51,100 research outputs found

    Optimal Flood Control

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    A mathematical model for optimal control of the water levels in a chain of reservoirs is studied. Some remarks regarding sensitivity with respect to the time horizon, terminal cost and forecast of inflow are made


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    Reservoir sedimentation reduces economic value and longevity of flood control dams. Periodic sediment removal allows extension of reservoir life. An optimal control model is developed to evaluate alternative sediment management strategies for flood control dams. An illustrative empirical analysis shows that sustainable management is economically desirable for a wide range of parameter values.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Risk Based Urban Watershed Management Under Conflicting Objectives

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    Ecological impairment and flooding caused by urbanization can be expressed numerically by calculating the risks throughout the watershed (floodplain) and along the main stems of the streams. The risks can be evaluated in terms of the present and/or future. This article describes the methodologies for ascertaining the risks in the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment. The objectives of urban flood controls and ecological preservation/restoration of urban waters are often conflicting and, in the past, the sole emphasis on flood control led to destruction of habitat and deterioration of water quality. An optimal solution to these two problems may be achieved by linking the risks to the concepts of risk communication, risk perception, and public willingness to pay for projects leading to ecological restoration and ecologically sustainable flood control. This method is appropriate because, in each case, public funds are used and the projects require approval and backing of policy makers and stakeholders. This article briefly describes a research project that attempts to resolve the conflict between the flood protection and stream ecological preservation and restoration and suggests alternative ways of expressing benefits of urban stream flood control and restoration projects

    Subiektywność najlepszych praktyk w ochronie przeciwpowodziowej

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    Pomimo ciągłych postępów w działaniach przeciwpowodziowych, ludzie i ich technologia mają ograniczony wpływ na występowanie powodzi, a w konsekwencji wyniki są zdecydowanie niewystarczające w stosunku do poniesionych kosztów. Ponadto, błędne decyzje i / lub nieodpowiednie rozwiązania mogą prowadzić do niepożądanych szkód. W artykule podkreśla się znaczenie działań profilaktycznych opartych na wszechstronnym rozważeniu różnych czynników ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych. Podkreśla się również fakt, znajdujący potwierdzenie podczas każdej powodzi, że nieustanny rozwój infrastruktury przeciwpowodziowej (np. wałów przeciwpowodziowych) paradoksalnie powoduje ograniczenie możliwości kontroli powodzi i skutkuje wzrostem zagrożeń. W artykule zaproponowano przegląd kryteriów stosowanych w poszukiwaniu najlepszej metody kontroli przeciwpowodziowej, uznając ryzyko i biorąc pod uwagę zewnętrzne składniki kosztów i potencjalnych zagrożeń.Despite the continual process of and progress in flood control activities, nevertheless humans and their technology have a limited influence on flood events, and as a consequence the results are dramatically inadequate compared to expenses incurred. In addition, wrong decisions and/or an unsuitable solution may lead to undesirable damage. The analyses contained below emphasis the role of preventive actions based on a comprehensive consideration of the various economic, social and environmental factors. This paper also emphasizes a fact that is confirmed during each flood: the continual development of flood prevention infrastructure (e.g. embankments) paradoxically results in a limitation of flood control and escalates potential hazards. This paper proposes a revision of the criteria applied in seeking the best flood control method, by considering the risk and taking into account external cost components and the hazard potential

    REinventing Flood Control

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    Climate change adaption is becoming more and more crucial within sustainable urban design. Global warming affects an increase of heavy rainfall events in Europe and especially in Germany. Deggendorf, a city in southeast Germany, has experienced a severe flood in 2013 caused by a dike burst. The chosen site in Deggendorf lies next to a dike park and has unused potential to be developed. The thesis discusses the problem of extreme rainwater events and areas behind flood defences not being addressed appropriately within urban design in Germany and argues for the need of integrated flood control within urban development in order to make cities more sustainable and flood resilient in times of climate change

    The Flood Control Regime of the Columbia River Treaty: Before and after 2024

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    This article examines the flood control rules established by the Columbia River Treaty and Protocol between Canada and the United States before and after 2024. The flood control operations change automatically in 2024. Part I discusses the flooding risks posed by the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers. Part II offers an account of the general international law pertaining to flood protection and in particular the duties that one basin state may owe to another. This section draws on the work of the International Law Commission which informed the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. Part III outlines some of the background to the negotiation of the flood control provisions of the Columbia River Treaty (CRT) referring in particular to the work of the International Joint Commission (IJC) established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. Part IV describes the flood control provisions of the Treaty as qualified by the terms of the Protocol to the Treaty including both assured flood control and on-call flood control. The assured flood control provisions expire in 2024. Flood control is principally provided by the construction of three treaty dams in Canada (Arrow/Keenleyside, Mica and Duncan) and the operation of those dams in accordance with a flood control operating plan (FCOP). The appendix contains a more detailed account of the FCOP and variation of the FCOP known as VARQ FC

    The potential significance of micro hydro systems

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    Thus we see that for Bangladesh, SHP plants have a lot to offer by way of low-cost energy, irrigation and flood control. Additionally, these resources will be provided with no environmental costs incurred. Small Hydropower plants could hold the solution to the woes of Bangladesh in the future

    Planning Flood Control Measures by Digital Computer

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    The purpose of this study was to develop adequate guidelines whereby those interested in flood control planning would be able to apply a pair of digital computer programs known as the University of Kentucky Flood Control Planning Programs to ease the computational burden of evaluating specific flood control situations. Program II determines the economically optimum combination of channel improvement, land use restriction, and flood proofing for flood damage abatement. Program III also incorporates reservoir storage into the planning process. The Programs are not intended to provide a finished design but rather to select the optimum combination of flood control measures and residual flooding with regard to both time and space. Application of Computer Programs to flood control planning is guided by presenting first a general description of the application process then a detailed description of the input required and the output produced by the Planning Programs. Input was developed and results interpreted to determine the optimum flood control plan for the upper reaches of the North Fork of the Kentucky River near Hazard, Kentucky