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    Desxifrant la base molecular de la formaci贸 de l'ou en els peixos marins

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    Biologia de la reproducci贸.-- 19 pages, 10 figures[CA] La hidrataci贸 de l鈥檕貌cit de peixos marins durant les darreres fases de la formaci贸 de l鈥檕u 茅s un factor cr铆tic per al desenvolupament i superviv猫ncia correctes de l鈥檈mbri贸. No obstant aix貌, encara que s鈥檋a avan莽at molt en el coneixement dels mecanismes que controlen la maduraci贸 mei貌tica dels o貌cits de peixos, els mecanismes moleculars implicats en la hidrataci贸 s贸n molt desconeguts. En aquest treball es revisen estudis que han identificat els principals efectors osm貌tics durant la hidrataci贸 de l鈥檕貌cit de peixos, aix铆 com els darrers treballs que han descobert per primera vegada la funci贸 d鈥檜n nou canal molecular d鈥檃igua (aquaporina, AQP) durant aquest proc茅s. El canal descobert, anomenat aquaporina-1b (Aqp1b), pertany a una nova subfam铆lia d鈥橝QP, similars a l鈥檃quaporina-1 (AQP1) de mam铆fers, que ha evolucionat espec铆ficament en teleostis possiblement per duplicaci贸 g猫nica, seguida d鈥檜na diverg猫ncia estructural de l鈥檈xtrem carboxiterminal de la prote茂na, amb adquisici贸 de dominis reguladors del transport intracel路lular, i la neofuncionalitzaci贸 posterior en o貌cits, per al transport d鈥檃igua. Aquests estudis estan contribuint, per tant, a desxifrar la base molecular de la producci贸 d鈥檕us viables en peixos marins[EN] The hydration of the oocyte of marine fish during the last stages of egg formation is a critical factor for the correct development and survival of the embryo. However, although increasing information is available on the mechanisms that control meiotic maduration in fish oocytes, the identification of the molecular mechanisms involved in oocyte hydration remain elusive. In this work, I review the studies that have identified the main osmotic effectors playing a role during oocyte hydration, as well as recent works that have discovered for first time the function of a novel molecular water channel (aquaporin, AQP) during this process. This channel, called aquaporin-1b (Aqp1b), belongs to a new subfamily of AQPs, similar to the mammalian aquaporin-1 (AQP1), that has evolved specifically in teleosts possibly by gene duplication, followed by structural divergence at the C terminus of the protein and acquisition of regulatory domains for the control of intracellular transport, and further neofunctionalization in oocytes for water uptake. These studies are thus contributing to uncover the molecular basis of the production of viable eggs in marine fishEls treballs del nostre grup citats en aquesta revisi贸 han estat finan莽ats per projectes del Ministeri d鈥橢ducaci贸 i Ci猫ncia (AGL2001-0364 i AGL2004-00316), la Comissi贸 Europea (Q5RS-2002-00784-CRYOCYTE i MRTN-CT-2006-035995-Aquaglyceroporins) i la Xarxa de Refer猫ncia de Recerca i Desenvolupament en Aq眉icultura de la Generalitat de CatalunyaPeer reviewe