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    防范跨国公司对我国市场的垄断 ,是一个亟需研究和解决的课题。本文阐述了跨国公司在我国市场投资与经营战略、方式和手段的新变化 ,分析了我国加入 WTO后市场监管部门将面临的更加严峻的挑战 ,提出了市场监管部门对于防止跨国公司垄断的应对策略


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    从现代经济与金融体系来看,关于资本外逃最重要的研究直到20世 纪70年代才开始出现。特别是20世纪80年代,一些拉美国家在经济状 况恶化的同时,还伴随着私人部门资本外流的加剧,更引发了国际经济学 界对发展中国家资本外逃现象的关注。到目前为止,国际上对资本外逃的 定义仍然众说纷纭,没有一个统一和公认的概念。中国比较规范的资本外 逃研究直到近年来才出现。由于它的特殊性与重要性,这一课题正日益引 起国内学者的关注。 本文分为四章。各章主要内容如下: 第一章,资本外逃定义。本章在回顾国内外对资本外逃定义的基础上, 对资本外逃定义中的争论问题进行了辨析,并将资本外逃定义为未经批准 的...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:19991000

    Superfluous Construction: Effects, Causes and Solutions

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    重复建设是指超过社会需求、低水平、低效益的多个同类项目的建设。衡量一个项目是否重复建设 ,要看全社会同类项目的供求平衡状况、该项目的技术水平和规模及效益。出现重复建设的原因是 :传统体制和管理模式的影响、体制转轨时期特有矛盾的影响 ,以及经济过热和预测失误的影响等。对于重复建设 ,应根据不同情况对症下药 ,标本兼治 ,综合治理。Superfluous construction refers to undertaking simultaneously many projects of the same type that are unnecessarily numerous and characterized by low level and low benefit. To judge whether Project A, for example, is superfluous, it is necessary to look into the over-all balance of supply and demand for projects of the same type as Project A, its technological level, scale and benefit. Superfluous construction has many causes, such as influence from traditional systems and management models, influence from contradictions peculiar to the period of systems being transformed, and influence from the over- heated economy and errors in predictions. To tackle the problem of superfluous construction, it is necessary to look into the context, finding out about both internal and external causes whereby working out solutions that take into account various aspects of the problem concerned

    Economic Growth and Regional Inequality in China: Effects of Different Levels of Education

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    基于知识的外溢性原理,本文放松了传统理论不同层级的人力资本具有完全替代性的假设。在此基础上,通过生产函数、技术创新与模仿方程的设定,导出了具有经济理论基础的计量回归模型,然后运用面板数据分析方法研究了不同层级教育对中国地区经济增长差异的影响。回归结果证实:初级教育和高级教育都能促进经济增长,但二者的作用方式不同,其中初级教育作为生产要素直接促进最终产出,高级教育则通过加快技术创新与模仿的速度提高全要素生产率。在现阶段的社会经济结构条件下,我国初级教育对经济增长的作用大于高级教育;高级教育对中西部经济增长的促进作用大于东部。最后,本文对我国教育发展与社会经济发展的相互协调问题提出了若干政策建议。This paper studies the effects of different levels of education on regional economic growth difference in China by applying panel data analysis.We adopt a special specification of aggregated production function embodying technological innovation and imitation,relaxing the assumption of complete substitution for different levels of human capital based on principle of the knowledge spillover.The empirical results show that education has significant effects on the regional economic growth.However,primary education contributes mainly to the final output production,while advanced education contributes to technological innovation and imitation.At the current economic structure, the primary education is economically more efficient than the advanced education.At the regional level,advanced education plays a more significant role in promoting economic growth in the central and western area than in the eastern area.Finally,we discuss some policy implications to coordinate the development of education and economy.教育部人文社科重点研究基地厦门大学台湾研究中心课题(两岸人力资本结构对经济增长的效应比较); 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大研究项目(经济增长与区域经济差异---人力资本的视角); 国家社科基金项目(11CJY073);国家社科基金重大项目(08&ZD034

    Study on the Interaction Mechanism of DNA and Tb~(3+) by Fluorimetry

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    研究了脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)与Tb3+的相互作用,发现DNA能增敏Tb3+的特征荧光,且热变性DNA对Tb3+的荧光增敏作用比DNA强几十倍.基于上述实验现象,探讨了四种核苷酸d-AMP,d-CMP,d-GMP,d-TTP及四种核苷dA、dC、dG、dT与Tb3+相互作用的荧光光谱,发现DNA对Tb3+的荧光增敏除与鸟嘌呤碱基有关外,还有可能与磷酸基有关.进一步选择了含有不同数目磷酸基的核苷酸GMP、GDP、GTP及dG研究磷酸基的作用,实验结果表明不含磷酸基的dG不增敏Tb3+的荧光,而分别含有1、2、3个磷酸基的GMP、GDP、GTP三种核苷酸对Tb3+的荧光增敏程度依次为GTP>GDP>GMP,认为DNA对Tb3+的荧光增敏是鸟嘌呤碱基和磷酸基共同作用的结果.The Interaction between Tb~(3+) and DNA was studied.Based on the fluorescence spectrum of Tb~(3+),it can be concluded that DNA can enhance the fluorescence intensity of Tb~(3+),and the interaction between Tb~(3+) and thermal denatured DNA is more effective than DNA.We studied the interaction mechanisms of Tb~(3+) and seven kinds of nucleotide,which are deoxyadenosine monophosphate(d-AMP)、deoxyguanosine monophosphate(d-GMP)、deoxycytidine monophosphate(d-CMP) deoxythymidine triphosphate(d-TTP)、guanosine monophosphate(GMP)、guanosine diphosphate(GDP) and guanosine triphosphate(GTP).The experiment results showed that the interaction between Tb~(3+) and nucleotides which have Guanine is notable,and the others do not react with Tb~(3+).We also studied the interaction between Tb~(3+) and four kinds of nucleoside,including deoxyadenosine(dA),deoxyguanosine(dG),deoxycytidine(dC) and deoxythymidine(dT).The experiment results showed that the four kinds nucleoside don't react with Tb~(3+).So the fluorescence enhancement to Tb~(3+) may be also related to phosphate groups.In order to make this conclusion more clearly,the interaction of Tb~(3+) with dG、GMP、GDP and GTP were studied.It showed that dG which doesn't have phosphate group can not react with Tb~(3+).But the three kinds of nucleotide GMP、GDP、GTP,which have one、two and three phosphate groups respectively react with Tb~(3+),and the order of fluorescence intensity enhancement is:GTP>GDP>GMP.It showed that phosphate groups participate the reaction between DNA and Tb~(3+).So we can concluded that DNA enhancing the fluorescence intensity of Tb~(3+) is the results of the synchronous effect by Guanine and phosphates

    Extraordinary modulation of disulfide redox-responsiveness by cooperativity of twin-disulfide bonds

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    Disulfide bonds have frequently been incorporated into synthetic materials to promote sensitivity of the systems towards different redox environments. Although many strategies have been developed to rationally tune the stability of disulfide linkers, methods to tune their responsiveness towards different redox environments remain elusive. In this work we have developed and explored a disulfide linker bearing two independent disulfide bonds, referred to as a twin-disulfide linker. We have demonstrated that the twin-disulfide linker displays an ultrahigh stability at lower con-centrations of reducing agent or in weakly reducing environments without a significant compromise in the sensitivity of its response to highly reducing environments such as cytoplasm, a feature that is in remarkable contrast to the traditional single disulfide bonds. Such an extraordinary responsiveness arises from the cooperativity of the twin-disulfide bonds, which should be of particular interest for applications such as controlled drug delivery and sensing, because relatively large differences in disulfide stability in different redox environments is desired in these applications

    Exploring and Exploiting Dynamic Noncovalent Chemistry for Effective Surface Modification of Nanoscale Metal-Organic Frameworks

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    National Basic Research 973 Program of China [2014CB932004]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [21305114, 21375110]Surface properties determine, to a great extent, the biologically relevant functions of various kinds of nanosized materials. Although the modification of the surface of traditional inorganic or polymeric nanoparticles can be routinely achieved through covalent or noncovalent manner or both, the surface modification of nanoscale metal-organic frameworks (nano-MOFs) is extremely challenging because of their rapid degradation in aqueous environments. In this work, we systematically studied the synergistic and dynamic noncovalent interactions between fluorescent probes and iron(III) carboxylate nano-MOFs (i.e., MIL-101-NH2 (Fe), one of the most prevalent MOFs used in drug delivery and imaging). We further examined the interplay between the surface binding of fluorescent probes and the degradation of MIL-101-NH2 (Fe) in aqueous medium. It was demonstrated that the surface binding of probes is not only of high affinity but also dynamic and nonsheddable, even during the degradation, a feature that is essentially different from the covalent conjugation. Subsequently, we developed a unique and straightforward strategy for the surface modification of MIL-101-NH2 (Fe) with polymer by exploiting the synergy of noncovalent interactions between functionalized copolymers and MIL-101-NH2 (Fe). We demonstrated that the binding of polymers onto MIL-101-NH2 (Fe) surface was very effective in aqueous solution and surprisingly nonsheddable during the process of degradation. Surface polymers can creep on the surface of MIL-101-NH2 (Fe), in a dynamic and real-time manner, to the new sites formed immediately after the degradation. In addition, the stability of MIL-101-NH2 (Fe) particles in aqueous environments can be improved to some extent by the surface polymer coating. The results presented herein constitute an important innovation for surface engineering of nano-MOFs, which would benefit the application of nano-MOFs as delivery systems in aqueous systems