7 research outputs found

    On the Development of Business English as a Discipline

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    国际商务英语的出现既是社会发展的必然结果 ,也是英语语言学自身发展的必然趋势。新形势为商务英语的研究和发展提供了土壤和阳光 ,应抓住机遇 ,谋求发展。近 2 0年来 ,国际商务英语在我国高校已从一两门课程发展成了一个自成体系的新学科 ,为迎接加入WTO的挑战奠定了良好的基础。商务英语的教材建设应坚持“以我为主、洋为中用、土洋结合”的原则 ,勇于面对国外书商的“抢滩”。新世纪的商务英语教学应树立“以创新为核心”和“以学生为中心”的全新教学观 ,并提倡“以学习为中心”的教学方法The emergence of International Business English (IBE) resulted from both the general development of human society and the development of English linguistics itself. Research on and development of IBE are now enjoying unprecedented favourable conditions and opportunities. In the past 20 years, IBE has evolved from one or two isolated courses into an complete, independent discipline, ready to meet new challenges. It is argued that textbooks of IBE should be developed according to the "China-based, foreign-aided, and Sino-foreign combined" principle so that they will not lose their competitiveness in the great sea of textbooks from overseas publishers. The teaching of IBE should follow the new pedagogical principles of "creativity as the core" and "student- centred" and the "learning-centred" teaching methodology

    An appeal for establishing the discipline of business linguistics

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    本文旨在探讨构建“商务语言学“学科。文章提出:(1)综观当今全球,商务(尤其是国际商务)已经成为人类社会发展最强劲的引擎,因此在应用语言学范畴内开展“商务语言学“研究很有必要;(2)“商务语言学“这一概念的提出在学理上并无问题,商务语言的悠久历史和商务文本的突出特点、丰富内涵足以支撑将商务语言研究领域拓展、构建成为应用语言学范畴内一门新生的应用型交叉学科;(3)商务语言学可以围绕三个研究方向在五个方面的研究范围内对商务语言开展理论性和应用性研究。笔者呼吁:我们不妨怀着一颗学术探讨的好奇之心,抱着一种理论研究的开放心态,开展一场关于构建“商务语言学“的大讨论。This paper explores the establishment of business linguistics as a new discipline.The paper puts forward the following main arguments:( 1) in the present world,business( esp.international business) has become the most powerful engine for the development of human society,which calls for the studies of business language so as to better business communication among business people speaking different languages in different cultural backgrounds;( 2) there is a solid theoretical basis for the concept of business linguistics,as the long history of business language and the outstanding features and rich connotations of business discourses are credible enough to support the establishment of business linguistics as a new and independent discipline in the field of applied linguistics;( 3) both the theoretical and applied studies of business linguistics can be carried out in the three research directions and the five research scopes.The author further appeals that we might as well cherish a sort of academic curiosity and an open mind for theoretical studies in establishing and developing the discipline of business linguistics


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    A Free Talk on Interdisciplinarity:The Logical Starting-point of Business English Discipline

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    文章聚焦于商务英语学科的逻辑起点——“学科交叉性“。首先,“学科交叉性“则是商务英语学科的生命力所在,是学科之魂。其次,“学科交叉性“简单而抽象地揭示了商务英语学科的本质。同时,“学科交叉性“与商务英语这个交叉型应用学科应运而生、顺势而昌以及迅速发展的实际历史进程相吻合。所以,把“学科交叉性“确认为商务英语学科的逻辑起点是一种正确的选择。This is a free talk on Interdisciplinarity—the logical starting-point of Business English Discipline.In it,the author first points out that the vitality of Business English Discipline lies in its interdisciplinarity;and then elaborates on why interdisciplinarity is chosen and confirmed as the logical starting-point of Business English Discipline


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    Some Reflections on the Development of Business English as a Discipline

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    自从教育部2007年春正式批准我国高校增设商务英语本科专业以来的几年中,商务英语学科经历了一个蓬勃发展的时期,而后便开始进入一个稳步的、逐步走向成熟的发展新时期。本文对新时期商务英语学科的发展作了一番理性的思考,作者认为:学科未来的发展应该做到定位科学、规模适中、发展平稳、质量提升,以期学科的理论建设、制度建设和文化建设有新的突破,更好地为国家和社会培养出胸怀社会意识、法律意识、创新和创业意识,身怀跨语言、跨文化、跨学科才能的复合型英语人才。The past years saw a vigorous development of the discipline of Business English in China's colleges and universities.This discipline is now faced with a turning point towards a new stage of steady and increasingly mature development.The present author argues that,at this point,it is necessary to have a rational thinking of the discipline's future development.The author then makes some suggestions on how to define the discipline scientifically,how to plan its development scale moderately,how to keep its development steadily and how to achieve better results in the teaching,in the theoretical research and in the training of inter-disciplinary talents of English for the country and the society