4 research outputs found


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    Investigation on population dynamics of Fejervarya multistriata in plantations of Fujian Province, eastern China.

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    2011年6—9月和2012年4—5月,采用“围栏陷阱法“对福建省将乐县国有林场典型人工林内泽陆蛙种群进行调查,共捕获泽陆蛙222只。采用聚类分析方法,按照体长、体重将泽陆蛙划分为成体和亚成体,分析不同月份、不同类型人工林、不同林龄人工林内泽陆蛙的日均捕获量、肥满度和重长比的变化规律。结果显示:1)人工林泽陆蛙日均捕获量随月份变化先减小后增大,肥满度无显著变化,重长比先增大后减小。2)人工林泽陆蛙肥满度、重长比,混交林高于纯林;日均捕获量纯林高于混交林。3)随人工林林龄的增加泽陆蛙肥满度、重长比增大,中龄林泽陆蛙日均捕获量最高。研究结果可为人工林物种多样性保护提供新思路,并为人工林经营模式的转变提供参考。From June to September 2011 and April to May 2012, we had made a preliminary investigation on the rice frog communities in different typical plantations using the "Fence with pitfall trap" in Jiangle County of Fujian Province, eastern China and 222 rice frogs were captured.Based on snout-vent length and body weight, rice frogs were divided into adult and subadult by using cluster analysis.The variation of daily-catches, relative-fatness and weight/length index were analysed in different months, different types of plantations and varied age of plantations.The result showed that: 1) the daily-catches and weight/length index of rice frog in plantations decreased first and then increased from April to September, and the relative-fatness had no significant changes; 2) The relative-fatness and weight/length index of rice frog in pure plantations were higher than mixed plantations, and the daily-catches was contrary;3) The relative-fatness and weight/length index of rice frog were growing with the age of plantations, and the daily-catches reached the highest in middle age plantations.The results can provide new ideas for protecting the species diversity in plantations and guide for changing the management mode of plantations.林业公益性行业科研专项(200904003

    On the Framework Designing of Statistical Indicators of Forest Insurance

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    在分析我国森林保险业务开展的基本流程的基础上,围绕政府、保险企业和林业生产者等森林保险信息需求主体,在指标体系构建基本思想和原则的指导下,从费率确定、投保、承保、责任与损失核定、理赔、财政补贴、保险企业经营成果评价等方面构建了我国森林保险统计指标体系的基本框架。该框架针对不同的主体和流程,划分为宏观和微观2大层次,包括基础指标和计算指标2大类具体指标。Based on the analysis of the basic process of forest insurance business,and according to the essential principle of indicator system,the paper designed a basic framework of statistical indicators which reflect the aspects of forest insurance,including rates determined,insure and underwriting,responsibility and loss,claims,financial subsidies,and insurance companies profit.For different subjects(government,insurance companies and forestry producers),this framework was divided into two stages about macro and micro,and two types of indicators which included basic indicator and calculating indicator.林业公益性行业科研专项(200904003