6,282 research outputs found

    Engaging Students in Learning Style Based Activities

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    Our world is changing every day and the educational classroom is not an exception: the way in which students learn has changed. In previous studies, researchers found that incorporating students’ learning styles into the classroom, through the use of a learning styles inventory has improved student engagement as well as assessment scores (Guven & Ozbeck, 2007; Faulk & Faulk, 2013). This study aims to identify how incorporating students’ learning styles can improve student motivation, confidence, and engagement in the classroom. This study was conducted in a rural high school with a class of twenty-five students. The students engaged in activities that were matched with their learning style, as well as activities that did not match their learning style in order to measure if their participating in activities geared towards their learning style improved their score on a formative assessment. The data includes student work samples, field notes, and lesson plans. Keeping up with the diverse students’ needs, this study documents the benefits of incorporating learning styles in teaching

    Risk, Government and Globalization: International Survey Evidence

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    This paper uses international survey data to document two stylized facts. First, risk aversion is associated with anti-trade attitudes. Second, this effect is smaller in countries with greater levels of government expenditure. The paper thus provides evidence for the microeconomic underpinnings of the argument associated with Ruggie (1982), Rodrik (1998) and others that government spending can bolster support for globalization by reducing the risk associated with it in the minds of voters.Trade attitudes, risk

    Lovers in Arms: Empedoclean Love and Strife in Lucretius and the Elegists

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    This article argues that Lucretius’ ‘tableau’ of Mars and Venus at the opening of the De rerum natura (DRN 1.29-43) imparts to elegy’s fixation with love and war a quasi-Empedoclean outlook on the creative and destructive forces that regulate the world and human life. In the context of an age that claimed to have begotten peace through war (cf., e.g., Augustus, Res Gestae 13), the elegiac opposition of love and war is a political theme with urgent philosophical ramifications. The implications of Lucretius-reception in Virgil (Aeneid 8) suggest parallel avenues for exploration in three elegiac case-studies: Tibullus 1.1 and 1.10; Propertius 3.4 and 3.5; Ovid, Ars Amatoria 3.771-788. These examples suggest that elegy’s manifold juxtapositions of Mars and Venus, peace and war, and even militia amoris may be more frequently informed by Empedocleo-Lucretian implications than we are accustomed to think

    Developing and Implementing Civic Engagement Programmes in Dublin 15

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    Moss (1994) compares Applied Portfolios to job applications where the candidate has to convince a committee of the strengths on offer; In the Applied Portfolio the student has to convince the teacher of what has been learned and how effectively. The period February and March of 2013 were not unlike a job interview, the basic structure was known (for the Applied Portfolio) and there was a sense that anything could happen next. Similar to a job interview the Portfolio process requires you demonstrate examples of your learning in an applied setting, a key difference being you get to propose an assessment criteria. Biggs and Tang (1998) assert common approaches to assessment stem from an objectivist theory of knowledge. The objectivist concept accords a dominant role to the measurement model of assessment (Taylor, 1994). Student assessment by applied portfolio according to Biggs and Tang (1998) enables students to apply and benefit from a constructive learning approach. Bay (2011) states learners using the constructive approach move away from memorization-based learning assessment to a more proactive approach where the emphasis is placed more on the learners’ assessment than the teachers

    Bullying in the Elementary and Middle School Levels

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    Bullying can be defined as deliberately hurting someone emotionally or physically. Although bullying is a serious issue, at times, it is instigated by overprotective parents or the lack of resiliency in students. This research study, using pre-tests, a PowerPoint presentation and a book on bullying, and post-tests, was conducted in order to determine whether or not a presentation on bullying could educate students about bullying and assist in preventing it in the future. Findings indicate that an educational presentation on bullying did educate elementary school students on bullying (p\u3c.05) but did not educate middle school students (p\u3e.05). Findings also indicate that a presentation on bullying does not prevent bullying in the future (p\u3e.05)

    A Systems Approach to Increasing LMU Undergraduate Gym Attendance

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    Due to lack of motivation, education, and free time, the Burns Recreation Center sees only 20% of LMU undergraduate students daily during academic terms. It’s no secret that gym attendance is beneficial for your health. Getting enough physical activity is important for quality of life. The problem we’re seeing is not enough gym attendance by LMU undergraduate students. The school gym sees only 20% of undergraduate students daily and 40% of undergraduate students never visit the school gym! The proposed solution to address this problem is a community specific mobile app that is designed to motivate, educate, and inspire students to visit the gym

    What Social-emotional Learning Looks Like In The High School Special Education Setting, And How It Benefits Students With Emotional Or Behavioral Disorders

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    The research question that this capstone project addressed was, What does social-emotional learning look like in the high school special education setting, and how does it benefit students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders? The research conducted encompassed social-emotional learning theory, special education - the category of emotional or behavioral disorders, and adolescent development. After a number of recent studies done on adolescent students who received social-emotional skill building were read and documented, it was determined that social-emotional learning instruction is beneficial for high school students receiving special education services under the category of emotional or behavioral disorders. Following the research, a social-emotional learning curriculum unit was developed that can be used in direct service classrooms for students receiving services in the category of emotional or behavioral disorders

    Livonian social networks and language shift

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    This article presents a study of Livonian social networks in the beginning of the 20th century during a time of language shift. In this study, I examine whether the Livonian communities were experiencing a language shift irrespective of the population displacements during the two World Wars, which has often been given as the main reason for the Livonian language shift to Latvian. I apply the Network Strength Scale to examine if social network centrality played a role in the language shift. The study focuses on the Livonian villages of Vaid and Sīkrõg and social factors relevant to the mapping of the social network are taken from Edgar Vaalgamaa’s survey in 1935–1937. The results indicate that generational differences played a more important role than centrality in the social network in determining Latvian influence.Kokkuvõte. Patrick O’Rourke: Liivi keele sotsiaalsed võrgustikud ja keele vahetus. Artikkel tutvustab uurimust Kuramaa liivlaste sotsiaalsetest võrgustikest 20. sajandi esimesel poolel, kui keelevahetus liivi keelelt läti keelele oli juba alanud. Autor vaatleb, kuivõrd liivi kogukondades sõltus keelevahetus kahe maailmasõja aegsest elanikkonna deporteerimisest, mida on tavaliselt peetud keelevahetuse põhjuseks. Rakendatakse suhtlusvõrgustike tugevuse analüüsi, et selgitada, kas isiku keskne asend sotsiaalses võrgustikus oli keelevahetuse jaoks oluline. Uurimus keskendub liivi küladele Vaid ja Sīkrõg. Sotsiaalsete võrgustike kaardistamiseks on valitud olulised tegurid Edgar Vaalgamaa poolt aastatel 1935–1937 läbi viidud küsitluse põhjal. Tulemused näitavad, et läti keele mõju ulatus sõltub rohkem põlvkondlikest erinevustest kui isiku asendist sotsiaalses võrgustikus. Artikkel põhineb autori magistritööl, mis on kaitstud 2016. aastal Yorki Ülikoolis.Märksõnad: ajalooline lingvistika, sotsiolingvistika, sotsiaalsed võrgustikud, keelevahetus, liivi keelKubbõvõttõks. Patrick O’Rourke: Līvõ kīel sotsiālizt võrgõd ja kīel vaidimi. Kēra tuņšlõb Kurāmō līvõd sotsiāliži võrgidi 20. āigastsadā ežmizõs pūolsõ, ku vȯļ irgõn līvõ kīel vaidimi lețkīelkõks. Kēratiji vaņțlõb, kui ulzõ ajjimi kōd mōilmasuodā āigal mȯjīz kīel vaidimiz līvõd kubgõņis. Sīe pierāst um kõlbātõd rovst võrgõd viššit analīz. Analīz abkõks um seļțõd, või se, ku rištīngõn um vȯnd sidāmi kūož sotsiālizt võrgõd sizāl, um vȯnd ka tǟdzi kīel vaidimiz āigal. Tuņšlimizõs amā jemīņ ātõ vaņțõltõd līvõd kilād Vaid ja Sīkrõg. Sotsiālizt võrgõd tǟtimiz pierāst um kȭlbatõd Edgar Vālgamō 1935.–1937. āigast tīedõd rovkizzimi. Tuņšlimi nägțõb, ku lețkīel mȯjjimi jemīņ um sidtõd sugkazāmõks, äbku rištīng kūožõks sotsiālizt võrgõd sizāl. Kēra alīzõks um kēratijiz magistõrtīe, mis um kaitstõd 2016. āigasts York Iļīzskūols