5,961 research outputs found

    "Triples" for information research skills : a multi-disciplinary approach

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    This paper outlines a new approach to teaching reference/research skills. It was developed for PhD students but has been used successfully for teaching reference and search skills to students on a Masters in Library and Information Studies. It uses example search subjects in groups of three (“triples”), coming from the domains of arts/social sciences, the sciences and engineering, intended to inculcate multi-domain search skills to support cross-domain research . It is supported by a four-stage structured search strategy, summarised on a web page, which begins with quick reference and progresses through general Internet academic and other sources, then general academic databases and finally specialised academic databases/sources

    Monte Carlo Simulation in Environmental Risk Assessment--Science, Policy and Legal Issues

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    Dr. Poulter notes that agencies should anticipate judicial requirements for justification of Monte Carlo simulations and, meanwhile, should consider, e.g., whether their use will make risk assessment policy choices more opaque or apparent

    Beyond ECDL: basic and advanced IT skills for the new library professional

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    This paper reports on a new multimedia-centred ICT module, called Fundamentals of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) for Postgraduate Information and Library Studies students at the Graduate School of Informatics at Strathclyde University. It had radical aims (introducing novel ICT skill content in a progressive manner, encouraging deep learning and self-directed study) and used a weekly survey and a post-module survey to investigate its operation. Skills learnt were compared to skills required during student placement in libraries. Conclusions are drawn as to its success in matching the needs of future library professionals

    Justify or die? - using contingent valuation of service provision in a UK public library

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    The public library service in the UK is currently under pressure to justify its existence. An Audit Commission report suggested that if current borrowing rates for libraries continue into the future, libraries would be effectively issuing no books by 2020. Recently the Coates Report asserted about book loans that, "in simple terms, if a service is without separate charge and the public decides not to use it, then the service is de facto without any value to these individuals". Yet Coates' simplistic notions of the services public libraries provide lies at the heart of the problem. Performance indicators based on book loans are unable to assess 'the totality of library effectiveness'. Conversely, qualitative analysis, interviewing users about service impact, shows that libraries 'promote social cohesion and community confidence'. However qualitative findings are by nature not quantitative and not comparable. To try to produce a measure for service quality, contingent valuation was chosen. It elicits economic value judgements from users on both services they use and services they do not use. A major independent study using contingent valuation was conducted by the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde on East Renfrewshire Library Services, near Glasgow, which is recognised as an exemplary public library service. The study revealed the inability of contingent valuation to adequately assess the complex mix of services provided. The study concludes that an urgent rethink is required regarding measures for public library service evaluation

    The distance selling directive: consumer champion or complete irrelevance?

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    This paper investigates the origins, significant content, UK and EU implementation and outcomes of Directive 97/7/EC on distance selling, hereafter referred to as the Distance Selling Directive (DSD). The DSD has been implemented in national legislation by all EU Member States. In the UK this legislation was the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000 No. 2334), hereafter referred to as the CPDSR

    Evaluation of SCRAN subscription to Scottish public libraries

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    This report commissioned by the Scottish Library and Information Council evaluates the year-long Scottish Executive-funded project to give all public libraries in Scotland access to the SCRAN service. The implementation of the project was supported by a Project Steering Group with both SLIC and SCRAN representation, and a wider steering group with membership from Heads of Service, Scottish Executive, and SCRAN and chaired by Elaine Fulton of SLIC

    Question: where would you go to escape detection if you wanted to do something illegal on the Internet? Hint: shush!

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    The background to this paper is the introduction of public access IT facilities in public libraries. These facilities have seen recorded instances of misuse alongside weaknesses in checking identities of users and in explaining Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) to users. The FRILLS (Forensic Readiness of Local Libraries in Scotland) project, funded by the Scottish Library and Information Council, attempted to survey the situation in Scottish public libraries and develop a forensic readiness logging regime for use in them. There is in depth discussion of the use of logging in public library computer facilitie

    Reduced sensitivity to visual looming inflates the risk posed by speeding vehicles when children try to cross the road

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    Almost all locomotor animals respond to visual looming or to discrete changes in optical size. The need to detect and process looming remains critically important for humans in everyday life. Road traffic statistics confirm that children up to 15 years old are overrepresented in pedestrian casualties. We demonstrate that, for a given pedestrian crossing time, vehicles traveling faster loom less than slower vehicles, which creates a dangerous illusion in which faster vehicles may be perceived as not approaching. Our results from perceptual tests of looming thresholds show strong developmental trends in sensitivity, such that children may not be able to detect vehicles approaching at speeds in excess of 20 mph. This creates a risk of injudicious road crossing in urban settings when traffic speeds are higher than 20 mph. The risk is exacerbated because vehicles moving faster than this speed are more likely to result in pedestrian fatalities