734,454 research outputs found

    What Is the Impact of the Bolsa Família Programme on Education?

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    Many researchers have shown that Brazil?s Bolsa Família programme had a large impact on reducing poverty and income inequality. But evidence for the programme?s impact on educational outcomes is in short supply. Does Bolsa Família increase school enrolment? Does it reduce dropout rates? Does it improve grade promotions? (...)What Is the Impact of the Bolsa Família Programme on Education?

    The last shall be first: political dimensions of conditional cash transfers in Brazil

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    Early evidence suggests that Brazil's Bolsa Família (Family Stipend) program, which currently benefits over 12 million poor families, has alleviated absolute poverty. Although hailed by many as an unqualified success, its political dimensions have been largely ignored or underplayed. These include, for example, the unashamed use of Bolsa Família for electoral purposes, the spread of clientelism and patronage, and the growing dependence of Brazil's poor on income transfers rather than productive employment. Furthermore, there are indications that the popularity of Bolsa Família is encouraging short-termism in social policy. Many Brazilian policy makers now seem to view the program as mainstream social policy rather than as a temporary measure-a perspective that could undermine longer-term investments in key areas such as health and basic education

    Decomposing the Effects of CCTs on Entrepreneurship

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    This note assesses whether Bolsa-Família increases the probability of starting a venture in Brazil by decomposing its potential effects into three channels: wealth-constraint alleviation, insurance provision, and reduction of children’s labor supply (through the effect of the conditionality). Results are that entrepreneurship is indeed stimulated by Bolsa-Família in urban areas through the insurance and wealth-constraint alleviation effects, notwithstanding that new ventures are typically secondary sources of income. The conditionality seems not to impact the level of entrepreneurship. Hence, Bolsa-Família might have a positive long-term effect as well, instead of just offering short-term poverty relief.CCTs, conditional cash transfers, entrepreneurship, Bolsa-Familia, Brazil, wealth, insurance, children, labor, developing countries


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    Família composta por pai, mãe, duas filhas e um filh

    La Velcro a Argentona, petita història d'una gran empresa

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    Targeting and Coverage of the Bolsa Família Programme: What Is the Meaning of Eleven Million Families?

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    By the second half of 2006, Brazil?s Bolsa Família Programme (Programa Bolsa Família, PBF) had reached its pre-fixed target of covering 11 million families. That target was revised in January 2009, when an increase in coverage was authorised, expanding it to 12.5 million. Since the PBF?s ability to reach the entire poor population is based on the programme?s targeting and size (coverage), Soares et al. (2010) use data from the National Household Sample Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, PNAD) to assess whether the programme?s expansion between 2004 and 2006 degraded its progressivity, and they estimate the number of benefits needed to fully encompass the entire target population. They use a targeting analysis tool such as the programme?s incidence concentration coefficient and binary analysis of eligibility versus receipt. (?)Targeting and Coverage of the Bolsa Família Programme: What Is the Meaning of Eleven Million Families?

    Bolsa Família: A Summary of Its Impacts

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    Targeted and Conditioned Cash Transfers (CCTs) began hesitatingly and somewhat chaotically in Brazil in 1995 and have grown in relevance ever since. From 1995 to 2003, there were many CCT programs, run by all levels of government and, within the federal government, by five different ministries, with very little coordination among them. While the lack of coordination certainly reduced their effectiveness, there is little doubt that the municipal and state level experimentation was crucial in the design of what was to follow. (?)Bolsa Família: A Summary of Its Impacts

    Bolsa Família, its Design, its Impacts and Possibilities for the Future

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    Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programmes, including the Bolsa Família programme, have been extensively studied over recent years. The books, working papers and articles that have been written on the subject, if placed on top of each other, would pile up very high indeed. What excuse do I have for spending my time writing this one and asking you to spend yours reading it? My excuse is twofold. The first excuse is that, in spite of the aforementioned pile of studies, much about the programme is still not common knowledge. In the different forums in which I have been I have seen that many elementary facts about Bolsa Família are still relatively unknown to audiences beyond (some) Brazilian policymakers and government officials. How did the programme come about? What exactly was the Lula government?s role in its creation? What impact has it had on poverty, inequality, education, health and labour supply? Did it have any significant political effects? What are its contradictions and possibilities for the future? My objective is to give brief and, if possible, conclusive answers to all these questions in a single text. (?)Bolsa Família, its Design, its Impacts and Possibilities for the Future

    Família e Famílias no Portugal Contemporâneo. Discursos, Trama e Textura em Perspectiva Sociológica

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    Família. Família ou famílias? Família e famílias? A distinção entre a instituição "família" e os grupos sociais "famílias" ficou sociológica e definitivamente estabelecida desde que em 1888 Émile Durkheim escreveu a lição "Introduction à la Sociologie de la Famille". Mas onde radica exactamente esta transição do singular para o plural? E o que significa? Este texto ensaia uma resposta a tais interrogações. Mais de cem anos volvidos, move-nos exactamente o mesmo móbil de Durkheim, o de estudar não a família do passado, ou a família do futuro, mas a família contemporânea, "aquela que existe actualmente aos nossos olhos e no seio da qual vivemos" (Durkheim, 1975 [1888]: 7)