909 research outputs found

    Consistent and transferrable coarse-grained model for semidilute polymer solutions in good solvent

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    We present a coarse-grained model for linear polymers with a tunable number of effective atoms (blobs) per chain interacting by intra- and inter-molecular potentials obtained at zero density. We show how this model is able to accurately reproduce the universal properties of the underlying solution of athermal linear chains at various levels of coarse-graining and in a range of chain densities which can be widened by increasing the spatial resolution of the multiblob representation, i.e., the number of blobs per chain. The present model is unique in its ability to quantitatively predict thermodynamic and large scale structural properties of polymer solutions deep in the semidilute regime with a very limited computational effort, overcoming most of the problems related to the simulations of semidilute polymer solutions in good solvent conditions.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Trial wave functions for High-Pressure Metallic Hydrogen

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    Many body trial wave functions are the key ingredient for accurate Quantum Monte Carlo estimates of total electronic energies in many electron systems. In the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo method, the accuracy of the trial function must be conjugated with the efficiency of its evaluation. We report recent progress in trial wave functions for metallic hydrogen implemented in the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo method. We describe and characterize several types of trial functions of increasing complexity in the range of the coupling parameter 1.0rs1.551.0 \leq r_s \leq1.55. We report wave function comparisons for disordered protonic configurations and preliminary results for thermal averages.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    Depletion effects in colloid-polymer solutions

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    The surface tension, the adsorption, and the depletion thickness of polymers close to a single nonadsorbing colloidal sphere are computed by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We consider polymers under good-solvent conditions and in the thermal crossover region between good-solvent and θ\theta behavior. In the dilute regime we consider a wide range of values of qq, from q=0q = 0 (planar surface) up to q30q\approx 30-50, while in the semidilute regime, for ρp/ρp4\rho_p/\rho_p^*\le 4 (ρp\rho_p is the polymer concentration and ρp\rho_p^* is its value at overlap), we only consider q=0,0.5,1q = 0,0.5,1 and 2. The results are compared with the available theoretical predictions, verifying the existing scaling arguments. Field-theoretical results, both in the dilute and in the semidilute regime, are in good agreement with the numerical estimates for polymers under good-solvent conditions.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Excluded volume effects on the structure of a linear polymer under shear flow

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    The effect of excluded volume interactions on the structure of a polymer in shear flow is investigated by Brownian Dynamics simulations for chains with size 30N30030\leq N\leq 300. The main results concern the structure factor S(q)S({\bf q}) of chains of N=300 Kuhn segments, observed at a reduced shear rate β=γ˙τ=3.2\beta=\dot{\gamma}\tau=3.2, where γ˙\dot{\gamma} is the bare shear rate and τ\tau is the longest relaxation time of the chain. At low q, where anisotropic global deformation is probed, the chain form factor is shown to match the form factor of the continuous Rouse model under shear at the same reduced shear rate, computed here for the first time in a wide range of wave vectors. At high q, the chain structure factor evolves towards the isotropic equilibrium power law q1/νq^{-1/\nu} typical of self-avoiding walk statistics. The matching between excluded volume and ideal chains at small q, and the excluded volume power law behavior at large q are observed for q{\bf q} orthogonal to the main elongation axis but not yet for q{\bf q} along the elongation direction itself, as a result of interferences with finite extensibility effects. Our simulations support the existence of anisotropic shear blobs for polymers in good solvent under shear flow for β>1\beta>1 provided chains are sufficiently long.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Bulk viscosity of the Lennard-Jones system at the triple point by dynamical Non Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics

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    Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) calculations of the bulk viscosity of the triple point Lennard-Jones fluid are performed with the aim of investigating the origin of the observed disagreement between Green-Kubo estimates and previous NEMD data. We show that a careful application of the Doll's perturbation field, the dynamical NEMD method, the instantaneous form of the perturbation and the "subtraction technique" provides a NEMD estimate of the bulk viscosity at zero field in full agreement with the value obtained by the Green-Kubo formula. As previously reported for the shear viscosity, we find that the bulk viscosity exhibits a large linear regime with the field intensity which confirms the Lennard-Jones fluid as a genuine Newtonian fluid even at triple point.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Coarse-graining polymer solutions: a critical appraisal of single- and multi-site models

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    We critically discuss and review the general ideas behind single- and multi-site coarse-grained (CG) models as applied to macromolecular solutions in the dilute and semi-dilute regime. We first consider single-site models with zero-density and density-dependent pair potentials. We highlight advantages and limitations of each option in reproducing the thermodynamic behavior and the large-scale structure of the underlying reference model. As a case study we consider solutions of linear homopolymers in a solvent of variable quality. Secondly, we extend the discussion to multi-component systems presenting, as a test case, results for mixtures of colloids and polymers. Specifically, we found the CG model with zero-density potentials to be unable to predict fluid-fluid demixing in a reasonable range of densities for mixtures of colloids and polymers of equal size. For larger colloids, the polymer volume fractions at which phase separation occurs are largely overestimated. CG models with density-dependent potentials are somewhat less accurate than models with zero-density potentials in reproducing the thermodynamics of the system and, although they presents a phase separation, they significantly underestimate the polymer volume fractions along the binodal. Finally, we discuss a general multi-site strategy, which is thermodynamically consistent and fully transferable with the number of sites, and that allows us to overcome most of the limitations discussed for single-site models.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Integral-equation analysis of single-site coarse-grained models for polymer-colloid mixtures

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    We discuss the reliability of integral-equation methods based on several commonly used closure relations in determining the phase diagram of coarse-grained models of soft-matter systems characterized by mutually interacting soft and hard-core particles. Specifically, we consider a set of potentials appropriate to describe a system of hard-sphere colloids and linear homopolymers in good solvent, and investigate the behavior when the soft particles are smaller than the colloids, which is the regime of validity of the coarse-grained models. Using computer-simulation results as a benchmark, we find that the hypernetted-chain approximation provides accurate estimates of thermodynamics and structure in the colloid-gas phase in which the density of colloids is small. On the other hand, all closures considered appear to be unable to describe the behavior of the mixture in the colloid-liquid phase, as they cease to converge at polymer densities significantly smaller than those at the binodal. As a consequence, integral equations appear to be unable to predict a quantitatively correct phase diagram.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 3 table