91 research outputs found

    Yunnan Tax Manager Aid Information System Research

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    构建现代税收管理新格局的工作是多方面的,通过近几年来税收工作的实践证明,要提高税收管理的质量和效率,离不开信息技术的支撑,把先进的信息技术和人的主观能动性有机地结合起来,走“科技兴税”之路,创新管理手段,取得税收管理格局的突破。本文在目前税务信息化建设的背景下,分析了我省税收管理员制度的现状;阐述了建立税收管理员辅助信息管理系统的必要性和可行性;描述了我省税收管理员辅助信息系统的功能;实证分析了税收管理员辅助信息系统的税收效率;进而针对目前的税收管理员辅助信息系统所存在的问题,提出了完善税收管理员辅助信息系统的对策建议。Construction of a new pattern of modern tax administration are a wide range of work, through the practice of tax revenue in recent years has proved that to improve the quality of tax administration and efficiency, can not be separated from the support of information technology, advanced information technology and the people's initiative combine, go "technology tax" on the road, innovation manageme...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552006115093

    The Current Situation and Developmental Strategy of the Marine Technology Experimental Teaching

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    该文针对海洋技术实验教学现状,提出实验教学改革和实验室建设的几点建议,以适应培养面向21世纪海洋技术合格人才的需要。According to the current situation of the marine technology experimental teaching, some suggestions about the experiment teaching revolution and the laboratory developments were given to meet the exigency of training the qualified technicians in marine technology in the new century

    Wireless Dual-band Bandpass Filter Design Based on Hybrid Parameter Elements

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    提出一种基于混合参数元件设计双频带通滤波器的方法,并采用该方法进行gSM(890--960 MHz)/dCS(1 710--1 880 MHz)无线双频带通滤波器的设计。经过AdS仿真设计,并制作出测量的样品实物,样品实物的测量结果和仿真结果吻合,说明该方法的可行性;同时分析该方法的优点和适用范围,对实际工程应用具有重要的参考意义。A method of designing a dual-band bandpass filter based on hybrid parameter elements is proposed,and GSM(890--960 MHz)/DCS(1 710--1 880 MHz) dual-band bandpass filter is designed using this method.Actual measured results of the filter sample are in good agreement with simulated results.This method is meaning for application of engineering.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2008J0031

    Design for Wireless Sensor Network-Based Intelligent Public Transportation System

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    Intelligent public transportation system is an effective way to improve the quality of our country transportation. Wireless sensor network is a novel technology made by the convergence of sensor technology, micro electro mechanism technology, wireless telecommunication technology and network technology. It is suitable to transportation scenarios for the characteristic of rapidly deployed and self organized. An improved solution combined the wireless sensor network and internet technology is presented in the article. It effectively solves three critical problems of the wireless sensor network, including energy saving, localization and communication distance. By using the low cost and high stability microchip, a high reliability and low cost intelligent public transportation system based on wireless sensor network can be easily established

    Design of data acquisition card based on microwave auto-measurement system

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    This paper provides a brief introduction to the hardware configuration and the measuring principle of microwave auto-measurement system, and gives more details on the design of the data acquisition card based on the system. The card has a high accuracy which is owed to 12-bit high sampling AD converter and 12-bit multi-channel DA converter being applied, and it takes CPLD as the control core, USB as the interface, which achieves the speedy and reliable data transmission between the data acquisition card and the PC

    Design of Automatic System for Measuring Dielectric Properties of Microwave Dielectric Ceramics

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    开路型微波陶瓷材料介电性能自动测试系统的设计包括系统的测试原理、系统硬件和软件组成。利用操作界面友好的自动测试程序,可在程序面板上控制网络分析仪,实现测试数据的实时采集、分析计算与显示存储,从而提高测试效率与精度。实测表明,利用该系统能对高介电常数、低损耗的微波陶瓷材料复介电常数进行快速、准确、无损的自动测试。Design of open automatic system for measuring dielectric properties of Microwave Dielectric Ceramics(MWDC) is introduced,including testing principle,system hardware and software.The automatic measurement program provids a friendly interface between the VNA and the experiment operators,it can be applied to control the network analyzer,sample and compute the testing data,the results can be obtained and saved instantly.the measurement efficiency and precision are improved.It is shown that the system can be used for the rapid,accurate,nondestructive and automatic measurement of the high εr′ and low tan δ of MWDC materials

    Low temperature sintering of Ba_5(Nb_(1-x)Sb_x)_4O_(15) microwave dielectric ceramics

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    [中文文摘]添加质量分数为1%的H3BO3为助烧剂。研究了Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(0≤x≤0.2)陶瓷的烧结特性、显微结构和微波介电性能。结果表明:当x≤0.15时,该类陶瓷可在900℃附近烧结,并伴有少量BaSb2O6和BaB2O4相;随着x从0增加到0.2,εr和τf均有较大幅度下降;Q.f先升后降。在900℃烧成温度下,x为0.15的陶瓷获得较好的微波介电性能:εr为29.21,Q.f为13 266 GHz,τf为11×10–6℃–1,并能与Ag电极很好相容,基本满足LTCC工艺的要求。[英文文摘]The sinterability, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(0≤x≤0.2) ceramics doped with H3BO3 were investigated. It is found that all of the Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(x≤0.15) ceramics with the addition of 1 % H3BO3 could be sintered at about 900 ℃.The interactions between Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15 and H3BO3 lead to the formation of BaSb2O6 and BaB2O4 phases.With x increasing from 0 to 0.2,εr and τf decrease greatly. Quality factor increase and then decrease.At a sintering temperature of 900 ℃,the ceramic of Ba5(Nb0.85Sb0.15)4O15 with addition of 1% H3BO3 exhibite the optimal microwave dielectric properties of εr =29.21, Q·f =13 266 GHz, τf =11×10–6 ℃–1 and good compatibility with silver electrodes, which is a suitable lowtemperature cofired ceramic (LTCC)

    Low temperature sintering of Ba_5(Nb_(1-x)Sb_x)_4O_(15) microwave dielectric ceramics

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    添加质量分数为1%的H3BO3为助烧剂。研究了Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(0≤x≤0.2)陶瓷的烧结特性、显微结构和微波介电性能。结果表明:当x≤0.15时,该类陶瓷可在900℃附近烧结,并伴有少量BaSb2O6和BaB2O4相;随着x从0增加到0.2,εr和τf均有较大幅度下降;Q.f先升后降。在900℃烧成温度下,x为0.15的陶瓷获得较好的微波介电性能:εr为29.21,Q.f为13 266 GHz,τf为11×10–6℃–1,并能与Ag电极很好相容,基本满足LTCC工艺的要求。The sinterability,microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(0≤x≤0.2) ceramics doped with H3BO3 were investigated.It is found that all of the Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15(x≤0.15) ceramics with the addition of 1 % H3BO3 could be sintered at about 900 ℃.The interactions between Ba5(Nb1–xSbx)4O15 and H3BO3 lead to the formation of BaSb2O6 and BaB2O4 phases.With x increasing from 0 to 0.2,εr and τf decrease greatly.Quality factor increase and then decrease.At a sintering temperature of 900 ℃,the ceramic of Ba5(Nb0.85Sb0.15)4O15 with addition of 1 % H3BO3 exhibite the optimal microwave dielectric properties of εr =29.21,Q.f =13 266 GHz,τf =11×10–6 ℃–1 and good compatibility with silver electrodes,which is a suitable low-temperature cofired ceramic(LTCC)

    Design and Implementation of A Debugging System for OpenRISC Processor

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    A gdb-based debugging system for OpenRISC1200 Processor based on IEEE1149.1 JTAG interface is developed. Unlike usual gdb-based embedded debugging systems, this system uses the hardware debugging modules in OpenRISC1200 Processor to extend GDB. Its debugging agent doesn't work on the target but on the host computer, so it can work well without any target operating system support. In this paper, the system's general frame design and realization of the main modules are explained in detail. It is verified by both FPGA prototype emulation and software simulation. It establishes a good foundation for further development on OpenRISC

    Shadowg raph observat ion on interfacial turbulence phenomena in gas-liquid mass transfer

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    联系人及第一作者: 沙勇( 1971- ) , 男, 博士, 副教授。[中文文摘]引言在相际质量传递过程中,界面处液体物化性质由于物质传递发生改变,如产生密度梯度和界面张力梯度,使界面流体发生流动的现象即为界面湍动。通常由界面处流体密度梯度引发的界面湍动称为Rayleigh-Bénard对流,而由界面表面张力梯度引发的界面湍动,称为Marangoni对流[1]。由于传质过程中发生的界面湍动在临近界面处发生,其浓度场和速度场难以测量,目前多利用纹影法、投影法、干涉法等光学测试手段,对其湍动形态进行观察,为了解界面湍动提供直接视觉证据。利用蒸发、吸收、解吸、萃取等传质手段,不同的研究者对界面湍动进行了直接光学观察,考察了不同传质条件下的界面湍动结构,获取的形态众多,结构复杂[2-7]。对于气-液界面传质导致的界面湍动,其光学观察多集中在研究界面平面内出现的细胞形、六边形、滚筒形等规则或不规则形态,通常为湍动充分发展后的形态,尺度偏大[6-9],而对于实际应用中更重要的界面湍动向主体相渗透的时空观察,十分匮乏,尚需大量设计精巧的实验以揭示其内在的规律。传质过程中产生的界面湍动为强非线性传质流动耦合现象,是非线性理论良好的研究对象[10],并且界面湍动促进了流体表面更新,可对宏观传质设备传质产生显著影响[11],对其的深入研究有着理论和实际上的需要。 本文利用放大界面区域的投影法, 观察有机溶剂水溶液挥发过程中,由界面向液相主体渗透的界面湍动结构, 获取直接视觉资料。 [英文文摘]In gas-liquid mass transfer processes,interfacial turbulence may occur due to the surface tension gradient and the density gradient produced by mass transfer near the interface.The interfacial turbulence can enhance the mass transfer since it intensifies the movement of interfacial fluid.By means of the shadowgraph optical method,the interfacial turbulence patterns vertical to the interface were observed directly in the volatilization process of binary systems.The images of the amplified interfacial turbule showed the variation of concent ration and the fluid movement under the interface. Two patterns of interfacial turbulence were observed in the experiments: plume and vortex.With the plume, the interfacial fluid moved slowly and penet rated the liquid deeply.With the vortex, the inter facial turbulence occur red in the vicinity of the liquid interface and the fluid moves quite fast. A qualitative analysis was carried out based on the mechanism of Rayleigh-Bénard convection induced by density gradient and Marangoni convection induced by surface tension gradient.国家自然科学基金项目( 20606027)