18,247 research outputs found

    Tribute - Harold Wynne

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    Language ecology and photographic sound in the McWorld

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    The unique sounds of the world’s small-scale languages are being extinguished at an alarming rate. This article explores links between acoustic ecology and language ecology and outlines an approach to the creation of archive material as both source for and useful by-product of sound art practice and research. Through my work with endangered clicklanguages in the Kalahari Desert, it considers the boundaries between language and music and discusses the use of flat speaker technology to explore new relations between sound and image, portrait and soundscape in a cross-cultural context

    Citizens Cannot Stand for it Anymore: How the United States\u27 Environmental Actions in Afghanistan and Iraq Go Unchecked by Individuals and Non-Governmental Organizations

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    As the U.S. government\u27s reach and responsibilities expand, it remains unclear exactly what, if any, input the general populations of Afghanistan, Iraq, or the United States have on government actions. The environmental needs of the two States have concerned the world enough that the United Nations Environment Program ( UNEP ) has published a detailed post-conflict report on Afghanistan ( Afghanistan PCA ) and a Desk Study of the environment in Iraq ( Iraq Desk Study ). There are four basic ways that citizens can attempt either to enjoin U.S. government environmental action abroad or compel the government to adhere to established regulations and agreements: (1) private citizen or NGO suit under U.S. federal law; (2) private citizen or NGO suit under international law or one seeking to compel compliance with a treaty or agreement that the United States is party to; (3) suit by a non-U.S. national against the United States under a recognized treaty or against a U.S. corporation under ATCA; or (4) a qui tam action alleging fraudulent or illegal action by a party that costs the United States financially

    The Effects of Reading Ethnic Literature on the Attitudes of Adolescents

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    The first statement reflects one student\u27s vision of her world and her solution to one problem in that world. Written in an essay which asked white students for their reactions to having Vietnamese in their school, the statement reveals a limited view of the world and possibly a parroting of community rhetoric. The second statement is an oral response by the same student taped during her reading of a novel which dealt with ethnic issues. Her revised perception indicating the need for a new look at other ethnic groups, rather than an expulsion of them from the country, suggests the power of literature to reshape a reader\u27s vision of the world

    4 Wynnes Boating Manufacturing Company: A Market Analysis and Business Plan for Northwest Arkansas

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    This thesis focuses on a business plan for the opening and developing of a boat manufacturing company in Northwest Arkansas and, specifically, manufacturing of duck hunting boats. South Arkansas and Eastern Arkansas have boat-manufacturing companies, but none exist in Northwest Arkansas. Having developed an interest in duck hunting over the years, I have discovered a tremendous need to bring the boats to where a large portion of Arkansas population exists. The objective of this business is to identify the Northwest Arkansas market viability for a customized duck boat manufacturing company. This analysis and evaluation is meant to provide a business prospectus for a successful and long-term company

    "Kick-Start Strategy Fails to Fire Sputtering U.S. Economic Motor"

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    There is a strategic need, if a "growth recession" is to be avoided, for a new motor to drive the economy, particularly if there is a further decline in private expenditure relative to income that could generate a further hole in aggregate demand.

    "Interim Report: Notes on the U.S. Trade and Balance of Payments Deficits"

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    If the United States's balance of trade does not improve, the country could eventually find itself in a "debt trap," the author says. The aim of this paper, the second in a series offering Godley's strategic analysis, is to display what seems reasonably likely to happen if world output recovers but otherwise past trends, policies, and relationships continue. The potential usefulness of the exercise is to warn policymakers of dangers that may exist and to help them think out what policy instruments are, or should be made, available to deal with worst cases, should they arise.

    "Drowning In Debt"

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    The U.S. expansion has been driven to an unusual extent by falling personal saving and rising borrowing by the private sector. If this process goes into reverse, as has happened under comparable circumstances in other countries, there will be a severe recession unless there is a big relaxation in fiscal policy.
