalization assures - due to its Nature - the growth of Z, which is the marketed part of the globalization, but not the total happiness. The main question in political philosophy is: What do we need to do in order to live together well? In complex approach, based on the wealth increase law we take into account the parameters, which will be changed by the human decisions (i) as well as the long-term expectations, which are motivating the decisions themselves (ii). Factors (i) are the followings: material goods, money, parameters of human physiology (e.g. health), psychology (knowledge), sociology (e.g. friends, power). These quantities are measurable in principle, i.e. they can be mapped into the set of real numbers. The changes are exchanges between two agents or with the nature, and there is production/consumption inside the agent.globalisation, decision theory, greatest happiness principle

    Globalisation of First Stone Tools and Polymer Processing

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    Na temelju istraživanja o utjecaju gume i plastike na globalizaciju doÅ”lo se na zamisao da se otkrije prvi materijalni globalizacijski put. On počinje u Goni, u Etiopiji, prije oko 2,6 milijuna godina izradbom prvih kamenih rezala (sjekača i odbojaka). Utvrđena su tri karakteristična mjesta izradbe tih rezala u rasponu od milijun godina. To Å”irenje izradbe kamenih alata autori su nazvali putem kamenih alata. Ti su se alati rabili za postupke odvajanja prirodnih polimera životinjskog podrijetla, rasijecanje kostiju i rezanje strvina. Slijedila je obradba odvajanjem čestica prirodnih polimera: drva, kostiju, bjelokosti i rogovlja. Prema nalazima najstarija je obradba drva odvajanjem čestica, oko 400 000 godina, a tim je postupkom načinjena vjerojatno prva frula od kosti mladunčeta Å”piljskog medvjeda (životinjski polimer) prije oko 55 tisuća godina.The research about the impact of rubber and plastics on globalisation has led to the idea of discovering the fi rst material globalisation road. It started in Gona, Ethiopia, ~ 2.6 million years ago by the making of the fi rst stone choppers and fl akes. Three characteristic places were found where these cutters were made within a time span of a million years. This expansion of the making of stone tools we named the stone tools road. These tools were used for breaking the natural polymers, bones and animal butchering, approximately at the same time when the fi rst choppers and fl akes were made. Then follows the mechanical processing of natural polymers: wood, bones, ivory and antler, by separation of particles. According to the existing fi ndings, the oldest is wood processing, about 400,000 years. Probably the fi rst man-made fl ute was made of a young cave bearā€™s bone (animal polymer) some 55,000 years ago
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