636 research outputs found

    Uloga sektora MSPP u strukturnim promenama poljoprivrede Republike Srbije

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    Sektor malih i srednjih preduzeća i preduzetnika predstavlja važan faktor rasta i razvoja privreda u tranziciji, kako zbog karakteristika poslovanja tako i zbog prednosti koje poseduju u odnosu na velike privredne subjekte. Usmeravanje ekonomske politike u pravcu pružanja institucionalne podrške razvoju ovog sektora privrede može imati višestruke pozitivne efekte na privredni rast ali i na poboljšanje životnog standarda. Imajući u vidu da sektor malih i srednjih preduzeća (MSP) apsorbuje veći deo radnika koji postaju nezaposleni usled tranzicionih promena i restrukturiranja velikih privrednih subjekata, njihova uloga u privrednom razvoju je vrlo značajna. Ne samo zbog smanjenja stope nezaposlenosti, već i usled poboljšanja socio-ekonomskog stanja društva. Cilj rada je definisanje karakteristika sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća tokom strukturnih promena u poljoprivredi, koja je jedan od pokretača privrednog razvoja Srbije. U radu se sprovodi analiza trenutnog stanja sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća i preduzetnika u poljoprivredi uz ispitivanje indikatori koji upućuju na njihovu razvijenost. Indikatori koji su uzeti u razmatranje razvijenosti sektora MSPP se odnose na period od 2010. do 2013. godine. Obzirom da se poljoprivreda tokom strukturnih promena sve više usmerava ka proizvodnji visoko-kvalitetnih i ekoloških proizvoda, sektor MSPP može da odgovori savremenim zahtevima tržišta usled sposobnosti apsorpcije nastalih strukturnih promena

    Subotica municipality as a learning region

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    Some differences in territorial organization between Serbian and EU countries are obvious. The level of centralization and tradition in systems for implementation of ideas are differently back- grounded. However, these are the most important facts for the opportunity to realize Learning Region as a concept of the European future. There is no part of space that should be considered as unchangeable and the way to a better position and Learning Region concept implementation of each region in Serbia in practice should lead towards few necessary steps and further. The starting point is awareness of the facts on the creation of Subotica region as it is at present. The healthy future of each region is provided by looking back in the past and learning from the history. The other important thing is bench marking- learning on the positive and successful experiences of other regions, and finally, making its own concept of Learning Region adapted to local surrounding and true need of local people. Some experiences, suggestions and comparisons will be made in this case study, in relation to one of the Serbian municipalities nearest t to EU neighboring countries in a territorial way

    Sustainable Development Perspectives for Serbian Mountain Areas: Lessons from the European Context

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    Starting from the hypothesis European countries have more experience in addressing problems in their mountain areas, the research was designed as a cross-country study mixed with a casestudy approach. Major European mountain massifs were embraced within the first phase of the research (exploratory-descriptive), indicating how similar problems in Serbian [SMA] and other European mountain areas [EMA] are and how their countries address them. The next task was to present how sustainable development of SMA alone can be enhanced, which was done in the explanatory phase. Multiple source analysis, also known as the triangulation method, enabled evidence cross-checking. In the case of SMA, data was collected from both available sources and interviews conducted in three rounds with experts, authorities and the local population (in four municipalities), while data for other EMA was obtained solely from written sources. Both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The research led to identification of five categories of problems: environmental, demographic, infrastructure, economic and management. In this regard, SMA have been shown to be similar to other EMA in terms of environmental and demographic issues, while differing from them in matters of the economy, physical accessibility, infrastructure endowment and management. The Balkan Mountain Massif and the Carpathians showed the greatest similarity to SMA. In contrast, the Alps showed a considerably lower extent of problems because of the length of time already spent on finding solutions for them. The identified problem categories in mountain areas Serbia has been dealt for the shortest period of time, including defining and promotion of principles, instruments and measures. The issues stressed are: Serbia lacks decision-making power below the national level, explicit measures for mountain area problems and their implementation. The greatest gap between EMA and SMA appeared to be in the sphere of management, where Serbia has done the least. The last part of the research argues and suggests the prospects for the sustainable development of SMA, split into three main fields of action - management, infrastructure and the economy, and additionally a couple of actions valuable for all the fields simultaneously – urban-rural dependences and activation of the civil sector and volunteers. Within the management field, active local population participation, responsible realisation of the full cycle of decision making - from research to evaluation – and the special status for SMA are highlighted as inevitable in the enhancement process. In the field of the economy, the suggestions made are economic diversification and the improvement of products and job attractiveness, which are expected to positively affect the dissemination of knowledge, product marketing and accessibility to the market. Finally, the sustainable development perspectives aligned in the field of accessibility and infrastructure are the endowment of roads, modernisation of education and ICT endowment.Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass europäische Länder bereits vielfältige Erfahrungen mit der Bewältigung von Problemen in ihren Berggebieten haben, ist die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit als länderübergreifende Fallstudie angelegt worden. In einem ersten, exploratorischdeskriptiven Teil der Forschungsarbeit werden die größten europäischen Gebirgsmassive vorgestellt. Es wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich Probleme in serbischen [SBG] und anderen europäischen Berggebieten [EBG] ähneln und auf welche Art und Weise sich die einzelnen Länder mit ihren Berggebieten auseinandersetzen. Dies geschieht in der Absicht, Wege aufzuzeigen, wie eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Berggebiete in Serbien angegangen werden könnte. Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen sind zu diesem Zweck ausgewertet worden, wodurch auch die Prüfung der Daten, d.h. ihre Triangulation möglich war. Im Falle der SBG wurden Daten aus zwei verfügbaren Quellen herangezogen. Außerdem sind Interviews mit Fachexperten, Behörden und den Bewohnern in vier Gemeinden geführt worden. Zu den EBG sind verfügbare Daten aus der Literatur genutzt worden. Sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Daten sind in die Analyse einbezogen worden. Fünf Kategorien von Problemen konnten auf diese Weise herausgearbeitet werden: ökologische, demographische, infrastrukturelle, wirtschaftliche und administrative Probleme. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SBG und die EBG vor allem in Bezug auf die Umwelt und die Demographie Ähnlichkeiten besitzen. Unterschiede zeigten sich vor allem in Bezug auf Fragen der Wirtschaft, der physischen Zugänglichkeit, der infrastrukturellen Ausstattung und der Verwaltung. Das Gebirgsmassiv im Balkan und den Karpaten besitzt die größte Ähnlichkeit mit den SBG. Im Gegensatz dazu, zeigten die Alpen wesentlich geringere Probleme, da diese seit einem längeren Zeitraum angegangen werden. Im darauffolgenden, analytischen Teil der Arbeit werden zu jeder der identifizierten Problemkategorien in Serbien kurzfristig umsetzbare Entwicklungsprinzipien, Instrumente und Maßnahme vorgeschlagen. Herausgestellt werden folgende Aspekte: Serbien braucht mehr Entscheidungsbefugnis unterhalb der nationalen Ebene, es braucht besondere Instrumente zur Bewältigung der Probleme seiner Berggebiete sowie eigene Ansätze zu deren Umsetzung. Der größten Differenzen zwischen EBG und SBG werden im Bereich der Verwaltung gesehen, da Serbien hier bisher die wenigsten Anstrengungen unternommen hat. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit werden Perspektiven für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der SBG aufgezeigt, aufgeteilt in drei mögliche Haupthandlungsfelder– Verwaltung, Infrastruktur und Wirtschaft. Außerdem werden Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen, die alle Problemfelder übergreifen. Dazu gehören die Bezugnahme von Stadt und Land sowie die Aktivierung zivilen und ehrenamtlichen Engagements innerhalb der SBG. Für den Bereich der Verwaltung werden die aktive Einbeziehung der lokalen Bevölkerung, die verantwortungsvolle Umsetzung planerischer Entscheidungsprozesse – von der Forschung bis hin zur Evaluierung – sowie die Einrichtung eines besonderen Status für die SBG als notwendig für deren nachhaltige Entwicklung erachtet. Für den Bereich der Wirtschaft werden Diversifikation, die qualitative Verbesserung von Erzeugnissen sowie die Steigerung des Angebotes attraktiver Arbeitsplätze als Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten vorgeschlagen, da diese voraussichtlich positiv auf die Verbreitung von Wissen, Produktmarketing und die Zugänglichkeit zu den Märkten wirken. Darüber hinaus werden für nachhaltige Entwicklungsperspektiven der SBG in Bezug auf die Erreichbarkeit und die Infrastruktur die Einrichtung von Straßen, die Modernisierung von Bildungseinrichtungen und die Einrichtung von Informations- und Kommunikationswegen angeregt

    Teacher Reflection on their Agency for Change (TRAC) - A tool for school-based social network learning

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    This short paper introduces an on-line log for Teachers’ Reflection on their Agency for Change (TRAC) designed to collect data and provide automatic visual feedback on teachers’ social networks. The TRAC tool was developed within a research project 'Making SENse of Teacher Agency for Change with Social and Epistemic Network Analysis'. The project aimed to understand how teachers exercise a form of relational agency defined as a capacity to work purposefully with others within and beyond schools, to support all learners, especially those at risk of exclusion, underachievement or other forms of marginalisation. Teachers’ reaching out to others and mobilising their social networks is an essential part of such agency. The study used Social and Epistemic Network Analysis to examine simultaneously the structural properties of teachers' social networks and the nature of content that flows through them. It also provided network visualisations and feedback to facilitate teachers’ professional reflection on how they use their relational agency to build inclusive school communities. The aim was to support teachers’ professional development by raising awareness about their individual and school network properties and nature of interactions within these networks. Part of the project was the development of the TRAC software that enabled teachers who engaged with a web-based reflective log to receive automatic feedback on their individual networks, as well as on thematic school networks, which were presented by the researchers in school development sessions. Network awareness – one’s knowledge of the resources embedded in their social ties – empowers teachers to improve the social environments of their schools. Provided alongside with the summary of research-based features of social network properties (degrees, diversity and intensity of ties), network feedback was used to facilitate professional and school development towards building inclusive communities. During the project, the TRAC tool was tested in partnerships with teachers and other staff in two schools in Stockholm. The project also had a knowledge exchange component to support relational and collaborative learning resulting from engagement with the network feedback. Network feedback based on the data from these sites was used to make adjustments to the prototype feedback tool. This short paper discusses the implications for future uses with a view towards rolling out research-informed professional reflection to larger numbers of schools and teachers anywhere, through dissemination in network learning community

    Aims and methods of education: A recapitulation

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    This paper gives an overview of principal distinction between the aims of the so-called "traditional" and "progressive" education and respective pedagogies associated with each. The term "traditional" education is used to denote the kind of education that prepares people for their role in society as it is, while the term "progressive" is used for education that aspires to equip mankind with capacity to shape the change of society. The paper raises some critical questions about the role of pedagogy in achieving the aims of the progressive model, arguing that the employment of "progressive" methods does not necessarily guarantee the achievement of the commonly professed purposes of progressive education. This is illustrated in the paper by the results of a study in English schools showing how despite the claim of progressive methods, teachers tend to retain traditional attitudes and on the other hand, how even traditional teaching methods can serve the progressive purpose. This is not to advocate for the traditional pedagogy, but to suggest that it might be something other than pedagogy that makes a critical difference in educating liberal-minded citizens of the future. In this sense the paper explores the role of other factors that make a difference towards progressive education, such as democratization of human relations in school ethos and respect for children's freedom

    Uticaj deindustrijalizacije na savremeni regionalni, ekonomski i socijalni razvoj

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    Industrija je dugi niz godina u ekonomskom razvoju Republike Srbije zauzimala važnu ulogu. Kreirala je zna čajan deo bruto domaćeg proizvoda, zapošljavala veliki broj ljudi, ostvarivala impozan tan doprinos izvozu i sveukupnom ekonomskom i socijalnom razvoju zemlje. Međutim, neadekvatna ekonomska i društvena politika 90ih̒godina 20. vek a, pogrešni prioriteti i sankcije koje su pogodile privredu naše zemlje uticale su na pogoršanje makroekonomske stabilnosti i usporavanje privrednog rasta i razvoja. Kao i druge zemlje u razvoju i privredu Srbije pogodio je proces deindustrijalizacije - zakonsko smanjenje učeš ća industrije u BDP i ukupnoj zaposlenosti. Iako se njen udeo smanjuje, to ne potcenjuje značaj industrije za privredni napredak. Naučno-tehnološka dostignu ća omogućile su primenu novih metoda i standarda u industrijskoj proizvodnji, što povećava njenu produktivnost i utiče na smanjenje cene industrijskih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže kako je pokretanjem in dustrijskog sektora Šumadijske oblasti, osobito u gradu Kragujevac, došlo do pobol jšanja kvaliteta životnog standarda, ekonomskih performansi, unapređenju i zadovoljavanju socijalnih i društvenih potreba stanovnika ali i smanjenju regio nalne nejednakosti

    Harmonization of national strategic documents with the documents of EU – licenses and permits for SMEs

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    Administrative procedures significantly burden small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs (SMEs). Their simplification is recognized as one of the main goals of the strategic documents of the European Union in this field. Establishment and registration, licensing and business permits and inadequate government support are factors that, not only in Serbia, significantly slowing down the growth and development of the SMEs sector. Considering that this category of companies are drivers of economic growth and development, reducing the cost of establishing and time savings due to more efficient licensing and business permits, are the priorities of EU policy in th field of SMEs sector. The aim of the paper is to determine the degree of harmonization of strategic documents adopted in the EU with national strategic documents in SMEs sector. The case of research in a widersense, includes relevant strategic documents from the above mentioned areas with emphasis on The May 2011 commitment which provides regulatory reform in the area of licensing and business permits SMEs. In a narrow sense, the case study examined the effects of the implementation of The May 2011 commitment in the field of hospitality services (hotels and restaurants), plumbing companies, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing of steel products and small IT devices. For realization of goal of this research, data were collected using the survey through interviews with representatives of relevant institutions in Serbia and questionnaires which were distributed to small and medium-sized enterprises selected by the simple random sample

    Analysis of the development of small and medium enterprises in the agro-food system of Serbia

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    The importance of agriculture to the national economy and economic stability of Serbia is great considering the fact that it makes a substantial part of the Gross domestic product. At the same time, the abundance of natural resources in Serbia, favorable geographic and climatic conditions and skilled labor force are resources which can make the local agriculture more competitive in the global market. The sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) stands out as an important factor in the economic growth and development of the countries in transition. Due to its numerous advantages over the large enterprises, such enterprises can accelerate the process of transition, increase the investment rate and reduce unemployment rate which is usually very high in the developing countries. Economic development of our country is based to a certain extent on the development of the SME sector which has a particularly important role in the agribusiness sector. This paper aims to provide an analysis of the SME sector in Serbia with the special focus on the agro-food system and its characteristics in the agriculture and food industry. Strengthening this sector will mean better business conditions in the Serbian economy, and the measures taken within economic and agricultural policies should be aimed at fostering innovation and competitiveness of small and medium enterprises