6 research outputs found

    Regional Disparities and Fiscal Expenditure:An Empirical and Normative Approach

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    在中国经济快速发展的同时,地区间的经济发展差距也越来越大。这引起了全社会关注,政府通过西部大开发和构建和谐社会等一系列政策措施,致力于通过财政支出手段缩小地区间发展差距,但效果并不理想,地区间发展差距依然呈现出扩大趋势。深入研究地区发展差距与财政支出之间的关系具有重大的理论和现实意义。本文从数量化度量地区间发展差距入手,进而分析地区间财力、财政支出和公共服务差异。从地区经济发展差异短期内无法消除的现实出发,为实现公平目标,中央政府的转移支付和地方的财政支出需要围绕提供公共服务来开展。通过对转移支付与经济增长、财政支出与经济增长的实证研究,发现转移支付和财政支出中公共化程度比较高的部分推动经济的...As Chinese economy growing faster and faster, district disparities are also widening in China. This problem draws eye of the whole society including governments. Besides The Western Development Drive and Harmonious Society et al, a lot of fiscal efforts have been put in to narrow these disparities, but the effect is far from good. By contract, the development levels between districts trend to be d...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_公共经济学学号:B20044103


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    在过去几年中积极财政政策确实加快了中国经济增长速度。但继续推行 ,不但缺乏政策发挥积极作用的前提而且会带来一系列成本与风险 :替代市场、经济陷入“滞胀”、无法清偿国债本息。既然内需不足根源于市场机制未充分发挥作用 ,在进行市场经济体制改革的过程中 ,政府应尽量弥补市场缺陷 ,让市场机制充分发挥作用 ,而不应诉诸于最后的手段———积极财政政策


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    Payment Transfer, Regional Disparities and Economic Development:An Empirical Analysis Based on Panel Data

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    基于中国分省面板数据,本文对政府间转移支付与地区发展差距和经济增长之间的关系进行实证研究。结果显示转移支付在地区间的分布具有"马太效应",越是富裕的地区,得到的转移支付量越多,转移支付没有发挥缩小地区间发展差距的作用。在转移支付的三个组成部分中,专项转移支付和税收返还扩大了地区发展差距;财力性转移支付有助于缩小地区发展差距,并且推动经济增长的效率最高。 Using Chinese provincial panel Data , we investigate the relationships among inter2governments transfer , regional disparities and economic development . It is very surprising that transfer between districts shows strong Matthew Effect , that is , richer districts get more transfer from centre government . It doesn’t help narrow the regional development gap. In three components of transfer , special transfer and tax return widen regional development disparities ; on the contrary , financial transfer does achieve the desired goal , and most efficiently promotes economic development .本研究得到国家社会科学基金(05BJY090) 资

    Research on Risks Concerning Chinese National Debt

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    国债风险产生于国债的特殊性质。国债风险不但包括信用风险,而且包含社会福利损失风险、赤字扩大、金融抑制、资本逃避、无谓损失、通货膨胀等。本文试图从以上两个基点出发,从6个不同角度考查我国国债工具运用过程中各经济变量的长短期变化趋势,分析风险产生机制,揭示风险产生途径,以利于防范国债风险。 Abstract :  Risks relating to national debt are rooted in the special characteristics of national debt . They consist of credit risk and risk of social benefit dissipating :deficit expansion ,financial repression ,capital flight ,deadweight loss ,inflation. This paper will concent rate on analyzing interactions between related economic variabes , to find out the mechanism responsible for risks resulting from Chinese natinal debt