1,693 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework for Investigating Suppliers’ Participation in Business-to-Government (B2G) Electronic Auction Markets in the Thai Context

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    Business-to-government (B2G) electronic auction (e-auction) markets are increasingly being used to create opportunities for suppliers to expand their market as well as trading activities. However, little has been done to understand the behaviour of suppliers participating in these markets. In this paper, we propose a framework to explain suppliers’ intention to participate, and the level of participation in B2G e-auction markets, which will be tested in the Thai B2G e-auction markets. Low supplier participation has been a major problem in the Thai e-auction markets. We posit that suppliers’ participation depends on organisational motivation, environmental uncertainty, and their capabilities. The conceptual framework draws from the Motivation-Ability Framework, Transaction Cost Theory, Institutional Theory, and Resource-Based Theory. It proposes that four key constructs - efficiency motive, legitimacy motive, environmental uncertainty, and organisational capabilities influence suppliers’ intention to participate as well as their participation level in B2G e-auction markets

    The Adoption of E-Auction in Indonesia: the Extended Technology Acceptance Model Study

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    In Indonesia, e-commerce generally associated with online shop. However, e-commerce's scope is bigger than just online shops; there are various other business/transaction forms that existed. Electronic auction or e-auction is one of the major online transaction forms (Huang & Dai, 2006). Nevertheless, some e-auction companies that entered Indonesia is struggling to penetrate Indonesia market (Cosseboom, 2014). This present study focused on the impact of extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) constructs (trust, enjoyment, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness) (Davis, 1989; Pavlou, 2003; Childers et al., 2001) and the antecedent constructs (security, time consumption, economic gain, and playfulness) in shaping Indonesian Consumers' attitude in the adoption of e-auction. To collect the data, simple random sampling method was employed. An online survey spread to the e-mail subscribers in an e-auction website, a total of 228 USAble responses were obtained. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) used to assess the measurement model, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) used to test the hypotheses. Result indicated that Security, Economic Gain, and Playfulness have significant positive impact to extended TAM constructs, while time Consumption has negative, but insignificant impact to extended TAM constructs. In addition, all extended TAM constructs have significant positive impact toward attitude in using e-auction

    Measurements, feedback and empowerment: Critical systems theory as a basis for software process improvement

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    Despite business-to-government (B2G) electronic auction (e-auction) markets being a way for suppliers to create opportunities for market expansion and for trading activities, little has been done to understand the behaviour of suppliers participating in these markets. In this paper, we propose a framework to explain suppliers’ intention to participate, and the level of participation in B2G eauction markets, which will be tested in the Thai B2G e-auction markets. Low supplier participation has been a major problem in the Thai e-auction markets. We posit that suppliers’ participation depends on organisational motivation, environmental uncertainty, and their capabilities. The conceptual framework draws from the Motivation-Ability Framework, Transaction Cost Theory, Institutional Theory, and Resource-Based Theory. It proposes that four key constructs - efficiency motive, legitimacy motive, environmental uncertainty, and organisational capabilities influence suppliers’ intention to participate as well as their participation level in B2G e-auction markets. The conceptual framework is developed by drawing on our understanding of the Thai electronic auction market as well as from extensive literature. We believe this framework may be useful to better understand the key reasons for suppliers to participate in B2G e-auction markets

    Antecedents of Suppliers’ Participation in Business-to- Government (B2G) Electronic Auction Markets: Thai B2G E-Auction

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    Despite business-to-government (B2G) electronic auction (e-auction) markets being a way for suppliers to create opportunities for market expansion and for trading activities, the effort to understand the behaviour of suppliers participating in these markets has been lacking. Low supplier participation has been a major problem in Thai e-auction markets. In this paper, we propose a framework to explain suppliers’ intention to participate, and the level of participation in B2G e-auction markets. We posit that suppliers’ participation depends on organizational motivation, and their capabilities. The conceptual framework draws from the Motivation-Ability Framework, Transaction Cost Theory, Institutional Theory, and Resource-Based Theory. It proposes that three key constructs - efficiency motive, legitimacy motive, and organizational capabilities influence suppliers’ intention to participate as well as their participation level in B2G e-auction markets. The conceptual framework may be useful to better understand the key reasons for suppliers to participate in B2G e-auction markets. We also provide rationale for each of the Proceedings of SIG GlobDev’s First Annual Workshop, Paris, France December 13th 2008 Dolpanya et al. Suppliers’ Participation in B2G E-Auctions proposed constructs by drawing on our understanding of the Thai electronic auction market as well as the existing literature

    Practices of Market Making for Sustaining Electronic Auction

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    This article examines how technology may be used continuously in organizations. Particularly, it investigates the organizing practices that support continuous technology-use. Exploring such organizing practices is meaningful because they could sustain ongoing organizational innovation. A field study on the enterprise application of e-auction (electronic auction, or otherwise known as online reverse auction and electronic bidding) is used to illustrate how a marketplace is effectively maintained over a span of seven years. Our findings identify a set of market-making practices and its principles that underscore sustained use of e-auction. This research contributes to literature on technology-use and adoption, as well as adds to studies on the electronic marketplace. It also offers practical lessons to implementers who seek to adopt the e-auction to achieve significant cost-savings and streamline the supply chain


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    Mobile agent technology has known an important rise these last years. This project will present 3 objectives in constructing an E-Auction system which are; to study on how mobile agent system is said to be useful to reduce communication cost in e-auction system as well as to accept the use of limited local resources, and to have an asynchronous computing. Instead of having to surf endlessly through the WWW (World Wide Web) and digesting huge amounts of possibly untrustworthy information, personalized mobile agents autonomously gather information about the item user want to buy. Once they have found the destination or server, the piece of software or the latest hit single which user looking for, the agent can send the result of the best requested item on behalf of the user. This project will be focusing on E-Auction business on PDA's and will be using mobile agent platform which is aglets, Java runtime, and J2sdkl.4.1_03. This project will undergo 5 stages which are; plan the hardware or software required for the project, then analyze and get Product Requirement, next is design the process of implementing PDA's E-Auction System, implement the project by using mobile agent platform - aglets that involves programming activity and last is to test the product to ensure the product successfully completed and satisfy and fulfill the objectives of this project. The result and discussion about the system produced will highlights how the system works generally .Some other interested formula and idea from other project's discussion will also be used to further doing this project. As a conclusion, this project is aimed to create a simple E-Auction system using mobile agent technology and need to be improved in many aspects and that can be the recommendation for future work for expansion and continuation

    E-Auction using Mobile Agent Technology

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    Mobile agents are not something new in the world today. Its birth is becoming more and more significant and is emerging in the world of technology. This paper presents a study on Mobile Agent Technology and its significance towards E-Auction activity and is the starting point of the project ''E-Auction using Mobile Agent Technology". This paper also presents the development effort of a mobile agent system named as AUCMAT based on the revised architecture of an existing experimental mobile agent system, NOMAD. This will also be the guide in understanding the existing research and development efforts involving the use of mobile agents in E-Commerce, significantly, E-Auction. The paper is discussed in chapters. Chapter 1 will be the introduction and the presentation of the project background, the objectives of this project as well as the description of the current project scope. Chapter 2 will discuss the literature review, the theory and the available current findings on mobile agent technology and EAuction. Chapter 3 will discuss the concept, method and approach as well as the tools that are used in developing this project: AUCMAT. Chapter 4 consists of discussion and results of findings from the research and the progress of the project and Chapter 5 is the conclusion of this paper

    Antecedents of Chinese consumers\u27 adoption of online auctions: An extended TAM study

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    Catalyzed by eBay\u27s success, e-auctions quickly became one of the major C2C transaction forms globally. eBay China began as an arm of eBay U.S. in 2003. Simultaneously, a local C2C online shopping platform, Taobao.com, was initiated. However, by 2007 Taobao had occupied over eighty percent of the market and its rival eBay was left with 8% of the market. eBay, which has a long history, mature online auction transaction processes/programing, and success in over 30 countries around the world, lost to its local rival, Taobao. It is important to determine the factors potentially continuing the success of Taobao, which did RMB 1 trillion in sales in 2012. Thus, the present study examined the factors that influenced Chinese consumers\u27 adoption of e-auctions. The present study identified antecedent factors affecting Chinese consumers\u27 adoption of e-auctions. The antecedent factors explored were security, connection speed, time consumption, economic gain, playfulness, and social motives. The effects of these factors on variables of the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (trust, enjoyment, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and attitude) were examined to help explain consumers\u27 adoption of e-auctions. An online survey regarding e-auction adoption was developed by the author and administered through a market research agency in China to Chinese college students who had experience with e-auctions. A total of 210 useable responses were collected. Confirmative Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to assess the measurement model, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the security features of e-auction websites not only enhanced consumers\u27 trust toward the websites, but also reduced their effort in the operations of payment, which increased their perceived ease of use of e-auctions. Connection speed had a positive effect on consumers\u27 overall experience on e-auction websites, enhancing their perceived ease of use, enjoyment, and trust of e-auctions. Economic gain had a significant impact on consumers\u27 perceived usefulness of e-auctions. Playfulness played a significant role in consumers\u27 perceived usefulness and enjoyment of e-auctions. Social motives positively affected perceived usefulness, enjoyment and trust of e-auctions. Contrary to expectation, the time consuming trait of e-auctions did not have a significant effect. These results provide insight into best practices for designing e-auction websites in China. First, a well-established infrastructure with a secure environment and fluent connections is a must for e-auction players. In addition to the economic benefits brought about by the online auctions, playfulness and social interactions from an e-auction experience had a significant impact on perceived hedonic value, and affected consumers\u27 perceptions and attitudes toward e-auction websites. E-auction websites can consider incorporating more forms of social interaction such as an online forum or micro-blogs for consumers to share their experience. These experiences help create a consumer community which includes like-minded potential sellers and buyers. Variables of the extended TAM were proven robust in explaining acceptance of e-auctions. SEM results indicated enjoyment, associated with hedonic value, is more important than usefulness, associated with utilitarian value, in affecting consumers\u27 attitude. This present study contributes to the growing body of research on Chinese consumers\u27 adoption of e-auctions. This study uncovered additional influential antecedents (i.e., connection speed, playfulness, and social motives) to the adoption of e-auctions, enhancing the understanding of Chinese online shoppers. The present study also validated the extended TAM in an Asian country

    Implementasi dan Analisis E-auction Menggunakan Metode AHP dan Dynamic-MVB Pada Tender Perangkat Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)

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    ABSTRAKSI: E-auction adalah salah satu bagian dari proses tender dimana untuk mendapatkan pemenang tender harus dilakukan proses tawar menawar. Di dalam proses tender, seharusnya penilaian terhadap kualitas menjadi point yang lebih penting. Proses penilaian tidak hanya dilakukan terhadap aspek harga saja, tetapi juga meliputi aspek teknis yang dapat dilakukan pada tahap pra kualifikasi. Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dikembangkan aplikasi e-auction untuk tender perangkat BWA dengan menggunakan metode AHP dan Dynamic-MVB. Untuk mendapatkan barang sesuai yang diinginkan pihak penyelanggara tender, perlu dilakukan pembobotan dari setiap atribut yang dibandingkan dengan atribut yang lain. Dalam tugas akhir ini, proses pembobotan menggunakan metode AHP yang dapat memecah persoalan yang kompleks menjadi lebih sederhana dengan struktur hirarki, yang kemudian dilakukan proses perangkingan menggunakan metode Dynamic-MVB. Hasil keluaran dari aplikasi ini adalah berupa sebuah pemenang tender beserta harga yang ditawarkan. Berdasarkan pengujian variasi jumlah atribut dan jumlah alternatif, pada variasi jumlah atribut menghasilkan proses pembobotan dan perangkingan lebih banyak daripada variasi jumlah alternatif. Aplikasi ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk menjadi alternatif pada proses tender perangkat BWA. Berdasarkan CSI, pengguna merasa puas dengan aplikasi yang telah dibuat.Kata Kunci : e-auction, BWA, AHP, Dynamic-MVB, tenderABSTRACT: E-Auction is a part of a tender process which to get the tender winner must be done a bargaining process. In the tender process, the assessment of quality should be a more important point. Assessment process is not only carried out on aspects of price, but also includes technical aspects which can be done in the pre qualification stage. In this final project, an application has been developed for e-Auction tender BWA devices using the AHP and Dynamic-MVB methods. For obtaining the goods according to the coveted tender organizer, we need to do the balancing from each attribute that is compared to other attributes. In this final project, the balancing process uses the AHP method solves the complex problems to simplify using a simple hierarchical structure, then do the ranking process by using the Dynamic-MVB ranking method. The output from this application form is the winner of tender along with the offered price. Based on the variations of attributes and alternatives test, in attributes variances result in the balancing and ranking processare more than the number of alternatives variation. This application can be recommended for the alternative tender process of BWA device. Based on the CSI, the users will feel satisfied with the application that have been developed.Keyword: e-auction, AHP, Dynamic-MVB, BW
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