996 research outputs found

    Expressing Bayesian Fusion as a Product of Distributions: Application in Robotics

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    More and more fields of applied computer science involve fusion of multiple data sources, such as sensor readings or model decision. However incompleteness of the models prevent the programmer from having an absolute precision over their variables. Therefore bayesian framework can be adequate for such a process as it allows handling of uncertainty.We will be interested in the ability to express any fusion process as a product, for it can lead to reduction of complexity in time and space. We study in this paper various fusion schemes and propose to add a consistency variable to justify the use of a product to compute distribution over the fused variable. We will then show application of this new fusion process to localization of a mobile robot and obstacle avoidance

    Expressing Bayesian Fusion as a Product of Distributions: Application to Randomized Hough Transform

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    Data fusion is a common issue of mobile robotics, computer assisted medical diagnosis or behavioral control of simulated character for instance. However data sources are often noisy, opinion for experts are not known with absolute precision, and motor commands do not act in the same exact manner on the environment. In these cases, classic logic fails to manage efficiently the fusion process. Confronting different knowledge in an uncertain environment can therefore be adequately formalized in the bayesian framework. Besides, bayesian fusion can be expensive in terms of memory usage and processing time. This paper precisely aims at expressing any bayesian fusion process as a product of probability distributions in order to reduce its complexity. We first study both direct and inverse fusion schemes. We show that contrary to direct models, inverse local models need a specific prior in order to allow the fusion to be computed as a product. We therefore propose to add a consistency variable to each local model and we show that these additional variables allow the use of a product of the local distributions in order to compute the global probability distribution over the fused variable. Finally, we take the example of the Randomized Hough Transform. We rewrite it in the bayesian framework, considering that it is a fusion process to extract lines from couples of dots in a picture. As expected, we can find back the expression of the Randomized Hough Transform from the literature with the appropriate assumptions

    Bayesian Programming Multi-Target Tracking: an Automotive Application

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    A prerequisite to the design of future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for cars is a sensing system providing all the information required for high-level driving assistance tasks. In particular, target tracking is still challenging in urban trafc situations, because of the large number of rapidly maneuvering targets. The goal of this paper is to present an original way to perform target position and velocity, based on the occupancy grid framework. The main interest of this method is to avoid the decision problem of classical multi-target tracking algorithms. Obtained occupancy grids are combined with danger estimation to perform an elementary task of obstacle avoidance with an electric car

    Obstacle Avoidance and Proscriptive Bayesian Programming

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    Unexpected events and not modeled properties of the robot environment are some of the challenges presented by situated robotics research field. Collision avoidance is a basic security requirement and this paper proposes a probabilistic approach called Bayesian Programming, which aims to deal with the uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness of the information handled to solve the obstacle avoidance problem. Some examples illustrate the process of embodying the programmer preliminary knowledge into a Bayesian program and experimental results of these examples implementation in an electrical vehicle are described and commented. A video illustration of the developed experiments can be found at http://www.inrialpes.fr/sharp/pub/laplac

    Proscriptive Bayesian Programming Application for Collision Avoidance

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    Evolve safely in an unchanged environment and possibly following an optimal trajectory is one big challenge presented by situated robotics research field. Collision avoidance is a basic security requirement and this paper proposes a solution based on a probabilistic approach called Bayesian Programming. This approach aims to deal with the uncertainty, imprecision and incompleteness of the information handled. Some examples illustrate the process of embodying the programmer preliminary knowledge into a Bayesian program and experimental results of these examples implementation in an electrical vehicle are described and commented. Some videos illustrating these experiments can be found at http://www-laplace.imag.fr

    Pour une dénotation objectivée

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    Analyse du traitement lexicographique de "mâle" et "femelle". Proposition d'un outil de détection de la subjectivité agissante et d'un outil constructif de correction

    Quand la fusion s’impose : la (re)naissance de l’université de Strasbourg

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    Cet article porte sur la fusion des trois universités de Strasbourg et s’intéresse aux acteurs qui l’ont conduite, ainsi qu’aux argumentaires qui l’ont justifiée. Cette fusion et le mouvement généralisé qu’elle a suscité au sein du système d’enseignement supérieur français représentent un changement institutionnel visant à mettre les universités françaises en conformité avec des normes organisationnelles présentées comme des normes mondiales. Il s’agit de comprendre par quels processus concrets cette évolution s’est produite et quel a été le rôle des entrepreneurs institutionnels qui l’ont portée. Cet article s’inscrit donc dans la lignée des travaux qui étudient les phénomènes de changement et renouvellent l’analyse néo-institutionnaliste des organisations, en réintroduisant notamment les notions d’agency, d’intérêts et de rapports de pouvoir.The article analyzes the merging of three Strasbourg universities, focusing in particular on the actors who promoted it and the arguments used to justify it. The merger and the larger movement it generated in the French higher education system amount to an institutional change aimed at making French universities conform to what are presented as international organizational standards. The point is to understand the concrete processes that gave rise to this change and the role played by the institutional entrepreneurs who wanted it to happen and made it happen. The article therefore contributes to institutional change studies and works to renew neo-institutional analysis of organizations, namely by reintroducing the notions of agency, interest and power relationships

    Improving Knot Prediction in Wood Logs with Longitudinal Feature Propagation

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    The quality of a wood log in the wood industry depends heavily on the presence of both outer and inner defects, including inner knots that are a result of the growth of tree branches. Today, locating the inner knots require the use of expensive equipment such as X-ray scanners. In this paper, we address the task of predicting the location of inner defects from the outer shape of the logs. The dataset is built by extracting both the contours and the knots with X-ray measurements. We propose to solve this binary segmentation task by leveraging convolutional recurrent neural networks. Once the neural network is trained, inference can be performed from the outer shape measured with cheap devices such as laser profilers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on fir and spruce tree species and perform ablation on the recurrence to demonstrate its importance
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