5 research outputs found

    A Study On Lottery Ticket Contract

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    彩票经济在中国已经兴起,与此同时,彩票纠纷源源不断。彩票合同作为购彩人与发行人之间的协议,是促使彩票交易顺利进行的控制器。鉴于此,本文涉足彩票合同研究。全文分为引言、正文和结语三个部分,正文分为五章; 第一章为彩票合同概述。包括彩票合同概念分析、彩票合同性质分析和彩票合同特征分析。作者认为,彩票合同的法律性质为特殊的射幸合同,其具有格式合同、双务合同、有偿合同、不要式合同和诺成合同的特征。 第二章为彩票合同和相类似合同比较。作者详细分析了附条件合同、赌博合同、投资合同、有奖销售合同与彩票合同的相似点和差异,以便更准确地把握彩票合同的本质和特征。 第三章为彩票合同法律关系。作者着重分析了彩...Lottery ticket economy has been flourished in china. But in the same time, the disputes of lottery ticket take place now and then. Lottery ticket contract is a effective means of lottery ticket economy. for the reason, I take my courage to study lottery ticket contract. The paper is divided into three parts: preface, text and conclusion. The text is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is the ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:20010800


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    传统信托法要求受托人必须亲自管理信托事务 ,此即“不得代理规则”。现代信托法突破了这一僵硬规则 ,赋予受托人以委托权。在责任承担问题上 ,虽然大陆法系、英美法系都采取的是过失责任原则 ,但在前提条件之设置上 ,两大法系有一定的差异。我国《信托法》在委托权行使之前提条件的设置上较为科学、但在费用负担、责任承担等方面存在一定的缺陷 ,应该予以修


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    ADR启动和处理协议的效力则是关系到ADR在解纷体系中的生命力。讨论该课题具有重要意义。ADR启动协议对当事人有纠纷方式确定效力、诉讼时效中断效力和使当事人负担附随义务 ;一部分ADR处理协议相当于契约效力 ,另一部分ADR启动协议相当于判决效力 ,作者提出了强化ADR处理协议效力 (即实现ADR处理协议由契约效力到判决效力转化 )的一些设

    Perfection and Legal Establishment of Trust Protector

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    《台湾信托法》第五章对信托监察人制度作了较为详细地专门规定,同大陆信托法相比,在维护受益人利益、保障信托本旨之实现上意义重大,诚值肯定。尽管如此,其中也不乏有不完善之处,主要是:信托监察人的资格限制不够充分,信托监察人的义务设置不够全面,信托监察人的责任设置不够科学。Section 5 in Taiwan'trust law provides the system of trust protector specially. Being compared with Chinese mainland, it can be affirmed for defending beneficiary and ensuring trust goals. However, there are still some defects to trust protector: the restrictions of qualification aren't sufficient; provisions of obligation and liability aren't all-round and reasonable

    On Explaining of Traditional Law and Contemporary Law

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    私法自治理念是法理学、私法和公法的重要理念 ,本文从制度角度 ,对私法自治理念进行传统法和现代法解读 ,然后抽象到法理高度 ,概括出私法自治理念的传统法和现代法内涵。Notion of autonomy of private law is an important conception of law philosophy, public law and private law. On opinion of institution, the article explained notion of autonomy of private law from two sides: the traditional law and the contemporary law. At last, the article summarized the connotation of traditional law and contemporary law about notion of autonomy of private law