9,304 research outputs found

    Symmetry and resonance in periodic FPU chains

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    The symmetry and resonance properties of the Fermi Pasta Ulam chain with periodic boundary conditions are exploited to construct a near-identity transformation bringing this Hamiltonian system into a particularly simple form. This `Birkhoff-Gustavson normal form' retains the symmetries of the original system and we show that in most cases this allows us to view the periodic FPU Hamiltonian as a perturbation of a nondegenerate Liouville integrable Hamiltonian. According to the KAM theorem this proves the existence of many invariant tori on which motion is quasiperiodic. Experiments confirm this qualitative behaviour. We note that one can not expect it in lower-order resonant Hamiltonian systems. So the FPU chain is an exception and its special features are caused by a combination of special resonances and symmetries.Comment: 21 page

    Proof of Nishida's conjecture on anharmonic lattices

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    We prove Nishida's 1971 conjecture stating that almost all low-energetic motions of the anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice with fixed endpoints are quasi-periodic. The proof is based on the formal computations of Nishida, the KAM theorem, discrete symmetry considerations and an algebraic trick that considerably simplifies earlier results.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication in Comm. Math. Phy

    Non-abelian vortices on CP^1 and Grassmannians

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    Many properties of the moduli space of abelian vortices on a compact Riemann surface are known. For non-abelian vortices the moduli space is less well understood. Here we consider non-abelian vortices on the Riemann sphere CP^1, and we study their moduli spaces near the Bradlow limit. We give an explicit description of the moduli space as a Kahler quotient of a finite-dimensional linear space. The dimensions of some of these moduli spaces are derived. Strikingly, there exist non-abelian vortex configurations on CP^1, with non-trivial vortex number, for which the moduli space is a point. This is in stark contrast to the moduli space of abelian vortices. For a special class of non-abelian vortices the moduli space is a Grassmannian, and the metric near the Bradlow limit is a natural generalization of the Fubini--Study metric on complex projective space. We use this metric to investigate the statistical mechanics of non-abelian vortices. The partition function is found to be analogous to the one for abelian vortices.Comment: minor corrections; some notation improve

    Continuity of the Peierls barrier and robustness of laminations

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    We study the Peierls barrier for a broad class of monotone variational problems. These problems arise naturally in solid state physics and from Hamiltonian twist maps. We start with the case of a fixed local potential and derive an estimate for the difference of the periodic Peierls barrier and the Peierls barrier of a general rotation number in a given point. A similar estimate was obtained by Mather in the context of twist maps, but our proof is different and applies more generally. It follows from the estimate that the Peierls barrier is continuous at irrational points. Moreover, we show that the Peierls barrier depends continuously on parameters and hence that the property that a monotone variational problem admits a lamination of minimizers for a given rotation number, is open in the C1-topology.Comment: 20 pages, submitted to Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System

    Symmetric invariant manifolds in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice

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    The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) lattice with periodic boundary conditions and nn particles admits a large group of discrete symmetries. The fixed point sets of these symmetries naturally form invariant symplectic manifolds that are investigated in this short note. For each kk dividing nn we find kk degree of freedom invariant manifolds. They represent short wavelength solutions composed of kk Fourier-modes and can be interpreted as embedded lattices with periodic boundary conditions and only kk particles. Inside these invariant manifolds other invariant structures and exact solutions are found which represent for instance periodic and quasi-periodic solutions and standing and traveling waves. Some of these results have been found previously by other authors via a study of mode coupling coefficients and recently also by investigating `bushes of normal modes'. The method of this paper is similar to the latter method and much more systematic than the former. We arrive at previously unknown results without any difficult computations. It is shown moreover that similar invariant manifolds exist also in the Klein-Gordon lattice and in the thermodynamic and continuum limits.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physica

    Amplified Hopf bifurcations in feed-forward networks

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    In a previous paper, the authors developed a method for computing normal forms of dynamical systems with a coupled cell network structure. We now apply this theory to one-parameter families of homogeneous feed-forward chains with 2-dimensional cells. Our main result is that Hopf bifurcations in such families generically generate branches of periodic solutions with amplitudes growing like λ1/2\lambda^{1/2}, λ1/6\lambda^{1/6}, λ1/18\lambda^{1/18}, etc. Such amplified Hopf branches were previously found by others in a subclass of feed-forward networks with three cells, first under a normal form assumption and later by explicit computations. We explain here how these bifurcations arise generically in a broader class of feed-forward chains of arbitrary length

    Perturbed Yukawa Textures in the Minimal Seesaw Model

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    \noindent We revisit the \textit{minimal seesaw model}, i.e., the type-I seesaw mechanism involving only two right-handed neutrinos. % This model represents an important minimal benchmark scenario for future experimental updates on neutrino oscillations. % It features four real parameters that cannot be fixed by the current data: two CPCP-violating phases, δ\delta and σ\sigma, as well as one complex parameter, zz, that is experimentally inaccessible at low energies. % The parameter zz controls the structure of the neutrino Yukawa matrix at high energies, which is why it may be regarded as a label or index for all UV completions of the minimal seesaw model. % The fact that zz encompasses only two real degrees of freedom allows us to systematically scan the minimal seesaw model over all of its possible UV completions. % In doing so, we address the following question: Suppose δ\delta and σ\sigma should be measured at particular values in the future---to what extent is one then still able to realize approximate textures in the neutrino Yukawa matrix? % Our analysis, thus, generalizes previous studies of the minimal seesaw model based on the assumption of exact texture zeros. % In particular, our study allows us to assess the theoretical uncertainty inherent to the common texture ansatz. % One of our main results is that a normal light-neutrino mass hierarchy is, in fact, still consistent with a two-zero Yukawa texture, provided that the two texture zeros receive corrections at the level of O(10%)\mathcal{O}\left(\textrm{10}\,\%\right). % While our numerical results pertain to the minimal seesaw model only, our general procedure appears to be applicable to other neutrino mass models as well.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; v2: updated references, extended discussion in the introduction and conclusions, new title, results unchanged, content matches version published in JHE