2,074 research outputs found

    Kerncraft: A Tool for Analytic Performance Modeling of Loop Kernels

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    Achieving optimal program performance requires deep insight into the interaction between hardware and software. For software developers without an in-depth background in computer architecture, understanding and fully utilizing modern architectures is close to impossible. Analytic loop performance modeling is a useful way to understand the relevant bottlenecks of code execution based on simple machine models. The Roofline Model and the Execution-Cache-Memory (ECM) model are proven approaches to performance modeling of loop nests. In comparison to the Roofline model, the ECM model can also describes the single-core performance and saturation behavior on a multicore chip. We give an introduction to the Roofline and ECM models, and to stencil performance modeling using layer conditions (LC). We then present Kerncraft, a tool that can automatically construct Roofline and ECM models for loop nests by performing the required code, data transfer, and LC analysis. The layer condition analysis allows to predict optimal spatial blocking factors for loop nests. Together with the models it enables an ab-initio estimate of the potential benefits of loop blocking optimizations and of useful block sizes. In cases where LC analysis is not easily possible, Kerncraft supports a cache simulator as a fallback option. Using a 25-point long-range stencil we demonstrate the usefulness and predictive power of the Kerncraft tool.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Robust and Communication-Efficient Collaborative Learning

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    We consider a decentralized learning problem, where a set of computing nodes aim at solving a non-convex optimization problem collaboratively. It is well-known that decentralized optimization schemes face two major system bottlenecks: stragglers' delay and communication overhead. In this paper, we tackle these bottlenecks by proposing a novel decentralized and gradient-based optimization algorithm named as QuanTimed-DSGD. Our algorithm stands on two main ideas: (i) we impose a deadline on the local gradient computations of each node at each iteration of the algorithm, and (ii) the nodes exchange quantized versions of their local models. The first idea robustifies to straggling nodes and the second alleviates communication efficiency. The key technical contribution of our work is to prove that with non-vanishing noises for quantization and stochastic gradients, the proposed method exactly converges to the global optimal for convex loss functions, and finds a first-order stationary point in non-convex scenarios. Our numerical evaluations of the QuanTimed-DSGD on training benchmark datasets, MNIST and CIFAR-10, demonstrate speedups of up to 3x in run-time, compared to state-of-the-art decentralized optimization methods

    Automatic Loop Kernel Analysis and Performance Modeling With Kerncraft

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    Analytic performance models are essential for understanding the performance characteristics of loop kernels, which consume a major part of CPU cycles in computational science. Starting from a validated performance model one can infer the relevant hardware bottlenecks and promising optimization opportunities. Unfortunately, analytic performance modeling is often tedious even for experienced developers since it requires in-depth knowledge about the hardware and how it interacts with the software. We present the "Kerncraft" tool, which eases the construction of analytic performance models for streaming kernels and stencil loop nests. Starting from the loop source code, the problem size, and a description of the underlying hardware, Kerncraft can ideally predict the single-core performance and scaling behavior of loops on multicore processors using the Roofline or the Execution-Cache-Memory (ECM) model. We describe the operating principles of Kerncraft with its capabilities and limitations, and we show how it may be used to quickly gain insights by accelerated analytic modeling.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 8 listing

    GME: GPU-based Microarchitectural Extensions to Accelerate Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables the processing of encrypted data without decrypting it. FHE has garnered significant attention over the past decade as it supports secure outsourcing of data processing to remote cloud services. Despite its promise of strong data privacy and security guarantees, FHE introduces a slowdown of up to five orders of magnitude as compared to the same computation using plaintext data. This overhead is presently a major barrier to the commercial adoption of FHE. In this work, we leverage GPUs to accelerate FHE, capitalizing on a well-established GPU ecosystem available in the cloud. We propose GME, which combines three key microarchitectural extensions along with a compile-time optimization to the current AMD CDNA GPU architecture. First, GME integrates a lightweight on-chip compute unit (CU)-side hierarchical interconnect to retain ciphertext in cache across FHE kernels, thus eliminating redundant memory transactions. Second, to tackle compute bottlenecks, GME introduces special MOD-units that provide native custom hardware support for modular reduction operations, one of the most commonly executed sets of operations in FHE. Third, by integrating the MOD-unit with our novel pipelined 6464-bit integer arithmetic cores (WMAC-units), GME further accelerates FHE workloads by 19%19\%. Finally, we propose a Locality-Aware Block Scheduler (LABS) that exploits the temporal locality available in FHE primitive blocks. Incorporating these microarchitectural features and compiler optimizations, we create a synergistic approach achieving average speedups of 796×796\times, 14.2×14.2\times, and 2.3×2.3\times over Intel Xeon CPU, NVIDIA V100 GPU, and Xilinx FPGA implementations, respectively
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