7,401 research outputs found

    CFRAMP's large pelagic fish tagging program

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    CFRAMP\u27s Large Pelagic Fish Tagging Program was established to examine the distribution and movement patterns of Thunnus atlanticus (blackfin tuna), Acanthocybium solandri (wahoo), Coryphaena hippurus (dolphinfish), and Scomberomorus cavalla (king mackerel), large pelagic fish species of commercial importance to several Caribbean countries. The Program explored several means to facilitate fish tag and release activities, involving collaborative partnerships with national fisheries administrations, the recreational fishing sector, and individual commercial fishers. A Iotal of 1,143 fish were tagged and released in the coastal waters of several islands within the Eastern Caribbean: 787 blackfin tuna, 250 wahoo, 89 dolphinfish, and 17 king mackerel. To date, only 13 recaptures have been reported. Eleven (11) blackfin tuna, released in the coastal waters of St Vincent and the Grenadines were recaptured near to, or at original release sites after times at liberty ranging from 5 d to 1,230 d. Similarly, 2 king mackerel, released off the west coast of Trinidad, were recaptured very near original release sites after 74 and 129 d at liberty

    Electroweak Fits and Constraints on the Higgs Mass

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    The current status of the quantities entering into the global electroweak fits is reviewed, highlighting changes since Summer 2003. These data include the precision electroweak properties of the Z and W bosons, the top-quark mass and the value of the electromagnetic coupling constant, at the scale of the Z boson mass. Using these Z and W (high Q^2) data, the value of the Higss mass is extracted, within the context of the Standard Model (SM). The consistency of the data, and the overall agreement with the SM, are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 postscript figure

    CFRAMP\u27s Large Pelagic Fish Tagging Program

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    CFRAMP\u27s Large Pelagic Fish Tagging Program was established to examine the distribution and movement patterns of Thunnus atlanticus (blackfin tuna), Acanthocybium solandri (wahoo), Coryphaena hippurus (dolphinfish), and Scomberomorus cavalla (king mackerel), large pelagic fish species of commercial importance to several Caribbean countries. The Program explored several means to facilitate fish tag and release activities, involving collaborative partnerships with national fisheries administrations, the recreational fishing sector, and individual commercial fishers. A Iotal of 1,143 fish were tagged and released in the coastal waters of several islands within the Eastern Caribbean: 787 blackfin tuna, 250 wahoo, 89 dolphinfish, and 17 king mackerel. To date, only 13 recaptures have been reported. Eleven (11) blackfin tuna, released in the coastal waters of St Vincent and the Grenadines were recaptured near to, or at original release sites after times at liberty ranging from 5 d to 1,230 d. Similarly, 2 king mackerel, released off the west coast of Trinidad, were recaptured very near original release sites after 74 and 129 d at liberty

    A Bayesian Filtering Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Models

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    A Bayesian filtering algorithm is developed for a class of state-space systems that can be modelled via Gaussian mixtures. In general, the exact solution to this filtering problem involves an exponential growth in the number of mixture terms and this is handled here by utilising a Gaussian mixture reduction step after both the time and measurement updates. In addition, a square-root implementation of the unified algorithm is presented and this algorithm is profiled on several simulated systems. This includes the state estimation for two non-linear systems that are strictly outside the class considered in this paper

    Optimising pain management in dental patients

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    Mediterranean horse cultures: Greek, Roman and Arabic equine texts in late medieval and early modern Andalusia.

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    En les histoĢ€ries de la peniĢnsula ibeĢ€rica de lā€™edat mitjana i moderna les difereĢ€ncies entre la cavalleria islaĢ€mica i cristiana sā€™han convertit en una manera dā€™ilĀ·lustrar diferents formes dā€™organitzacioĢ social i significats culturals vinculats amb la relacioĢ entre cavall i genet. EĢs a dir, les praĢ€ctiques de la cavalleria ā€”com a conjunt dā€™estils, teĢ€cniques i funcionsā€” tambeĢ impliquen connotacions regionals, religioses i eĢ€tniques, i en efecte han acabat transformant el significat (la tradicioĢ equĢˆestre) en el significant (un element de distincioĢ de territoris i identitats). Tanmateix, la frontera religiosa de la praĢ€ctica de la cavalleria musulmana ibeĢ€rica es mostra molt subtilment analitzada a la llum de la circulacioĢ recurrent dā€™equins, experts equĢˆestres i textos relacionats amb equins en un context circummediterrani. Replantejar les cultures del cavall ibeĢ€riques dins del marc de connectivitats mediterraĢ€nies meĢs extenses posa en evideĢ€ncia un corpus comuĢ de coneixements sobre el cavall, sovint constret de manera excessiva per denominacions regionals, imperials o etnicoreligioses i destaca els aspectes multifuncionals de cavalls, genets i textos sobre aquests animals. En centrarse en les praĢ€ctiques particulars que constitueixen les tradicions de la cavalleria, en lloc que en les identitats culturals que impliquen les seves etiquetes, el coneixement de les cultures mediterraĢ€nies del cavall pot ajudar els historiadors a entendre meĢs a fons la diplomaĢ€cia i lā€™estrateĢ€gia militar en el context de les fronteres cristianomusulmanes.In histories of medieval and early modern Iberia, distinctions between ā€˜Christianā€™ and ā€˜Muslimā€™ cavalries have become shorthand for differing forms of social organization and cultural meaning embedded in the relationship between horse and rider. In other words, practices with horsesā€”as amalgamations of style, technique, and functionā€”also imply region, religion, and eth- nicity, in effect, transforming the signified (the equestrian tradition) into the signifier (a marker of boundaries and identities). However, the religious boundaries implied by the use of Iberian Muslim horse culture are rapidly undermined by examination of the recurrent circulation of equines, equestrian experts, and equine-related texts in a circum-Mediterranean context. Reframing Iberian horse cultures within broader Mediterranean connectivities illuminates a common body of equine knowledge uneasily contained by regional, imperial, or ethnic-religious denominations, and emphasizes the dynamic multi-functionality of horses, riders, and texts about horses. By focusing on the particular practices constituting cavalry traditions, rather than the cultural identities their labels imply, the notion of Mediterranean horse cultures can better aid historians in deciphering outcomes of diplomacy and military strategy across Christian-Muslim borders.En las historias de la peniĢnsula ibeĢrica medieval y moderna, las distinciones entre la caballeriĢa islaĢmica y cristiana se han convertido en una cifra de diferentes formas de organizacioĢn social y de significados culturales vinculados con la relacioĢn entre caballo y jinete. En otras palabras, las praĢcticas de la caballeriĢa ā€”como conjunto de estilos, teĢcnicas y funcionesā€” tambieĢn implican connotaciones regionales, religiosas y eĢtnicas, y en efecto han acabado trans- formando el significado (la tradicioĢn ecuestre) en el significante (un elemento distintivo de territorios e identidades). Sin embargo, la frontera religiosa de la praĢctica de la caballeriĢa islaĢmica ibeĢrica aparece muy sutil si se considera la circulacioĢn recurrente de equinos, expertos ecuestres y textos relacionados con equinos en un contexto circunmediterraĢneo. Replantear las culturas de los caballos ibeĢricos dentro de conectividades mediterraĢneas maĢs amplias permite apreciar un corpus de conocimientos comunes sobre el caballo, a menudo constrenĢƒido de manera excesiva por denominaciones regionales, imperiales o eĢtnico-religiosas, y enfatiza los aspectos multifuncionales de caballos, jinetes y textos sobre caballos. Al centrarse en las praĢcticas particulares que constituyen las tradiciones de la caballeriĢa, en lugar de en las identidades culturales que implican sus etiquetas, la nocioĢn de las culturas mediterraĢneas del caballo puede ayudar mejor a los historiadores a entender maĢs a fondo la diplomacia y la estrategia militar a traveĢs de las fronteras cristiano-musulmanas
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