16 research outputs found

    Accounting Standards Change, Earnings Management and Earnings Conservatism: Evidence from China’s Stock Market

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    稳健性对于会计理论和实务具有深远和重要的影响。世界上大多数会计准则制定机构均将稳健性作为一项重要的会计原则。为贯彻国际通行的稳健会计政策,我国几次重大的会计制度变迁逐步强化了对公司提供稳健性会计信息的要求,如2001年起实施的《企业会计制度》将企业资产减值准备的计提范围从四项资产扩大到八项资产。然而,在中国ST制度等特殊的制度背景下,大量实证研究证据表明,为了避免被ST或退市,我国上市公司存在利用资产减值准备进行洗大澡的盈余管理行为。由于洗大澡盈余管理行为也会造成盈余稳健性的表象,有关我国上市公司盈余稳健性的研究就不得不考虑到这种盈余管理行为的影响。本文以中国A股上市公司作为研究样本,对会计制...Conservatism has a great and permanent influence on accounting theory and practice. Most of accounting standards setting bodies throughout the world take conservatism as an important accounting principle. In order to implement conservatism which is an influential accounting policy in the world, China has improved gradually the requirements of conservatism by changing accounting standard several ti...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:2005140296


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    Research on the Rules of Loan Loss Provision

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    邱月华(集美大学财经学院) 。【中文摘要】后金融危机时期,国际上最主要的两大会计准则制定机构以及我国财政部均将金融资产减值计提方法由现行的已发生损失模型改为预期损失模型。预期损失模型不同于已发生损失模型,会计准则与金融监管的预期损失模型之间、 IASB与FASB的预期损失模型之间也存在较大差异。鉴于贷款是商业银行最重要的金融资产,贷款损失准备计提方法的变更必将对商业银行的收益确认和风险管理等方面产生重大影响。因此,我国商业银行应提前做好准备以应对挑战。 【Abstract】 After the global financial crisis,the two most important accounting standard-setting bodies in the world as well as the Ministry of Finance(MOF)in China require a change in the method for the calculation of the financial instruments’impairment loss from the incurred loss model to the expected credit loss model(ECLM).The ECLM is quite different from the incurred loss model. However,there are also differences between the ECLM in accounting standards and that in financial regulation rules and between the ECLM of the IASB and that of the FASB. Since loans are the most important financial assets for banks,the change in the method for loan loss provision will have a major impact on the earnings and risk management of commercial banks. Consequently,commercial banks in China should take some counter measures to meet the challenges that the changes in the loan loss provision model induce.本文得到国家社会科学基金重点项目“公允价值信息采集及指数构建研究”(13AJY005)、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“会计计量模式、报告模式与企业综合报告”(16JJD790035)、“公允价值会计运用与商业银行风险管控——基于金融市场化环境的行为研究”(15JJD630012)和福建省社会科学规划项目“福建省实施创新驱动战略背景下政府资助、研发投入与企业创新绩效的实证研究”(FJ2016B243)的资助


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    Discretionary Accruals and Earnings Conservatism:Evidence from China’s Stock Market

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    我国上市公司会计盈余的稳健性主要来源于操控性应计项目还是非操控性应计项目呢?研究发现,2001-2005年我国上市公司会计盈余的稳健性主要源自操控性应计项目,而不是非操控性应计项目。研究得到的一点启示是,在未来有关盈余稳健性的研究中,须在测定存在盈余稳健性的基础上进一步探究盈余管理行为在其中的影响。Where does earnings conservatism of China’s listed firms come from,the discretionary accruals items or non-discretionary accruals items? Through analysis,this paper finds out that the earnings conservatism of China’s listed firms during 2001-2005 mainly comes from discretionary accruals item,not from non-discretionary accruals items.This study also contributes a revelation that in the future researches on earnings conservatism,it is necessary to further explore the influence of earnings management on earnings conservatism on the basis of determining the existence of earnings conservatism.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“我国会计准则国际趋同效果检验”(08JJD630010);集美大学科研基金项目(C60822

    Methods for Measuring Conservatism Abroad and Their Application in China

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    稳健性的计量问题是稳健性实证研究需要解决的首要问题。在国外有关稳健性的实证会计研究中,度量稳健性程度的方法主要包括:盈余—股票报酬关系度量法、应计—现金流关系度量法、盈余/应计项目度量法、净资产度量法。建议在稳健性研究中采用盈余—股票报酬关系度量法、应计—现金流关系度量法等来度量我国上市公司的稳健性,以增强研究结果的可靠性。The first problem that should be solved in empirical research on conservatism is how to measure conservatism.The methods used to measure conservatism abroad in the empirical study on conservatism include surplus-stock reward relation measurement,accruals-cash flow relation measurement,earnings-accruals measurement, and net assets measurement.This paper proposes that the methods like surplus-stock reward relation measurement,accruals-cash flow relation measurement and so on,should be used to measure conservatism of the listed companies in our country so as to promote the reliability of the research result.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70972113);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(08JJD630010);集美大学科研基金项目(C60822

    The Development of Capital MarketsBased Accounting Research : Summary of the Eighth Accounting and Finance Conference

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    自从1968 年Ball 和Brown 开创以资本市场为基础的会计研究先河以来, 资本市场会计研究已经逐渐成为财务会计的主流研究领域。随着我国学者研究范式的国际化, 基于资本市场的会计研究取得了令人瞩目的成果。为促进资本市场会计研究的学术交流,推动资本市场会计研究的发展, 厦门大学会计发展研究中心、厦门大学管理学院会计系 和厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院于2008 年7 月8 ~ 10 日在厦门大学联合举办了“第八届会计与财务问题国际研讨会—— 资本市场会计研究” 。本次研讨会共收录中英文论文67 篇, 来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、中国大陆、台湾、澳门等国家和地区的52 所高校的120 位专家学者出席了本次会议。加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Karim Jamal 教授和清华大学陈小悦教授在此次研讨会上分别作了题为“会计和审计监管质量的评价” ( Assessing the Quality of Accounting and Auditing) 和“从计量观角度对会计实证研究的思 考” 的主题学术报告。西南财经大学杨丹教授、中山大学刘峰教授、厦门大学强欣荣教授分别作了题为“会计信息生成和使用中的行为研究” 、“公司为什么要并购与重组?”和“会计研究成果国际发表——— 选题、期刊与评审沟通” 的演讲。与会专家学者在分组报告与讨论中, 围绕公司治理、会计信息质量、新会计准则实施对上市公司的影响等议题进行了广泛深入的研讨。This is a summary of the Eig hth A ccounting and Finance Con f e rence : Capital M arketsBased A ccountin g R esear ch coorganized by the Center for Accounting Studies , the Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies , and the Department of Accounting of Xiamen University on July 9 ~ 10 , 2008 in Xiamen , China The authors summarized the main findings and viewpoints of the papers presented in this conference from the following six aspects : the introspection and summarization to capital markets based accounting research ; accounting information quality ; accounting standards for business enterprises ; study on corporate governance ; corporate finance ;and auditing作者单位:厦门大学会计发展研究中心,集美大学工商管理学院会计学

    Earnings Conservatism or Earnings Management?Evidence from China's Stock Market

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    本文考察2002—2005年上市公司会计盈余所具有的稳健性特征究竟是代表较高盈余质量的真正的盈余稳健性,还是可能只是向下盈余管理行为所带来的盈余稳健性的表象。研究发现,由于受洗大澡的盈余管理行为噪音的影响,2002—2005年上市公司总体表现出的盈余稳健性特征并不是代表较高盈余质量的真正的盈余稳健性,而可能主要是“洗大澡“盈余管理行为所带来的盈余稳健性的表象。本文的研究结论表明,在我国ST制度等特殊的制度背景下,上市公司向下盈余管理行为将影响对上市公司盈余稳健性结果的测定,单纯以盈余稳健性的强弱作为衡量上市公司盈余质量高低的标准未必可行。Using a sample of all listed A-shares firms in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges during the period of 2002-2005 with available data,this paper examines whether the improved earnings conservatism is really earnings conservatism that can proxy for high quality earning or just a seeming conservatism which results from the big bath behavior of the listed firms.We find that the displayed earnings conservatism of listed firms during the period of 2002-2005 can't proxy for high quality earnings because the test result of earnings conservatism is easily affected by big bath earnings management.This empirical evidence has shown that the test on earnings conservatism is greatly affected by earnings management of the listed firms under the special institutional background of securities regulations in China.So it's not feasible to judge the earnings quality of listed firms only simply based on the test result of earnings conservatism.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70972113);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(08JJD630010);集美大学科研基金项目(C60822)的阶段性研究成