899 research outputs found

    Humidity control in different building applications; restaurant and operation theatre

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    Air conditioning (AC) in tropical climate required dehumidification of air at a low dew point temperature to meet humidity standard. This increase the required cooling energy and heating energy is needed to raise the supply air temperature to meet the room’s design temperature. This research was carried out to study energy efficiency and indoor environment factor in two different applications that is restaurant and operation theatre (OT). A method was proposed to enhance the humidity control and energy efficiency in the AC system by applying psychrometric analysis based on actual measurement. Three (3) different systems were used in this study that consists of economizer damper, desiccant wheel and heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHX).The economizer damper analysed base on fresh air intake requirement for ventilation purposes on standard ASHRAE 55 (2010). Manufacturing software by Novelaire and HPC were used to perform the psychorometric analysis for desiccant wheel and HPHX. At the restaurant, the grand total loads (Qt) of the existing AC system were 296.1 kW as to meet temperature and humidity level requirement. The Qt was reduced to 153.8 kW for economizer damper, 170 kW with heating 60.38 kW for desiccant wheel and 178.3 kW with heating 4.1 kW for HPHX. In actual measurement for the OT, the existing AC system had a grand total load Qt of 90.1 kW with heating 5.6 kW and it did not meet the humidity level requirement. However, the AC system required Qt 95.9 kW with heating 12.2 kW as to meet the humidity level requirement for an OT. By using the HPHX in the system, a reduced Qt of 81.6 kW with heating 17.7 kW was achieved, where as a Qt of 100.8 kW with heating 39.9 kW was attained by utilizing the desiccant wheel, whilst maintaining the humidity level requirement. The economizer damper was not applicable for the OT because the OT requires 100% fresh air intake. As a conclusion, damper economizer was beneficial for energy efficiency in restaurants with reducing of 48% energy used and HPHX was beneficial for energy efficiency with reduced 9.4% in OT compared with existing AC system

    Doping of Titanium Dioxide with Zirconia for Application of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

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    The study on the effect of doping TiO2 with Zirconia was done by using Reflux and Impregnation synthesis method. The initial molar composition of Zr/TiO2 was prepared at 1:1, 1:0.5 and 0.5:1 ratio. The produced samples from synthesis method then dried and calcined at 600oC. The effect of varied composition was determined by characterization techniques as discussed in Chapter 4. The characterization techniques include XRD analysis, SEM analysis, BET analysis, FTIR analysis, Raman Spectroscopy analysis, XPS analysis and application on test cell. Images from SEM analysis shown that more uniform distribution of nanoparticles, with reducing pore size and smaller grain size for samples with higher content of Zirconia. XRD and Raman analysis indicated the wide distribution of the monoclinic ZrO and tetragonal TiO2 anatase phase. Higher content of Titania in the samples yield worse ceramic sinterability. FTIR result shown the reduction of hydroxyl and N-H group for the samples that has been calcined

    Void Content Analysis of a Polymer Composite Manufactured via Resin Infusion Process

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    Void formation in composite has a strong influence on mechanical properties. In vacuum infusion process, void may form due to the variations in permeability on a filament and filament bundle scale, outgassing of dissolved gas in the resin, evaporation of volatile components in the resin, shrinkage of the resin and leakage in connections and mould. Voids can be reduced by controlling manufacturing parameters such as vacuum pressure, cure temperature, autoclave pressure, and resin viscosity. The inclusion of voids in the final part will have a detrimental impact on the mechanical properties of the composites even at a very low volume fraction

    Automatic Traffic Volume Census Using Video

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    The aim of this project is to improve the traditional method of traffic volume census and to promote the application of image processing with obvious result of cost and quality

    Response of a SPAR Offshore Platform to Wave Action- An Experimental Study

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    The preliminary experimental results on the scale model of a SPAR offshore platform are presented and analysed. The structure, a classic SPAR, has been designed as a hypothetical model. The study targets to fill a vacuum in the design of such important structures by conducting physical modelling. Changing the wave height, wave period, and ballast conditions, a series of laboratory tests was achieved at 20 mx 10 mx 1.2 m wave basin of the Coastal Engineering Laboratory, UTP, under regular waves while the SPAR is moored by 16 mooring lines connected to the basin floor. The dynamic response of the SPAR was monitored by photographic methods and the heave, surge and pitch of the structure were plotted vs. time. The analysis of the maximum responses showed the significance of the wave period and ballast condition. The scale modelling data show a satisfactory similarity with the prototyp

    Multiphase Flow in Pipeline

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    Transferring oil and gas using pipeline is common way of how the oil and gas industry operate their business. Pipeline is a very economical way to transport large quantities of oil and gas over land. The Transferring of fluids in pipes needs a lot of calculation and consideration. Multiphase flow occurs in transferring oil using pipeline as multiple component are present such as oil and water during the transfer to the refinery plant. In this project, we would like to determine the pressure drop in the pipe as per length of the pipe. The theory of the project lies in the concept of fluid mechanics where the study of fluid and force on the

    Validation Tool for E-government Portals in Malaysia Based on MAMPU Guideline

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    The importance of web usability in the new age of World Wide Web cannot be denied. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) organization has come out with guideline on how the web should be to convenience of all the people including the disable. However, web usability problem still be a pressing problem. Tons of website published on the web does not comply with the W3C standard. In this new era, Government is going paperless. This is the concept of E-government. It is a concept where Government made contacts with their customers (citizens) online. With website being the main source of communication on the web and to make sure that this concept runs well, it is important that the E-Government websites are convenient to the users. Usability testing has become an important aspect of website development currently, but most of the companies do not include usability testing in their website iteration time whether because of the cost of hiring usability professional or the time just does not allow them to hold a usability testing session. Thus, come the idea of automated testing using web tools. In this study, the author will develop an automated web usability tools specifically for Malaysia’s E-government website. The rules of usability are referred to guideline created by Malaysian Administration, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) an organization responsible for the modernisation of the country. The study will help the E-government portals to achieve user friendly website hence improving Malaysia’s position in Global E-Government ranking. The method use in this project is rapid programming where all small functions are developed first and at the end, the system will be combined. The result will be the website showing all the errors in usability contained in the website and it is up to the developer to fix the error and to maintain the website. Finally, this project is hoped to be the first of many other evaluation tools with greater functions ahead

    Foundation Fieldbus Interoperability Test, System Development and Configuration - Foxboro (Dissertation)

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    Fieldbus is a network technology designed to improve overall process or system efficiency in contrast to the current 4-20mA network. Verification of the system interoperability and reliability, including stress test is important for it to be accepted and applicable in the industry. A proper methodology justification and an outline of the methodological approach of the interoperability, reliability and stress test in order for it to be executed within the scope of study and given time frame are elaborated in this report. Segment design validation simulated using P+F Segement Checker with High Power Trunk (HPT) concept

    Impact of Chemical Transformations to the Surface of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Methanol Catalyst on Lurgi Reactor Output

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    Methanol is the bulk feedstock for chemical industry and nowadays emerges as a suitable environmental friendly fuel. Conventional Lurgi Process of methanol producing from synthesis gas employs Cu/ZnO catalyst which, however, shows a steady deterioration of chemical and mechanical properties. This deterioration affects the production of methanol, especially during the third year of the catalyst operation. In this study, comparisons are made on the catalyst surface in order to determine the causes of the catalyst deterioration based on real industrial process condition between Sud Chemie’s fresh commercial catalyst and the second-year in operation commercial catalyst. The operating condition of the methanol synthesis based on Lurgi technology is 250°C and 30 bar [2]. The surface morphology of the catalyst was visualized by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The information obtained from this research will be used to develop a model of poisoning catalyst deactivation

    Scheduling of Electricity Distribution at UTP GDC Plant Using Linear Programming

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    Demands of electricity by University Technology PETRONAS (UTP) for student and office usage are high. This demand supplied by UTP Gas District Cooling plant (GDC plant) which is located at UTP. UTP GDC plant has two gas turbines to produce electricity but unfortunately, the electricity is also used for the four electric chillers in the plant and for plant usage. To ensure good electricity distribution, proper scheduling is needed. This could be achieved by using scheduling model. In this study, scheduling model using linear programming is proposed. The proposed model is used to distribute the generated kWh of electricity from the two gas turbines to the four electric chillers, UTP and plant usage. Four scenarios are used for the study, namely: operations during peak hours on weekdays, operations during off peak hours on weekdays, operations during peak hours on weekends and lastly, operations during off peak hours on weekends. The spreadsheet model is used for the analysis using Microsoft Excel Solver. Based on the analysis, the results are the kWh per month of electricity distribution to each destination for each scenario and the total distribution cost for a month. Sensitivity analysis was done in order to know the sensitivity of the modeling. The results show that the kWh per month of electricity that need to be distributed to each destinations based on the demand from the destinations for January to October 2009. The study shows that with electricity scheduling, the cost of distributions can be minimize
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