18 research outputs found

    Human and Materials ——Discussing about handicraft has impact on my art creation

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    本论文紧紧围绕着笔者自身的创作活动展开,以笔者自己在每个时期创作实践中的体验为脉络,结合对传统手工制作和机械化生产的冲突中产生的问题的思考,进行艺术创作上的自我分析与阐述。 笔者的创作主题主要涉及——个人生活经历和文化认同上的——直接与间接的记忆。由个人记忆介入,从语言和媒介的层面,对手工艺与现代技术之间形成的隔阂与联系进行解读;通过复制进行再次体验。力求在时间与空间,身体与物品之间的联系出现的断裂(或者说出现的新的联系)中,发现一种新的视觉形态的存在。I basic on my own art works creation that I made during those few years as a theme background in this paper, the sharp thinking contacts in each period of my creation as a evolutive thread, to do self analysis and expatiating on the way to create art works. I use the crafts and manual goods as elements in my works, the mainly creation subject is that the direct and indirect memory in my individ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:1862009115307

    A Study on Management of Government Public Vehicle-using under the View of Public Finance

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    近年来,关于我国政府公务用车问题社会各界讨论甚多。公务用车问题成为社会热点问题,原因是人们更多地把公务用车问题与党政机关廉政建设及公务人员的工作作风联系起来。笔者认为,公务用车问题不仅仅关系到政府的廉洁,更为现实的是关系到财政开支,乃至公共财政体制确立的问题。我国目前的财政状况:国进而民退。一方面,财政收入快速增长,财政收入从2005年的3万亿元增长到2012年的11.7万亿元;另一方面,居民收入占国民收入分配的比重却是呈下降的趋势。在这种国进民退的财政状况下,公务用车经费导致的行政成本难以控制,自然引起社会的广泛关注。我国在公务用车管理方面出台过一些制度措施,也在全国各地展开阶段性的改革探索...In recent years, the government public vehicle-using systems in China are discussed. The government public vehicle-using systems (GPVS) problems become a hot social issue, because more people associate the GPVS problem and government construction of a clean and honest administration and public servants work style. The author thinks, the GPVS problem is not only related to the integrity of the gove...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:1392010115040

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