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    采用电导法定量测定了中国东南沿海红树植物叶片的抗寒力变化。结果表明;(1)海南琼山东寨港主要红树种类冬季抗寒力(半致死温度)介于-2.3~-6.8℃之间,其中红树科植物抗寒力较强,多数种类属于低温敏感性相对较弱的l类型;海桑科和楝科红树种类抗寒力较弱,属于低温敏感性较强的H类型。(2)随纬度升高(个别地点除外),秋茄(kAndElIACAndEl)、桐花树(AEgICErASCOrnICulATuM)和红海榄(rHIzOPHOrSSTylOSA)抗寒力增强,呈现种群分化趋势。(3)同一地点,秋茄和桐花树抗寒力有明显季节变化:夏季最低,秋冬两季高于春季。(4)同一群落内,生长于中潮区滩面的秋茄抗寒力强于高潮区,但桐花树抗寒力在各个滩面相差不大。(5)秋茄和桐花树树冠上不同部位叶片的抗寒力不同,由表及里,由上至下,呈降低趋势。红树叶片抗寒力的种群分化、季节变化和部位差异是其趋异适应的结果,有益于红树植物的生存和繁育。LeaF cold resistance abilities of mangrove species along the eastsouthern coast of China had been measured by conductivity method.The results show:(1)The cold resistance abilities(LT50) of 16 mangrove species at Dongzhai Estuary,Qiongshan.Hainan province were From -23℃ to -68℃.The species From Rhizophoraceae had higher cold resistance abilities than that From Sonneratiaceae and Meliaceae,so most of them could be classiFied into low cold sensitivity type (L type),and the late ones into high cold sensitivity type (H type).(2)As the latitude increased,the cold resistance abilities of Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum also increased,and reFlected the trend of population diFFerentiation(except one location).(3) At the same location,Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum had the lowest cold resistance abilities in summer,and higher cold resistance abilities in autumn and winter than those in spring.(4) Among the same mangrove community,Kandelia candel plants growing in the middle tidal zone had higher cold resistance ability than those in the high tidal zone,but no this diFFerence was Found in Aegiceras corniculatum.(5) Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum leaves had diFFerent cold resistance abilities according to their locations on the community crown.The cold resistance ability of leaves decreased From upper surFace to lower layer,and From surFace to inner part.The population diFFerentiation,season changes,and leaF location variation of mangrove cold resistance abilities were due to the ecological adaptation to various habitats which were beneFicial For the survival and regeneration of mangroves.国家教委博士学科点基

    Cold-resistance ability of two mangrove species Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum during their overwintering period.

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    采用电导法定量测定了福建省九龙江口红树植物秋茄和桐花树抗寒力的越冬变化,探讨了抗寒力与水分、叶绿素、可溶性蛋白质含量及过氧化物酶活性的相关性.结果表明,1988年9月至1989年4月越冬期间,秋茄和桐花树抗寒力随气温下降而增强,分别于1月和12月达到最大,低温处理1H,半致死温度为-9.3℃和-9.0℃;其后,抗寒力随气温回升而迅速下降.冬季秋茄和桐花树抗寒力的提高与束缚水含量增加或自由水含量减少密切相关,并伴随可溶性蛋白质含量的增加和过氧化物酶活性的增强.束缚水与自由水、叶绿素A与b含量的比值变化可以反映红树植物抗寒力变化:两种比值越高,抗寒力越强.In this paper, the leaF cold resistance ability of two mangrove species Kandelia candel and Aegiceras corniculatum growing on Jiulongjiang Estuary of Fujian Province was measured by conductivity method, and the relationship of this ability with the contents of leaF water, chlorophyll and soluble protein and the activity of peroxidase during overwintering period was studied.The results show that the cold resistance ability of these two mangrove species From September 1988 to April 1989 is increased with decreasing of air temperature, and reached their maximums in January and December, respectively.Their halF lethal temperature is respectively -9.3 and -9.0℃.AFter winter, the cold resistance ability is decreased dramatically with the rise of air temperature.The increase of the cold resistance ability is related with the increase of bound water or the decrease of Free water content in leaF. Both the soluble protein content and the peroxidase activity have a similar variation trend to the cold resistance ability.The ratio of leaF bound water to Free water and the ratio of leaF chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b may reFlect the cold resistance ability of these two mangrove species: the higher the both are, the stronger the cold resistance ability is.国家教委博士学科点基金资助项目!(9538402

    Effect of Cd on growth and physiological characteristics of Aegiceras conrniculatum seedlings

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    通过砂培实验研究了红树植物桐花树幼苗在含Cd0.05~100μg/L系列海水培养液(盐度为10)中的生长及某些生理特性的变化。当培养液中Cd浓度低于0.5μg/L时,随Cd浓度的增加,桐花树幼苗的生长加快,叶片叶绿素含量、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物酶(SOD)活性均有所提高,而抽条水势则略有下降。而当高于0.5μg/L时,桐花树幼苗的生长减缓,叶片叶绿素含量、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物酶(SOD)活性均出现不同程度的下降,抽条水势则迅速升高。不同Cd浓度下,桐花树叶片的细胞膜透性变化不大,但膜脂过氧化作用随着Cd浓度的增加而不断增强。红树植物桐花树对Cd金属有较强的耐性。Based on the pots experiments in sand culture, the effect of heavy metal Cd on growth and some physiological characteristics of Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove seedlings were studied when treated by saline water with different concentrations of Cd (0.05~100μg/L). As Cd concentration increased from 0 to 0.5μg/L, the growth of Aegiceras corniculatum seedling was promoted, leaf chlorophyll content and activities of POD and SOD gradually increased. However, water potential of spouting branch had a little drop. When Cd concentration was higher than 0.5μg/L, the growth of Aegiceras corniculatum seedling was inhibited, leaf chlorophyll content and activities of POD and SOD began to decrease. but water potential of spouting branch took a significant rise. Under different Cd concentrations (0.05~100μg/L) in culture solution, cell membrane permeability had little change, but membrane lipid peroxidation gradually increased with the increase of Cd concentration. Aegiceras corniculatum mangrove plant had high toleration to heavy metal Cd.教育部优秀年轻教师基金;; 厦门大学校基金资

    Seed Dormancy Mechanism and Ways to Accelerate Germination of Syagrus romanzoffiana and Arenga engleri

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    本文以生产上发芽不整齐的皇后葵和香棕种子为材料,研究棕榈科植物种子的休眠机理及催芽技术。试验结果表明,皇后葵及香棕的果肉及胚乳中均含有发芽抑制物质,同一植株的种子发芽率及发芽力的差别还与种子的成熟度有关,用GA3 100mg/L或NAA 100mg/L浸种有利于提高发芽率。Using the seeds of Syagrus romanzoffiana and Arenga engleri as experiment materials,the dormancy mechanism of seed and the technique for germination hastening were studied.The results showed that there were germination inhibitors in pulp and endosperm,the germination percentage and germinating power of seeds were related to the maturity of seeds.Seed soaking with GA3 100mg/L or NAA 100mg/L could increase the percentage of germination

    Mangrove Wetlands:Distribution,Species Composition and Protection in China

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    红树林作为重要的海岸湿地类型之一,具有极高的生态系统服务价值。过去的50年中,中国红树林曾遭到极大的破坏。本文简要介绍了世界红树林分布现状,对中国红树林的分布、面积及红树植物种类组成进行详细叙述,并就红树植物分类体系进行讨论,认为中国红树植物种类应为38种,其中真红树植物13科15属27种,半红树植物有9科11属11种;对中国红树林的保护现状进行分析总结,以期为红树林的研究和管理提供参考。As one of the important coastal wetland,mangroves have a high value of ecosystem services.Over the past50years,China mangroves had been greatly damaged.The state of the world mangrove distribution was briefly described,and distribution and plant species composition of China mangrove were described in detail.Mangrove species classification system in China was discussed:Chinese mangrove plant species should be considered38species,including true mangrove species13families and27species,semi-mangrove plants11species in9families.Mangrove conservation status in China was analyzed in order to provide reference for the research and management of mangroves.基金项目:海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305021-2

    Sapflow characteristics of Kandelia obovata and their controlling factors in Zhangjiang estuary,China

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    利用Granier热消散式探针法对福建漳江口国家级红树林自然保护区内红树植物秋茄的树干茎流密度(SFD)进行1年(2010年10月至2011年10月)的连续监测.结果表明:季节和树干径级对秋茄树干茎流密度均有显著影响.在夏季,胸径(DBH)为8~10 cm时秋茄树干最外层2 cm处的SFD达到最大,为38.21 g·m~(-2)·s~(-1),这与其他红树物种以及湿地乔木物种的茎流密度相当.不同径级(小、中、大径级分别为2~4、4~8、8~10 cm)秋茄每日整树蒸腾量(即水分日利用量)也呈现明显的季节变化,从冬季到夏季的波动值分别为0.14~0.19、0.94~1.45、1.96~3.43 kg·d~(-1).通过整合各个径级秋茄树的日蒸腾量推算得到秋茄林的日蒸腾量,再全年累加计算得到秋茄林年总蒸腾量为100.38 mm,不到当地年降水量的6%.主要环境因子对秋茄林蒸腾速率(E_s)均有极显著影响(P<0.001),其中,光合有效辐射(PAR)和饱和水汽压差(VPD)是E_s最主要的驱动因子,解释了E_s60%~92%的季节变异,且夏季秋茄E_s对PAR和VPD的依赖性大于冬季.秋茄E_s与环境因子之间存在明显的时滞现象,需要在解释秋茄林E_s季节变异时加以考虑.In this study,the Grainer's thermal dissipation probe method was applied to monitor sap flux density( SFD) of a mangrove species Kandelia obovata over a period of one year( 2010-10—2011-10) in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve,Fujian,China. The results showed that both season and diameter class exerted significant effects on the SFD of K. obovata trees. In summer,when the diameter at breast height( DBH) reached 8-10 cm,the highest SFD was found at a depth of 2 cm with a value of 38.21 g·m~(-2)·s-1,which was comparable with those for other mangrove tree species and forested wetland tree species. The mean whole tree transpiration( i. e.daily water use) of all stem size classes demonstrated large changes from winter to summer,increased from 0.14 to 0.19 kg·d~(-1)in small trees( S,DBH = 2-4 cm),from 0.94 to 1.45 kg·d~(-1)in medium trees( M,DBH = 4-8 cm) and from 1.96 to 3.43 kg·d~(-1)in large ones( L,DBH = 8-10 cm). The daily transpiration of K. obovata stand was calculated by summing all size classes,which was then summed up for entire year to estimate annual transpiration of entire K. obovata forest,which was about 100. 38 mm,less than 6% of local annual precipitation. Key environmental factors all had significant effects( all P<0.001) on the stand transpiration rate( E_s) of K. obovata forest,and photosynthetically active radiation( PAR) and vapor pressure deficit( VPD) were themain driving factors,which explained 60%-92% seasonal variation of E_s. The PAR and VPD had larger effects on the E_sin summer than that in winter. In addition,we observed an obvious time lag phenomenon in the relationship between E_sand PAR or VPD,which should be taken into account when explaining seasonal variation of E_sin K. obovata forest.国家自然科学基金项目(30930017);; 国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305021)资助~

    Physiological responses of three cultivar seedlings of Bougainvillea under drought stress

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    该研究对勤花三角梅(Bougainvillea buttiana Miss Manila')、樱花三角梅(B.glabra Imperial; Delight')和金心鸳鸯三角梅(B.peruviana; Thimma')三个三角梅品种的幼苗进行人工干旱胁迫,分析了干旱胁迫对三角梅品种的外观形态和生理生化水平的影响,探讨了不同品种三角梅对干旱胁迫的; 适应能力。结果表明:随着干旱时间的延长,三角梅品种的叶片出现下垂、皱缩、变黄、脱落,最后植株死亡;过氧化物酶POD活性先升高后降低,而超氧化物歧; 化酶SOD活性则逐渐降低,降低速度因品种而异;qP值降低、qN值升高、PSⅡ反应中心光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)均呈现; 降低。该研究结果为三角梅的栽培应用和品种选择提供了依据。Seedlings of Bougainvillea buttiana Miss Manila', B.glabra Imperial; Delight' and B.peruviana Thimma' were treated to study the physiological; responses under drought stress.The results showed that the plant leaves; began to droop, gradually shrink, yellow in color, and fell off, all of; the treatment seedlings died finally under the long drought.The results; showed that the peroxidase activities(POD) were increased at beginning,; and decreased finally, while the superoxide dismutase(SOD) activities; were gradual decreased, but the reduction rates were different in the; three cultivar seedlings.The research on chlorophyll fluorescence; parameters showed that qP value was decreased, while qN value was; increased, and the photochemical efficiency of PSⅡreaction center(Fv/Fm); and potential activity of PS Ⅱ(Fv/Fo) were decreased under drought; stress.This study provides information for breeding application and; choosing ulltivars of Bougainvillea.厦门市科学技术局资助项

    Effect of potassium nutrition on photosynthetic characteristics of small Cushaw

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    利用CIRAS-2型便携式光合测定系统,研究不同钾素营养水平下小南瓜的光合特性。结果表明:小南瓜叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔导度、净光合速率的日变化与钾素营养之间呈显著的正相关(r值分别为0.965 1、0.816 0、0.926 9),细胞间隙中C0_2浓度日变化与钾素营养之间呈显著的负相关(r=0.847 9)。The photosynthetic characteristics of small Cushaw at different potassium levels was measured by portable photosynthesis systems CIRAS-2. The results showed that transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate in leaves of small Cushaw were significantly and positively correlated with potassium level (r=0.9651, r=0.8160, r=0.9269), but intracellular concentration of CO_2 in leaves of small Cushaw were significantly and negatively correlated with potassium level (r=-0.8479)


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    5℃夜间低温处理温室栽培红海榄 (Rhizophorastylosa)和银叶树 (Heritieralittoralis)幼苗 ,白天 2 0℃室温分别恢复 1h和 4h ,测定功能叶的净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2 浓度、蒸腾速率和叶绿素含量。结果表明 :夜间低温明显降低红海榄和银叶树的净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用率 ,促进胞间CO2 浓度增加 ,而叶绿素含量变化不大。白天定温恢复时间增长 ,净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率回升 ,胞间CO2 浓度下降 ,红树幼苗对低温有一定的适应能力。低温处理 2d ,红海榄叶净光合速率的抑制程度大于 1d处理 ,而银叶树叶净光合速率的抑制程度则有所减轻。两种红树叶气孔导度与净光合速率和蒸腾速率均呈线性关系 ,气孔导度是控制叶片光合成和蒸腾水分丢失动态平衡的主要因素。With 5℃ Night temperature treatments for 13h each day,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomata conductance(Cs),inter-cellularCO_2 concentration(Ci),transpiration rate(Tr),water use efficiency (WUE) and chlorophyll content(Ch1) of one year Rhizophora stylosa and Heritiera littoralis seedings Leaves were measured after 1h and 4h recovery at greenhouse temperature.The results showed that Pn,Cs,Tr and WUE of Rhizophora stylosa and Heritera littoralis seedings leaves were significantly inhibited by low night temperature treatments but Ci were raised and Ch1. had litter changes. Pn?Cs and Tr of two mangrove species would rise as recovering times increased, which indicated that both Rhizophora stylosa and Heritiere littoralis seedling had some adaptation to low night temperature,when low night temperature treatment days increased ,Pn and Tr of Rhizophora stylosa were more inhibited than Heritiera littoralis. A linear relationship existed between Pn and Cs and between Tr and Cs,respectively,which showed that carbon gain by photosynthesis and water loss by transpiration were inhibited at the same time.It is suggested that Cs was the main factor to control dynamic balance between carbon gain process and water loss process


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