


The Bologna declaration opened and offered education reform, formalized with the Bologna declaration in 1999, and which was to a large extent initiated by employers. Their request was, on the unique European market, the future candidates for the job to be educated in a standard way so the big European companies would apply the same systems of recruitment, selection and employment in different countries. Their request also was directed towards the reform of the curriculum in a manner of greater applicability. The education system was required during the education to convey to the students no only academic knowledge, but practical skills as well and to develop their abilities during education so they can from the first day of their employment to start with the performance of some tasks. The idea itself, although declaratively broadly accepted, met series of different resistances. In the adaptation of the curricula, the establishments often manifested the following failures: the formal approach, procrastination, partial application of some of the principles, declarative acceptance. The adaptation to the needs of the employers caused maybe the greatest resistances. And what was the most important for the employers, the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical concepts, the universities have often accepted only formally.Bolonjska deklaracija otvorila je i ponudila reformu obrazovanja, što je formalizirano Bolonjskom deklaracijom 1999, koja je u velikoj mjeri pokrenuta od strane poslodavaca. Njihov zahtjev bio je da na jedinstvenom europskom tržištu, budući kandidati za posao budu obrazovani na standardni način, kako bi velike europske kompanije primjenjivale isti sustav zapošljavanja u različitim zemljama. Njihov zahtjev je bio usmjeren na reformu nastavnog plana i programa na način veće primjenjivosti. Od obrazovnog sustava se traži da tijekom obrazovanja prenese studentima ne samo akademsko znanje, već praktične vještine, kao i da razvijaju svoje sposobnosti tijekom školovanja tako da se mogu od prvog dana svog radnog vijeka započeti s obavljanjem nekih zadatke. Sama ideja, iako je deklarativno široko prihvaćena, naišla je na mnoštvo različitih otpora. U prilagodbi nastavnih planova i programa, često se očituju sljedeće problemi: formalni pristup, otezanje, djelomična primjena nekih od principa, deklarativno prihvaćanje. Prilagodba potrebama poslodavaca izazvala je možda najveći otpor. I što je najvažnije za poslodavce, integraciju teorijskih znanja i praktičnih koncepata, sveučilišta često prihvaćaju samo formalno

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