6 research outputs found

    Security Aspects of Mobile Based E Wallet

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    An Electronic-wallet(e-wallet) is an electronic application that enables online e-commerce transactions like purchasing goods, paying utility bills, transferring money, booking flight etc. with a financial gadget (credit card/digital currency) using smart phones or computers. Electronic wallet is a very young concept that has taken on consumer psyche rapidly. Post Demonetization resulted in sudden surge in the customer base of e wallet companies. In the current scenario, it is easy for individual to download an e wallet app to make their e-payments conveniently. Since the transactions are done through mobile, it is preferred by most of the people for their online and offline cash transactions. It is gaining the attention due to its unique advantageous features. This paper tries answer for certain queries related to operational procedure of e wallet, kinds of e wallet and concluded with the security issues of e wallet

    Developing a framework for mobile payments integration

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    This paper derives a theoretical framework for consideration of both the technologically driven dimensions of mobile payment solutions, and the associated value proposition for customers. Banks promote traditional payment instruments whose value proposition is the management of risk for both consumers and merchants. These instruments are centralised, costly and lack decision support functionality. The ubiquity of the mobile phone has provided a decentralised platform for managing payment processes in a new way, but the value proposition for customers has yet to be elaborated clearly. This inertia has stalled the design of sustainable revenue models for a mobile payments ecosystem. Merchants and consumers in the meantime are being seduced by the convenience of on-line and mobile payment solutions. Adopting the purchase and payment process as the unit of analysis, the current mobile payment landscape is reviewed with respect to the creation and consumption of customer value. From this analysis, a framework is derived juxtaposing customer value, related to what is being paid for, with payment integration, related to how payments are being made. The framework provides a theoretical and practical basis for considering the contribution of mobile technologies to the payment industry. The framework is then used to describe the components of a mobile payments pilot project being run on a trial population of 250 students on a campus in Ireland. In this manner, weaknesses in the value proposition for consumers and merchants were highlighted. Limitations of the framework as a research tool are also discussed

    Framework for mobile payments integration

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the design of e-wallets. e-wallets are intended to replace the existing physical wallet, with its notes, coins, photos, plastic cards, loyalty cards etc. Four different user groups, including teenagers, young adults, mothers and businessmen, has been involved in process of identifying, developing and evaluating functional and design properties of e-wallets. Interviews and formative usability evaluations have provided data for the construction of first a conceptual model in the form of sketches, and later a functional model in the form of low-fidelity mockups. During the design phases, knowledge was gained on what properties the test users would like the mobile wallet to hold and the properties implemented in four prototypes. The identified properties have been clustered as ‘Functionality properties’ and ‘Design properties’, which are theoretical contributions to the ongoing research in mobile wallets

    Mobile application for long distance vehicles booking of passengers in Kenya

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    A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer-Based Information Systems at Strathmore UniversityMaking a booking for a journey has been one of the challenges affecting passengers who travel for long distances. Public transport is one field that is facing extreme pressures with customers demanding higher service levels at an affordable prices. Over years, public transport is supposed to facilitate movement of people from one location to next conveniently and in a cheaper way but this is not the case in Kenya where there are a lot of inconveniences affecting passengers using public service vehicles. To ensure a passenger makes a booking in advance, they are required to visit the booking office prior to their travel date and pay for the journey in form of cash causing inconvenience and thus making the passenger to incur an extra cost in order to make a booking in advance. Thus, this study aims at developing a mobile application that would assist passengers in making a booking at their own convenience by indicating their pick-up location so that they do not have to visit the booking office thus saving them time and travelling cost and reduced queues in booking offices and the number of staff employed leading to increased revenues. In addition, the passenger would be in a position to make payment via M-PESA or Credit Card. A simple web page is provided to add some booking details to the database to be used by the mobile application and at the same time to make a booking for few passengers who would visit the office to make a booking and for viewing reports. Data collection was achieved through questionnaires and review of existing data sources. The study was carried out in line with the ethical practices as specified by the University’s rules and regulations

    Succesfaktorer og adfærdsmæssige konsekvenser

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    Som en funktion af den digitaliserede verden vi lever i og idéen om et kontantløst samfund, har vi i de seneste år oplevet hvordan fænomenet mobile betalinger er vokset. Arbejdet med at skabe elektroniske betalingssystemer til implementering i situationer hvor kontanter typisk har været anvendt, har stået på hen over de sidste 20-30 år, og mens mange forsøg har slået helt eller delvist fejl, har vi i Danmark siden 2013 kunne betale med den succesfulde mobilbetalings-app MobilePay. Formålet med denne afhandling er at bidrage med empirisk baseret viden om hvilke faktorer der har bidraget til udbredelsen af mobile betalinger i Danmark, samt at afdække nogle af de adfærdsmæssige konsekvenser af at vi nu kan overføre penge ved hjælp af mobile betalinger. Afhandlingen præsenterer således; en kortlægning af de historiske forhold der går forud for, samt de forhold der omgiver mobile betalinger i Danmark; en forklaring af hvordan to udbydere af mobile betalinger har arbejdet med undersøgelse, udvikling og markedsføring af deres løsninger; samt et eksplorativt studie af brugeroplevelser af mobile betalinger i brugthandel. I afhandlingens tredje del opsummeres de analytiske resultater i et forklarende narrativ, og efter afhandlingens konklusion præsenteres en række implikationer for forskning og erhvervsliv samt forslag til fremtidige studier