13 research outputs found

    Application of COHERENS Model on Environmental Dynamics of the Taiwan Strait

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    本文将COHERENS模型应用于台湾海峡环境动力学的研究,重点模拟了台湾海峡潮流、风海流、上升流等的动力学特征,同时分析了南海北部环流中的一些重要特征;并在水动力场计算的基础上,以叶绿素a和硝酸盐为代表性的生态参数,进行了台湾海峡生态场的计算,得出以下的主要结论:(1)半日分潮潮波以Kelvin波的形式自台湾海峡南北两端传入海峡内部,在福建沿岸、澎湖水道、台湾浅滩、澎湖列岛附近以及台湾岛北端形成强潮流区,在台湾海峡东岸台中附近形成一个潮流流速较小的弱流区。(2)台湾海峡M2分潮潮致上升流与夏季风生上升流的位置大致相近,主要出现在台湾海峡西岸、台湾浅滩南部、澎湖列岛附近;上升流位置及强度随风况而...A three dimensional Coupled Hydrodynamical-Ecological Model forRegional and Shelf Sea (COHERENS) is used to investigate the environmentaldynamics in the Taiwan Strait. Hydrodynamical simulation is emphasized onthe following aspects, i.e., (1) distribution of tidal waves in the Taiwan Strait, (2)seasonal variation of wind-driven circulation in the Taiwan Strait, (3) upwellinginduced by tidal curren...学位:工学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:B20013401

    Seasonal variation and horizontal distribution of zooplankton community in Xinghuawan Bay

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    兴化湾为福建北部最大的海湾,于2006年对该海湾浮游动物群落进行了四季9个站位的调查。共检出浮游动物及幼虫124种,其中春季42种,夏季89种,秋季71种,冬季20种;分属近岸暖温、近岸暖水和广布外海3个生态类群;优势种15种,春季以水母和桡足类占优势,夏季以水母占优势,秋季以水母、桡足类和箭虫占优势,冬季则以桡足类占优势。不同季节兴化湾浮游动物生物量湿重和丰度水平分布特征变化明显,并与温度和盐度呈显著相关。聚类分析显示兴化湾浮游动物群落夏季类群和秋季类群相似度较高;各季节水平分布基本可分为湾口区和湾内区两大类群。与20世纪80年代相比,尽管本次调查浮游动物群落没有表现出显著差异,但随着电厂等大规模工程的投产,兴化湾海域生态系统健康面临着极大威胁,其环境压力需引起持续关注。Xinghuawan Bay is the biggest bay in northern Fujian Province of China.A comprehensive investigation on the population of zooplankton was conducted at 9 stations seasonally in 2006.Total 124 zooplankton species with 10 larvae were identified during the investigation.Among which 42,89,71,and 20 species occurred in spring,summer,autumn,and winter,respectively.All these zooplankton could be divided into three ecotypes,including offshore warm-water group,offshore warm-temperature group and eurytopic group.There were 15 dominant species during sampling period.Among which jellyfish dominated the community in spring,summer and autumn,copepods dominated in spring,autumn and winter,chaetognatha dominated in autumn.Seasonal variations of horizontal distribution of biomass and abundance of zooplankton were significantly correlated with both water temperature and salinity.Community cluster analysis indicated the similarity of the summer and autumn groups of zooplankton,and mouth area group and inner bay group could be divided in all seasons.Although the zooplankton communities in this study had not represented significant difference compared to the pattern in the 1980s,the health of marine ecosystem of Xinghuawan Bay is threatened by increasing economic activities(e.g.power plants) now and should pay more concern.国家专项资助项目(908-ZC-II-04;908-02-04-02);海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(200805069;200705015);国家海洋局第二海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资助项目(JT0806;JG200817);国家海洋局青年基金资助项目(2008113

    Numerical Study on Tides in the Taiwan Strait and its Adjacent Areas

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    建立二维潮波模式,模拟了台湾海峡及其邻近海域(18~30°n,110~130°E)八个主要分潮(M2、S2、k1、O1、P1、Q1、k2、n2),并利用中国大陆及环台湾岛20多个潮位站的实测资料进行验证,计算结果与实测值吻合良好。此外,给出了八个主要分潮的同潮图,并逐个讨论了潮汐特征。结果显示:(1)台湾海峡中的潮波运动是北部蜕化了的旋转潮波系统和南部的前进潮波系统共同作用的结果。(2)半日分潮南、北两支潮波在台湾海峡中部汇合,而全日分潮则在台湾海峡南部海域汇合后继续朝西南方向传播。(3)半日分潮振幅最高值发生在福建省湄洲湾—兴化湾一带,全日分潮最高值则出现在雷州半岛以东一带近岸海域。(4)n2、k2和O1、P1、Q1分潮的振幅、迟角分布分别同M2与k1分潮的整体分布趋势相似。Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model.Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan Strait,the model-produced results agree quite well with those of previous researches using observational data from coastal tidal gauge stations.According to the results,the co-tidal and co-range charts are given.Furthermore,the characteristics of 8 major tidal constituents have been illuminated respectively.The result shows that:(1) The tide motion can be attributed to the interaction between the degenerative rotary tidal system in the north and the progressive tidal system in the south.(2) The southward and northward tidal waves of semi-diurnal tide converge in the middle of the Taiwan Strait while the diurnal tidal waves propagate southwestward through the Taiwan Strait and the Luzon Strait.(3) The maximum amplitude of semi-diurnal tides exists at the area between the Meizhou Bay and Xinghua Bay,and that of diurnal tides appears in the region to the east of the Leizhou Peninsula.(4) The patterns of co-tidal and co-range charts of N2,K2 and P1,Q1 tidal constituents are similar to those of M2,S2 and K1,O1 tidal constituents,respectively.supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNos.40576015;40810069004and40821063;bythekeyresearchprojectofFujianProvinceundercontractNo.2004N203;bytheFujiandemonstratingregionofthe“863”ProjectoftheMinistryofScienceandTechnologyofChin

    Analysis on Sectional Characteristics of Temperature and Salinity off the Zhujiang River Estuary——During the Cruises of May 2001 and November 2002

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    通过2001年5月与2002年11月珠江口以外海域的CTD观测资料,分析调查海域两个航次的温、盐断面分布特征,并将表层温度特征与卫星遥感图象进行比较.结果表明:(1)2001年5月,珠江口以外海域可观察到较弱的上升流迹象;而2002年11月除了陆坡处的海水有涌升趋向外,未见其它上升流迹象.(2)受径流的影响,2001年5月珠江口外表层盐度水平及垂直梯度均较大.(3)两个航次在远岸站位均未形成明显的温跃层,但具有较弱的盐跃层,2001年5月和2002年11月的盐跃层分别位于10~90 m和100~120 m.(4)两个航次在远岸站位的100~250 m层均可观察到部分黑潮次表层水.The sectional characteristics of temperature and salinity off the Zhujiang River estuary have been analyzed according to the CTD data and satellite-derived SST data during the cruises of May 2001 and November 2002.It is indicated that:(1) weak wind-driven upwelling appears in May,but no obvious upwelling exists in November except in the slope area where the sea water has a tendency to climb towards the slope.(2) affected by the freshwater from the Zhujiang River,the salinity has a large gradient both horizontally and vertically near the estuary.(3) the thermocline is not obvious either in May or in November.But weak halocline can be observed at the depth of 10~90 m in May and 100~120 m in November,respectively.(4) at the the depth of 100~250 m in the offshore area,the Kuroshio subsurface water is evidenced both in May and in November.国家自然科学基金重点项目(90211020)资

    Influencing factors on harmful algal blooms

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    通过对赤潮发生的生物、化学、物理等影响因素研究现状的分析,认为赤潮生物是引发赤潮的内在因素,化学因素是赤潮发生的物质基础,而物理因素则是提供赤潮发生的环境条件。在赤潮生物存在的前提下,化学和物理因素都可以限制赤潮的发生,所以,将生物学、化学与物理海洋学耦合仍旧是赤潮研究需要解决的问题。在分析了现有研究状况的基础上,从不同角度提出了赤潮的研究方向。Harmful algal blooms (HABs),also called red tide,are influenced by biology factors as intrinsic ones,chemistry factors as material bases and physics factors supplying ambient conditions .The result researched on HABs suggests that the progress in HABs ecophysiology is not remarkable.Some research directions of HABs in the future are put forward from different points.However,coupling of biology,chemistry and physics to study red tide is still of importance.国家科技攻关资助项目(2001BA603B);; 973资助项目(2001CB409790);; 浙江省海洋与渔业局计划资助项


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    根据2000年7月及2001年5月南海北部珠江口外断面CTD调查资料、同期气象资料,并结合该海域历史资料,对调查断面珠江冲淡水扩展范围、跃层变动情况及上升流特征进行了分析,观察到对应于夏季西南季风的不同阶段,调查断面跃层分布与珠江冲淡水影响范围均发生明显变动,升降流的影响也呈现出不同特征:(1)西南季风较强时,断面陆架区上表层受冲淡水影响明显,海区的层化结构明显加强;(2)西南季风较强时,调查断面出现上升流和下降流。研究结果表明:(1)局地风应力与热通量的变化控制了调查断面跃层或混合层的温度和深度的变化,影响着珠江冲淡水的扩展范围,西南季风较强时珠江冲淡水扩展范围变大,调查断面跃层或混合层强度变大,深度变深;(2)夏季西南季风强时调查断面存在上升流,其形成机制为风产生的离岸水体Ekman输运的补偿效应,底地形的变化虽然也造成较弱的外海次表层水涌升,但可能只是加强了上升的速度或强度;(3)夏季西南季风强时调查断面上存在上升流区与下降流区毗邻的现象,下降流成因可能有二,一为近岸流和陆坡流呈相反方向运动形成弱的反气旋涡,二为“上升与下降因相互水体补充的需要而共生”。Based on the CTD data from two cruises off the Zhujiang River Estuary in the northern South China Sea in July, 2000 and in May, 2001, and combining with the meteorological data in the corresponding period as well as historical observations and modeling results in this area, some features at the observed section ZJ are discussed, including the diluted water from the Zhujiang River, spring layer and mixed layer, upwelling and downwelling. It was observed that these sectional hydrological features varied with different seasons: (1) with the strengthening of the southwest monsoon, the surface layer was influenced more intensively by the diluted water from the Zhujiang River and the stratification structure became more evident at section ZJ; and (2) there existed upwellings and downwellings at the section when the southwest monsoon was strong enough. Some conclusions have been reached as below. (1) Local wind and solar flux dominate the temperature and depth of the spring layer and mixed layer, and affect the extension of the diluted water from the Zhujiang River in a positive way. (2) The southwest monsoon plays the most important role in leading to the appearance of upwellings, which transport water across the shelf through the Ekman effect; the topography of the investigated section may enhance the intensity of the upwellings, but can not result in upwellings when the monsoon is weak. (3) The upwelling and downwelling areas coexist at the section when the southwest monsoon is strong. There may be two explanations on the appearance of downwellings, one is weak anticyclonic eddy resulted from the flows in opposite flowing directions along the slope and along the continent, and the other is that "the upwelling and downwelling coexist in need of the water complement".国家自然科学基金资助项目(49636220

    Advances in the M_2 Tide Wave Research in the Taiwan Strait

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    台湾海峡内各种与潮波相关的现象,可以归因于在地形及岸线的影响下自台湾海峡南北两端进入的潮波的相互作用。近20余年来台湾海峡潮波的研究获得显著进展,然而即使作为台湾海峡主要分潮的M2分潮,其相关研究中也还存在着诸多分歧。从台湾海峡M2分潮潮波分布特征及解释研究出发,并针对以往各种研究中差别较大的M2分潮潮流的分布及变化特征,归纳总结了相关研究的主要分歧:(1)对台湾海峡M2分潮潮波的研究的争议主要集中在2点,包括对自台湾海峡南、北两端进入海峡的潮波的作用范围的研究以及台湾海峡内部潮波系统形成机制的探讨;(2)台湾海峡M2分潮潮位分布研究的主要分歧在于对台湾岛西岸潮时潮差的分布特征的解释;(3)台湾海峡M2分潮潮流研究中最大的差异在于对最大潮流同潮时线分布特征的描述,其实质仍为对潮波作用范围的描述;对应于M2分潮最大潮流同潮时线研究观点的差异,在M2分潮圆流点是否存在、圆流点存在位置及圆流点旋转方向的研究上也存在着较大的差异;对台湾海峡内部椭圆率为零的分隔线位置的讨论,主要分歧在于该椭率零线靠近台湾岛附近及澎湖列岛附近时的分布状况。此外,最强流区的位置判定及极值区潮流流速量值的大小问题上也存在差异。Phenomena relating to the tidal wave in the Taiwan Strait can be attributed to the interaction between the tidal waves coming from the north and south entrances of the Taiwan Strait under the influence of topography and coastline. Although significant progress in the studies on tidal waves in the Taiwan Strait has been made in the past 20 years, there are still many differences in the relevant studies. In this paper, staring from the studies on characterisitcs and interpretation of the M_2 tidal wave distributions in the Taiwan Strait and aiming at the differences in relevant studies on the M_2 tidal current distributions and variations, the main differences in relevant studies are summarized as follows: (1) the main controversies over the M_2 tidal wave in the Taiwan Strait are concentrated on two aspects, one is the action ranges of the tidal waves coming from the two entrances of the Taiwan Strait, and the other is the formation mechanison of tidal wave system in the Taiwan Strait; 2 the main controversies over the M_2 tidal level distributions are the interpretations of the tidal phase and range distribution characteristics along the west coast of Taiwan Island; 3the great differences in the M_2 tidal current studies are the description of cotidal lines of maximum tidal current, including the controversies over the existence, location and rotational direction of the M_2 tidal current amphidromic point and the location of the separation line with ellipticity being equal to zero in the Taiwan Strait. In addition, there are also the controversies over the location of the maximum tidal current area and the magnitude of tidal current speeds in the extremum area.国家自然科学基金资助项目——台湾海峡生源要素生物地球化学研究(49636220;; NFS-C"九五"重点项目);; 中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境动力实验室开放课题——台湾海峡生态系统动力学模型研

    Quantification methods of coastal water quality and classified evaluation for offshore

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    国家"十五"攻关课题资助项目(2001BA603B);; 国家"973"课题资助项目(2001CB409790)


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    根据表层温、盐度的观测结果,结合相关断面的CTD调查资料和同期的卫星遥感海表温度图,分析了2000年7月10日到8月2日台湾海峡南部至珠江口附近海域的一些海洋现象,结果表明:(1)在调查期间,东山至惠来沿岸海域存在明显的低温高盐区,海丰和惠来以南近岸海域的海水也具有相对高盐的性质,说明调查期间在闽南、粤东沿岸普遍存在上升流现象;(2)调查期间在台湾海峡南部至珠江口之间陆架一陆坡区附近的多个断面上观测到了较明显的盐度锋面;(3)珠江口外的盐度锋面的位置随时间而不断变化。Some oceanic phenomena were analyzed according to the underway measure- ments of sea surface temperature and salinity and the CTD observations conducted be- tween the southern Taiwan Strait and the Zhujiang River estuary during July--August 2000. The results showed that: (1) there existed an obvious low temperature and high salinity zone along the coastal area between Dongshan and Huilai and relatively high sa- linity zones in the coastal areas to the south of Haifeng and Huilai, indicating that the upwelling existed along the coasts of southern Fujian and eastern Guangdong during the investigation period; (2) during the investigation period, there existed distinct salinity fronts between the continental shelf and slope areas from southern Taiwan Strait to the Zhujiang River estuary; (3) the position of the salinity fronts off the Zhujiang River es- tuary moved with time.国家自然科学基金(49825111);; 福建省科技项目(98-Z-179

    Numerical study on tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas

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    建立二维潮波模式,模拟了台湾海峡及其邻近海域(18-30°N,110-130°E)八个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1、P1、Q1、K2、N2),并利用中国大陆及环台湾岛20多个潮位站的实测资料进行验证,计算结果与实测值吻合良好.此外,给出了八个主要分潮的同潮图,并逐个讨论了潮汐特征.结果显示:⑴台湾海峡中的潮波运动是北部蜕化了的旋转潮波系统和南部的前进潮波系统共同作用的结果.⑵半日分潮南、北两支潮波在台湾海峽中部汇合,而全日分潮则在台湾海峽南部海域汇合后继续朝西南方向传播.⑶半日分潮振幅最高值发生在福建省湄洲湾—兴化湾一带,全日分潮最高值则出现在雷州半岛以东一带近岸海域.⑷N2、K2和O1、P1、Q1分潮的振幅、迟角分布分别同M2与K1分潮的整体分布趋势相似.Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model.Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan Strait,the model-produced results agree quite well with those of previous researches using observational data from coastal tidal gauge stations.According to the results,the charts of co-tidal lines are given.Furthermore,the characteristics of 8 major tides have been illuminated respectively.The result shows:(1) The tide motion can be attribute to the cooperation of the degenerative rotary tidal system in the north and the forward tidal system in the south.(2) The southward and northward tidal wave of semidiurnal tide collide in the middle of Taiwan Strait while the two tidal waves colliding in the southern strait, and then propagate southwestwardly.(3) The maximum amplitude of semi-diurnal tides exists at the area between Meizhou Bay and Xinghua Bay,and the maximum amplitude of diurnal tides appears in the region to the east of Leizhou Peninsula.(4) The patterns of cotidal charts of N_2,K_2 and O_1,P_1,Q_1 are similar to those of M_2,S_2 and K_1,O_1,respectively.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40576015);; 福建省科技厅重大专项(2004N203);; 国家863计划福建示范区项目资