20,472 research outputs found

    Progress in Gauge-Higgs Unification on the Lattice

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    We study a five-dimensional pure SU(2) gauge theory formulated on the orbifold and discretized on the lattice by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The gauge symmetry is explicitly broken to U(1) at the orbifold boundaries. The action is the Wilson plaquette action with a modified weight for the boundary U(1) plaquettes. We study the phase transition and present results for the spectrum and the shape of the static potential on the boundary. The latter is sensitive to the presence of a massive Z-boson, in good agreement with the directly measured Z-boson mass. The results may support an alternative view of the lattice orbifold (stemming from its mean-field study) as a 5d bosonic superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, PoS(LATTICE 2013)061; changed section 2.

    El principe constante? Jan Lechoń and politics (after 1939)

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    In the article, I focuss on the theme of the political views of Jan Lechoń during his New York exile, which emerged in his literary work, letters, and Dziennik. The main elements of the political stance of the author of Srebrne i czarne were in that time: resolute anti-communism, critical assessment of the actions of the government in exile, his declared admiration for America, and a nostalgia for the interwar period (idealising Józef Piłsudski). The discussed views of the poet exerted a considerable influence on his personal life, which was proven by the politically motivated breaking off his long-time relations with Julian Tuwim. One important problem is where to locate Lechoń’s dissatisfaction with the political changes in Poland, which he stated often, within the reasons for his suicide

    The Surface Tension of Some Oral Antiseptics

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    The bio-chemist is now thouroughly (sic) interested in the theories and principles which underly physical Chemistry. The results of these investigations are such, that they have brought about a change in the treatment of many diseases. It shall be the purpose of this paper to illustrate by experiment the importance of principles in oral antiseptics these theories and principles in oral antiseptics. It shall be endeavoured to show that an oral antiseptic with a low surface tension is necessary for good ad­sorption. That good adsorption is necessary in order to reach the bacteria that are in the deep crevices of the mouth. The human subject was given a uniform amount of solu­tion to wash his mouth with, for a prescribed time, at regular intervals; cultures were then taken before, and after each washing in order to determine to some degree the amount of adsorption

    The neglected playground

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    Polish Mobile Phone Market - present situation and direction of changes

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    The value of the polish mobile phone market (MPM) was rising steadily since its beginning. The year 2009 was the first year when the value of that market fell down by 2,5%. It was caused by the forced regulation introduced by the Office of Electronic Communications, (the polish telecommunication market regulation authority) regarding the Mobile Termination Rates (MTR) decrease. According to the forecasts, the value of the polish MPM will be rising, beside the decrease of value in the year 2009, and the market is characterized by a steadily growing number of users, increasing volume of calls and increasing total calls duration. Already in 2007 the so called nominal penetration of this market exceeded 100%. The second characteristic feature of MPM in Poland is the maintenance of its oligopolistic structure with the clear domination of three companies, which have rich, strategic foreign investors, are holding over 30% of market share of the MPM in Poland, and they are not interested in price competition. The article shows, that beside the oligopolistic MPM and huge entrance barriers, new players are showing up. Those new players can be divided into: - operators building own telecommunication networks, - virtual operator (which don't have its own telecommunication network). --Telecommunication,Polish Mobile Phone Market

    Poland: Act of 9 May 1991 on Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation of the Disabled

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    The public finance sector debt and economic growth in Poland in the context of financial crisis

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    Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference MMK 2015 MEZINÁRODNÍ MASARYKOVA KONFERENCE PRO DOKTORANDY A MLADÉ VĚDECKÉ PRACOVNÍKY ročník VI, 14. – 18. prosince 2015 Hradec Králové, Česká republikaThe financial crisis started in 2008 has contributed to many changes in the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy in Poland and other EU countries. In many EU countries significant decline in economic growth and problems of public finance (debt growth countries) is noticeable as a result of the crisis. The aim of this article is to highlight the changes in public finances and economic growth in Poland, in the context of financial crisis. The article verifies the first hypothesis that monetary policy has impact on the fiscal policy and finally on economic growth in Poland; and the second hypothesis that during the financial crisis were noticed simultaneously worsening situation of public finances and economic growth

    Routine But Ribald. Intimacy in Stefan Żeromski’s Journals

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    Stefan Żeromski’s Journals concern mostly matters of intellectual (book, theatre, and exhibition reviews, writing techniques) and personal character, with the latter including some very intimate material. Żeromski was an exhibitionist in his writing. He described his autoerotic practices, his visits to brothels, details of sexual relationships with his mistresses, as well as some personal problems of his friends and acquaintances. The present analysis of the writer’s Journals focuses on how Żeromski tended to write about his intimate life, what matters and to what extent were treated as taboo by the author himself, by people from his closest circle, by readers of the manuscript version of his Journals, and finally, by editors and publishers of two 20th-century editions of his work. Taking this perspective, the close reading of Żeromski’s Journals will thus concentrate on issues such as private life, taboo, censorship and self-censorship


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    Polish climate causes that costs of heat energy used for heating andpreparation of usable, hot water make significant part of financial resources in buildingsmaintenance. Focusing mainly on limitation of carbon dioxide emission and improvementof heat energy efficiency, worlds’ tendencies of environment protection force changes asreduction of heat consumption in buildings. For administration it causes the need tofulfill severe norms of use of energy - the final one as well as the original, in relation tosquare meter of usable area of given building. These changes slowly increase societyawareness in the field of necessity of heat energy consumption limitations. Yet there canbe noticed too poor efficiency of those actions, caused by lack of proper economicsupport mechanisms. Public understanding of necessity, as well as advantages ofintroducing solutions that optimize use of heat energy sources is essential in process ofrationalization costs of structures, improvement of building’s heat energy profiles andreduction of greenhouse gases emission.heat energy efficiency, thermo-modernization, property management