67,611 research outputs found

    Identification of antisense nucleic acid hybridization sites in mRNA molecules with self-quenching fluorescent reporter molecules

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    We describe a physical mRNA mapping strategy employing fluorescent self-quenching reporter molecules (SQRMs) that facilitates the identification of mRNA sequence accessible for hybridization with antisense nucleic acids in vitro and in vivo, real time. SQRMs are 20–30 base oligodeoxynucleotides with 5–6 bp complementary ends to which a 5′ fluorophore and 3′ quenching group are attached. Alone, the SQRM complementary ends form a stem that holds the fluorophore and quencher in contact. When the SQRM forms base pairs with its target, the structure separates the fluorophore from the quencher. This event can be reported by fluorescence emission when the fluorophore is excited. The stem–loop of the SQRM suggests that SQRM be made to target natural stem–loop structures formed during mRNA synthesis. The general utility of this method is demonstrated by SQRM identification of targetable sequence within c-myb and bcl-6 mRNA. Corresponding antisense oligonucleotides reduce these gene products in cells

    Fluorescein Redirects a Ruthenium−Octaarginine Conjugate to the Nucleus

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    The cellular uptake and localization of a Ru−octaarginine conjugate with and without an appended fluorescein are compared. The inherent luminescence of the Ru(II) dipyridophenazine complex allows observation of its uptake without the addition of a fluorophore. Ru−octaarginine−fluorescein stains the cytosol, nuclei, and nucleoli of HeLa cells under conditions where the Ru−octaarginine conjugate without fluorescein shows only punctate cytoplasmic labeling. At higher concentrations, however, Ru−octaarginine without the fluorescein tag does exhibit cytoplasmic, nuclear, and nucleolar staining. Attaching fluorescein to Ru−octaarginine lowers the threshold concentration required for diffuse cytoplasmic labeling and nuclear entry. Hence, the localization of the fluorophore-bound peptide cannot serve as a proxy for that of the free peptide

    Measurement of gut permeability using fluorescent tracer agent technology

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    Abstract The healthy gut restricts macromolecular and bacterial movement across tight junctions, while increased intestinal permeability accompanies many intestinal disorders. Dual sugar absorption tests, which measure intestinal permeability in humans, present challenges. Therefore, we asked if enterally administered fluorescent tracers could ascertain mucosal integrity, because transcutaneous measurement of differentially absorbed molecules could enable specimen-free evaluation of permeability. We induced small bowel injury in rats using high- (15 mg/kg), intermediate- (10 mg/kg), and low- (5 mg/kg) dose indomethacin. Then, we compared urinary ratios of enterally administered fluorescent tracers MB-402 and MB-301 to urinary ratios of sugar tracers lactulose and rhamnose. We also tested the ability of transcutaneous sensors to measure the ratios of absorbed fluorophores. Urinary fluorophore and sugar ratios reflect gut injury in an indomethacin dose dependent manner. The fluorophores generated smooth curvilinear ratio trajectories with wide dynamic ranges. The more chaotic sugar ratios had narrower dynamic ranges. Fluorophore ratios measured through the skin distinguished indomethacin-challenged from same day control rats. Enterally administered fluorophores can identify intestinal injury in a rat model. Fluorophore ratios are measureable through the skin, obviating drawbacks of dual sugar absorption tests. Pending validation, this technology should be considered for human use

    Spatial intensity distribution analysis: studies of G Protein-coupled receptor oligomerization

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    Spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA) is a recently developed approach for determining quaternary structure information on fluorophore-labelled proteins of interest in situ. It can be applied to live or fixed cells and native tissue. Using confocal images, SpIDA generates fluorescence intensity histograms that are analysed by super-Poissonian distribution functions to obtain density and quantal brightness values of the fluorophore-labelled protein of interest. This allows both expression level and oligomerisation state of the protein to be determined. We describe the application of SpIDA to investigate the oligomeric state of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at steady state and following cellular challenge, and consider how SpIDA may be used to explore GPCR quaternary organisation in pathophysiology and to stratify medicines
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