1,126 research outputs found

    Milad Hanna : le logement en Egypte

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    Le tremblement de terre en Egypte

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    La régénération du centre-ville du Caire : le pari de la durabilité

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    Depuis 1990, la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration urbaine, est devenu dans les pays industrialisĂ©s l’outil moderne des politiques urbaines visant Ă  rĂ©aliser le modĂšle de la « ville durable » de demain, ce qui implique : la densification du tissu existant (favorisĂ©e par l’existence de grandes friches urbaines) ; la diversification de l’offre de logements et des moyens de transport ; la crĂ©ation de quartiers piĂ©tons, de lieux attractifs oĂč le sens de l’espace est prĂ©servé ; le mixage de l’usage des sols et la sauvegarde des espaces verts et naturels ; le renouvellement de la base Ă©conomique de la ville et de son image ; le partenariat entre le secteur privĂ© et le secteur public, la participation des habitants et leur intĂ©gration socioprofessionnelle Ă  un contexte multifonctionnel. Dans le sillage des pays du Nord et suivant les injonctions des organismes internationaux, de nombreuses capitales de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e du sud, se sont lancĂ©es, au tournant du troisiĂšme millĂ©naire dans des projets ambitieux pour rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer le cƓur de leur ville. À travers l’expĂ©rience de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration urbaine du centre d’affaires du Caire, nous allons tout d’abord Ă©clairer les paradoxes et les enjeux des stratĂ©gies en cours, avant de nous interroger sur leurs limites, leur validitĂ© et leur efficacitĂ© dans le contexte Ă©gyptien.Since 1990, the urban regeneration became one of the main component of urban policies in the industrialised countries aiming to reach the sustainable city of tomorrow which implies : the densification of the urban tissue based on the recycling of the brownfields, optimising land use and energy to stop the urban sprawl ; provide variety of housing and transportation choices ; mixing land uses ; create walkable neighborhoods, foster distinctive, attractive places with a sense of place, preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas ; renew the economic base of the city and its image ; encourage community participation and stakeholder collaboration. Following the northern countries and according to the injunctions of the international organizations, the south Mediterranean cities, has adopted at the turn of the third millennium these new planning thinking’s and trends by lunching ambitious regeneration projects of their central areas. Through the experience of the Cairo central business district, we will enlighten the contradictions and challenges of the current strategies, before coming to question their limits, validity and efficiency within the Egyptian context

    Waterpipe tobacco smoking legislation and policy enactment: a global analysis

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    Objective (1) To review how current global tobacco control policies address regulation of waterpipe tobacco smoking (WTS). (2) To identify features associated with enactment and enforcement of WTS legislation. Data Sources (1) Legislations compiled by Tobacco Control Laws (www.tobaccocontrollaws.org). (2) Weekly news articles by ‘Google Alerts’ (www.google.com/alerts) from July 2013 to August 2014. Study Selection (1) Countries containing legislative reviews, written by legal experts, were included. Countries prohibiting tobacco sales were excluded. (2) News articles discussing aspects of the WHO FCTC were included. News articles related to electronic-waterpipe, crime, smuggling, opinion pieces or brief mentions of WTS were excluded. Data Abstraction (1) Two reviewers independently abstracted the definition of “tobacco product” and/or “smoking”. Four tobacco control domains (smokefree law, misleading descriptors, health warning labels and advertising/promotion/sponsorship) were assigned one of four categories based on the degree to which WTS had specific legislation. (2) Two investigators independently assigned at least one theme and associated subtheme to each news article. Data Synthesis (1) Reviewed legislations of 62 countries showed that most do not address WTS regulation but instead rely on generic tobacco/smoking definitions to cover all tobacco products. Where WTS was specifically addressed, no additional legislative guidance accounted for the unique way it is smoked, except for in one country specifying health warnings on waterpipe apparatuses (2) News articles mainly reported on noncompliance with public smoking bans, especially in India, Pakistan and the UK. Conclusions A regulatory framework evaluated for effectiveness and tailored for the specificities of WTS needs to be developed

    Linguistic Theory Applied to Teaching Practice: Looking Through Linguists\u27 Eyes at an Urban ESL Classroom

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    The quality of instruction in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) programs is of utmost concern to urban educators as more and more non-native speakers settle in urban areas and need better language skills to participate fully in American society. Training of ESL instructors is often difficult, given the limited resources of most programs. In ESL, a close study of classroom discourse has long been considered particularly useful, but undirected classroom observation is of limited use because what novices notice in the classroom is often inaccurate or irrelevant. Ways are needed to focus beginning teachers\u27 observations. Over several decades, discourse analysts have devised methods for describing discourse, many of which have focused on the classroom. This study chose three distinctly different methods of describing classroom interaction. It was hypothesized that if the insights gained through these methods are congruent with the insights of experienced teachers, they might be used to focus student teachers\u27 observations. Twelve sessions of a listening-speaking class were videotaped, and transcripts made. After examining the data, the teacher shared with the researcher his insights into the classroom interaction. Two student teachers were then presented with selected data, and their observations noted. The experienced teacher\u27s conclusions and observations differed considerably from those of the novices. Parts of the data were then analyzed using the three previously selected methods. The analyses proved to be congruent with the experienced teacher\u27s viewpoint, suggesting their potential use as a teacher training tool. The study showed one drawback to such use: transcription of classroom data is technically difficult and time-consuming. In spite of that drawback, more such studies are recommended, as a means of bringing the insights of linguistic research into the classroom

    QoS Provisioning for Multi-Class Traffic in Wireless Networks

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    Physical constraints, bandwidth constraints and host mobility all contribute to the difficulty of providing Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in wireless networks. There is a growing demand for wireless networks to support all the services that are available on wired networks. These diverse services, such as email, instant messaging, web browsing, video conferencing, telephony and paging all place different demands on the network, making QoS provisioning for wireless networks that carry multiple classes of traffic a complex problem. We have developed a set of admission control and resource reservation schemes for QoS provisioning in multi-class wireless networks. We present three variations of a novel resource borrowing scheme for cellular networks that exploits the ability of some multimedia applications to adapt to transient fluctuations in the supplied resources. The first of the schemes is shown to be proportionally fair: the second scheme is max-min fair. The third scheme for cellular networks uses knowledge about the relationship between streams that together comprise a multimedia session in order to further improve performance. We also present a predictive resource reservation scheme for LEO satellite networks that exploits the regularity of the movement patterns of mobile hosts in LEO satellite networks. We have developed the cellular network simulator (CNS) for evaluating call-level QoS provisioning schemes. QoS at the call-level is concerned with call blocking probability (CBP), call dropping probability (CDP), and supplied bandwidth. We introduce two novel QoS parameters that relate to supplied bandwidth—the average percent of desired bandwidth supplied (DBS), and the percent of time spent operating at the desired bandwidth level (DBT)

    Interview with an AUC graduate, Rana Mohamed.

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    An interview discussing the benefits gained from AUC after graduating and the effects of AUC on one\u27s life in general

    The Arab Boycott of Israel

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    An intelligent understanding of international relationships requires a special study of the critical places where continuous crisis arises. It was felt, therefore, desirable to examine a significant aspect of the conflict between the Arab World and the State of Israel that provides the subject of this study. The economic boycott of Israel has assumed a grave significance in international relations, yet to the author\u27s knowledge this subject has not been investigated in a scholarly and comprehensive manner in any available publication. The writer embarks on this topic in the hope that it may provide the American student of Middle Eastern affairs with the essential data for its clear understanding

    Quantum Approximate Optimisation for Not-All-Equal SAT

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    Establishing quantum advantage for variational quantum algorithms is an important direction in quantum computing. In this work, we apply the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) -- a popular variational quantum algorithm for general combinatorial optimisation problems -- to a variant of the satisfiability problem (SAT): Not-All-Equal SAT (NAE-SAT). We focus on regimes where the problems are known to have solutions with low probability and introduce a novel classical solver that outperforms existing solvers. Extensively benchmarking QAOA against this, we show that while the runtime of both solvers scales exponentially with the problem size, the scaling exponent for QAOA is smaller for large enough circuit depths. This implies a polynomial quantum speedup for solving NAE-SAT.Comment: 10 page


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    Sleep is part of the everyday physiological rhythm that is vital for enhancing wellness and appropriate body functions. University students are vulnerable to sleep disturbance due to many factors that affect their sleep–wake behavior. No study has so far evaluated the association between sleep quality and duration and the health and nutritional status of Lebanese college students. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate the sleep quality and duration of Beirut Arab University (BAU) students in North Lebanon and to examine associations with their nutritional status, sociodemographic, eating behaviors, lifestyles and health characteristics. To do so, a cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 288 students (168 males and 120 females) aged between 17 and 25 years who were registered in the Fall of 2018–2019 in Tripoli Campus, and randomly selected from the different faculties. Students completed a multi-component questionnaire. According to this study, more than half of BAU students had poor sleep quality (64.2%) and short sleep duration (71.5%). The multiple regression analysis revealed that employed students were 82% less likely to have poor sleep quality (ORadj: 0.181; 95% CI: 0.062–0.528) (
