1 research outputs found

    Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Compressive Sensing From the Magnetic Field

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    定量磁化率成像(Quantitativesusceptibilitymapping,QSM)是一种新兴的磁共振成像技术,也是当前磁共振成像领域的研究热点问题之一。相比于经典的MRI技术,QSM由于能够对局部组织的磁化率特性进行定量的测量,从而使其在医学科研与临床医学等领域拥有无比诱人的应用前景。如,老年痴呆症等神经性疾病的提前预知;骨质病变预先诊断;放射性疗法的有效监控。 然而由于与主磁场成54.7°夹角的圆锥面上,单位偶极核取值为零等成像物理机理的原因,通过直接截值反演重建的QSM图像在噪声大的地方有较多的伪影,这严重制约着QSM的应用性能,也是导致当前QSM进一步推广应用受限的关键。为此...Quantitative susceptibility imaging (QSM) is a new magnetic resonance imaging technology, is one of the hot issues in the field of magnetic resonance imaging currently . Compared to the classic MRI technology , QSM due to the magnetic properties of the local tissue can be measured quantitatively , so that it has a very attractive prospect in areas such as medical research and clinical medicine . F...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2332011115316